Fatal Shot

Chapter 960: Battle in the desert

The endless desert, the rolling sand dunes under the sun, stretches far into the distance.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the blazing sun grilled the air above the desert for a day, making the temperature more than forty-five degrees.

This temperature, for example, is undoubtedly uncomfortable for most desert creatures, so many of them are drilled into the sand in the shadows on the back of the dunes.


A 25-level desert tiger lizard, drilled out of the dark hollow hole beneath a dead tree that died due to dryness.

As a small desert creature that is only of ordinary grade, theoretically it does not conform to the general level 50 of this area, it must find out some foods when most of the surrounding creatures are sleeping.

Fortunately, it is easier to find food.

Since the emergence of a "two-legged beast" in this area, it has often encountered the bodies of large creatures after death.


The desert tiger lizard, which had been drilled on the ground, turned a pair of round yellow eyes and tried to find traces of food.

But its head has just been lifted from the sand dunes, and the next moment, the pupil is slammed into a vertical seam.

Because on the opposite side of the sand dune where it is located, the top of a very tall sand dune suddenly rushed out of a strange creature with two "round feet" and "screaming".

This creature, under the projection of the sun, jumped directly over half a dune in an angle that vacated.

It drove a pile of dust and fell to the bottom of the sand dunes on its side.


This surprised the heart of the desert tiger lizard.

I hurriedly opened my mouth, revealing that my mouth looked snowy, but in fact only a few millimeters in length except the insects can not bite other things.

At the same time, all of the body's scales were firmed, making it look a lot bigger, and it sounded like a warning from the throat that resembled the most poisonous "devil python" in the desert.

As the bottom of the desert food chain, it has already explored a set of ways to survive.

The enemy that rushes toward it will be stunned by its action and sound, and will stop vigilantly.

And it immediately seized the opportunity and immediately turned and fled.


But this time, it has failed many times to escape, but it has failed!

Opposite, the creature with two round "legs" didn't stop at the same time as the enemies it had encountered before.

And continue to make a "squeaky" call, picking up a lot of dust with two round feet, rushing over it at an ultra-fast speed.

This speed is far more than any creature it has seen before, even the sand eagle known as the king of speed.

When it realized that its intimidation had failed and the action to escape had not been made yet, the two "round legs" had "banged" from the side of it and rushed over!


After a long while, the desert tiger lizard crawling out from the sand that was picked up, there are some stunned eyes in the big round yellow eyes.

However, afterwards, the gaze looked at the "round-legged" monsters, and left a trace of blue and white.


The desert tiger lizard was tentatively touched, picking up his own five-finger claws with a slap, and carefully touched it.


Then, as if to find something of interest, try to put the paw on it again.

However, the traces of blue and white have begun to dissipate, allowing it to grab only a handful of sand.



Sitting and driving the engine to the maximum, the wind above the Tomahawk No. 1 at a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour.

It’s probably because I’m almost lost because I’m getting lost, but I’m not concerned about this common level mob that doesn’t belong to its level.

He is experiencing the feeling of “running and embarrassing” with a sigh of relief.

Only the absolute open space of the desert can unscrupulously play the athletic ability of the first legendary reloading energy motorcycle in this whole game.

Moreover, after opening the third "water system energy shield" attached to this legendary motorcycle, it is not only able to isolate the sand from the desert environment and regulate the high temperature caused by the sun in the sky. It is also possible to use the water system energy to make the ground in front of the road strong when driving.

Therefore, in the soft environment of the desert, the general traffic vehicle can only play 50% of the speed, and the Tomahawk 1 can still reach the super high speed of 500 kilometers.

This function is not only suitable for deserts, marshes or even the marine environment, it also works.

Four energy shields with powerful additional features are actually the legendary heavy-duty motorcycles, a place worth 100 million credits.

The wind is now in the middle of the desert, and the average level of monsters has reached 50.

Although there are not many monsters in the daytime, the average player does not dare to be active in this area without teaming up.

After all, if you encounter a leader of this level or even a boss, it is likely to be here.

However, the wind is of course a special case!

He is not just a single person in this area. To be precise, he is driving a Tomahawk 1 across half of the dead desert today.

From a map of more than 70 levels, you can ride alone to the Zerg base, about 20 kilometers away.

This is definitely the first single player in the game to dare to do this and succeed.


In the slight roar of the energy engine, Tomao 1 rushed into a tall sand dune again at high speed, flying directly over a distance of 100 meters and falling to the middle of the next dune.

"Hey, hey!"

At this time, squatting on the front of the Tomahawk No. 1 and enjoying the cold temperature of 24k made by the water energy shield.

Suddenly stood up, extended two small claws, and called two in one direction.

"Well, is there a fight?"

The face of the wind fell slightly, the speed of the ride slowed slightly, and the line of sight looked toward the direction indicated by 24k.

On the back of a very large sand dune on the side, you can hear a very slight gunshot, and there are some smoke that seems to be raised by something.

The wind is also found in these geniuses. The 24k with strong spiritual power does not still detect the beetles, and it can also feel the fluctuation of energy.

Even 24K's perception is even more acute than he can only detect before the energy fluctuations erupt.

This will undoubtedly increase its self-protection ability.

"Go to scout!"

The wind fell in the spiritual link and told the 24k.

In the usual situation, the wind is definitely going straight away, and it doesn't matter who is fighting behind the sand dunes.

However, this location is very close to the Zerg base.

In order to protect the Zerg base, plus this area, it is suitable for players who are less than 50 level and level 50 players.

The animal husbandry is directly based on the stronghold of the city in the middle of the dead desert. It is built not far from the Zerg base, and it is known in the vicinity of the wind, and only the night city has established a stronghold.

Therefore, it is very likely that the players who are fighting are the players of the city that never sleeps. Therefore, it is impossible for the wind to fall away without looking at it.

Of course, it is very likely, but it is not absolutely a player who never sleeps in the city.

Therefore, the wind did not choose to go straight, but let 24k shot.


24k clicked on his little head, and his body flashed the fluctuation of the ecstasy.

A few seconds later, an elite reconnaissance beetle flew into the sky, quickly showing the situation behind the dune in the view of the wind.

The first to enter the wind is the two energy-powered off-road vehicles that are driving.

A black, khaki-colored energy buggy similar to the desert, is equipped with desert-specific tires.


The top of the two off-road vehicles has been opened, with four or five players standing on their own and holding guns or energy converters to attack the rear.

And about two hundred meters behind the two cars, there are six other energy off-road vehicles are chasing all the way, there are also fully armed players, standing on the roof of the car with weapons shooting!


Obviously, the gap between the two sides is not small.

Even one of the rear car has a machine gunner, and the six-barrel machine gun that is being mounted shoots a lot of bullets.

Hit the sand in the front of the two cars, there was a crater, and a sand column emerged.

If it is not because of the off-road vehicle that is on the road, the machine gunner's head is very low.

In addition, the sand dust raised by the wheels of the previous two off-road vehicles affects the rear view of the players.

In addition, because of the two cars in front, each of them has a heavy armor with a shield to block most of the attacks, and two masters constantly release the skills to interfere with the opponent's attack.

The people in front of you have already been reduced to more than one person.

However, even if it is temporarily not reduced.

The situation is obviously not optimistic.

"Everyone insisted, only 15 kilometers away from the stronghold."

In the front two cars, the left side of the off-road vehicle not far from each other, shouting in the mouth of the heavy armor holding the shield.

"No, oh! I can't hold on, my blue is going to run out. The rhinoceros' armor is also damaged too much, and the blood volume can't keep up!"

On the right side of the car, a soil controller with some anxious voices.

"Damn, the scout in between them has been interfering with our communications."

"A wind, I said, why haven't you smashed the other **** scout? If he is, we can't contact people through the guild channel to help. Otherwise, there is no need to escape all the way!"

Another wind system controller, released a wind system skills, the sand raised in the back of the car to the rear of the chasing soldiers, while carrying some complaints.

"Does this blame me?"

"This is not a fixed-point shooting on the ground. It is on such a bumpy car, and the other party is also driving."

"The scout, still stalking behind the heavy armor."

"Under this situation, who wouldn't dare to say that you can have the ability to attack the scout?"

On the left side of the car, a sniper player who shrank in the corner and slammed his head from time to time, and hurriedly retracted, screamed.

"It is obviously not the standard, so don't explain it so strongly."

"Oh, it’s your level. Do you dare to choose a sniper and take the same name as the president?"

Next to him, a little beautiful doctor player who looks quite hot and draws a thicker makeup, some "hate" put a needle of healing on his arm.


Let the sniper player almost didn't hold the gun.

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