Fatal Shot

Chapter 969: Super BOSS?

"What, boss siege!"

When you heard this, the face of the scout player changed a lot.

Of course it has to change color.

The combat power of boss-class creatures in "War of War" is completely destructive.

Even a minimum level 35 boss, you need at least a hundred elite players to solve.

The Zerg base is not a low-level monster area, but a high-level monster area with an average level of 50. A boss creature of level 50 or so can definitely destroy the existence of a small town!

Of course, what is called "boss" is not necessarily a real boss.

"Is it a boss or a boss. Is it just a single one, or a mob?"

Scout players are anxiously in the communication channel, asking one.

If it is a boss, the only choice now is that it can only retreat or find a way to lead the boss. However, if the player of the stronghold two kilometers away arrives, he can see the situation and decide whether to kill the boss.

Because the people on the Zerg base are just to guard the entrance of the base to prevent some people from diving into the base.

Therefore, there are not many people stationed here, only more than twenty, and this is not enough for a boss to kill a skill.

However, if it is only a quasi-boss, it does not mean that there is no power at all.

Because, although there is only one word between the quasi-boss and the boss, the strength is ten times different.

Although there are only 20 players here, there are only 20 players in these defensive bases. However, the players in the era of the city clubs are not the night city, and the equipment is far beyond the average player.

Moreover, the defense facilities specially built around the base are not necessarily unresolved capital if there is only one quasi-boss.

Of course, if this quasi-boss also brought a group of younger brothers, it is estimated that you must run immediately!

"No, don't know..."

"Old black, hurry up... hurry up..."

However, the communicator responded with a burst of noisy noise.

Obviously, the player who stayed in the city on the off-road vehicle was very shocked.

Because, although the speed of their off-road vehicles has been opened to the maximum, but only to lead the "sandstorm" rolling behind the body, but the distance of 100 meters, and this distance is still being continuously reduced.

Although, there is a huge strength gap between the quasi-boss and the boss.

But for ordinary players, there is no difference, because if you are hit by high-injury skills, it is almost the result of spikes.

Therefore, the energy buggy is just rushing toward this side.

"Wind brother... Do you want to, call them to lead the boss to somewhere else..."

The scout player did not get a response after asking a few consecutive questions, and eagerly turned around and asked the wind.

No way, if the opposite is really a boss, being taken by the off-road vehicle will undoubtedly directly destroy this stronghold, and it will make them go bad together.

In contrast, if the off-road vehicle turns, it should be able to lead the boss away.

Although, doing so, you may feel that you are "seeing death and not saving."

"Look again..."

At this time, the wind has lifted the eyes of the **** of death, and the gaze first took a few thoughts and swept through several panicked players inside the buggy.

Then, the line of sight quickly turned to them, and the piece of "sandstorm" was rolling.

Because it has almost entered the range of one kilometer, there has been some strange changes in the “sandstorm” behind the off-road vehicle.

The first is the middle of the earthy, dusty sand, which has a "grimace" of more than ten meters and four lengths of fangs.

Then, this huge face emerged again and became a "wolf head" composed of sand.

Then, the rest of the dust quickly gathered in the middle, forming a neck, body within a few seconds...

In the end, this sandstorm, which was similar to a "tornado", turned into a khaki "giant wolf" with a height of more than 50 meters and a long scream in the middle of the run.

"Ah, what the hell?"

"This... is the true body of the boss?"

Scout players are a bit stunned.

This scene is really a bit strange.

After all, "War" is a science fiction game, although all kinds of monsters have, but a sandstorm turned into a monster in the scroll.

This looks more like a setting in a magic game.

Even though he has been mixed in the desert for a long time, he has never seen such a strange monster.

Of course, it is not only strange but also huge.

The "real body" boss has a height of more than 50 meters. The original off-road vehicle with a height of nearly two meters is in front of it, just like a reptile.

This height, even more than most of the surrounding sand dunes, was deeper in the desert than the wind, and the 70-level "sand whale" that once saw the biggest land monster was more oppressive.

This level of boss does not require any skills at all. As long as it is rushed, it can ruin the base of this city that never sleeps.

"Boss, definitely a real boss. Even, it might be a super boss!"

The scout's expression has been somewhat sluggish.

Because of the distance problem, his reconnaissance technique could not detect the information, so he still could not know the level of this thing.

However, from this figure, the possibility of boss is definitely over 90%.

Even, it may belong to the kind of siege that has mastered the Force and needs thousands of people to solve the super boss that can explode the legendary equipment!


Although it is far away from the distance, such a large size, this "big wolf" every move can be seen clearly.

After the transformation, the giant wolf running with the limbs has more than doubled the speed of the previous "sandstorm", just a few seconds to catch up with the off-road vehicle that fled the front.

Then, the neck was stretched directly, and the huge mouth that was drowning like sand was opened, and it was bitten toward the slow-moving off-road vehicle.

"Well, they can't escape."

The scout player shouted.

However, he felt a little relaxed in his heart.

This off-road vehicle came directly to them. As a guild, you can only choose to help.

However, even this giant wolf is not a super boss but a normal boss.

Not a few hundred people can't kill it at all. It's just a funeral. That's obviously the worst result.

Now the boss has been catching up with the off-road vehicle at a distance of about 800 meters from the base. This distance does not mean that the submachine gun in his hand cannot reach, and even the maximum range of reconnaissance is not enough.

It really can't be said that it was deliberately not helping.

However, it seems that there is a profession that can launch an attack on this distance.


A b-class flame-retardant armor-piercing projectile with a diameter of 14.5 mm was rushed out of the muzzle of the Eye of Death after the speed of the energy accelerator increased to 1500 m/s.

Almost for a moment, I flew over the distance of 800 meters, hit the head of the horrible giant wolf boss, and hit the center of the head of the head and did not look slightly darker.


However, after the blasting armor-piercing projectile hit, it did not erupt in the first time, because the sniper bullet actually hit the quicksand and rushed into the body of the giant wolf boss.


After about 0:01, after that, in the position of the bullet, a flame of black smoke emerged.

"Wind brother..."

Scout players, there is some hesitation.

He doesn't know what to say.

Because, under this circumstance, attacking boss is undoubtedly useless.

Such a huge boss, even if it is a bullet of a heavy sniper rifle, it is undoubtedly just like a person who is bitten by a mosquito, and it is impossible to play a substantial role.

Instead, it will anger the boss and let it rush to the side after swallowing the off-road vehicle.

However, he feels that this should be the reason for the fact that he must try to save these few night city players. After all, the sniper rifle has this attack distance.


However, immediately after, the scout player found himself thinking that he was wrong.

Because, in his mind, it should be the boss who rushed to the base after eating the off-road vehicle.

At this time, the huge body suddenly suddenly had a meal.

The huge mouth that had already bitten down into the off-road vehicle, when it hit the off-road vehicle, suddenly crashed into countless sand.

Not only that, but even the giant wolf head and the wolf body showed signs of collapse.

The huge and shocking giant wolf, most of the body, turned into golden sand and fell to the ground.

The first part of the wolf that collapsed naturally, therefore, reveals the situation in the position where the bullet hits.

Against the flame of a flame-retardant armor-piercing projectile that has not been completely extinguished, a volume of about one meter in length, the color is almost the same as the sand of the sand, a messy blood on the front leg position, emerging in the eyes Some angry light creatures are falling from the air along with the sand.

["Various Desert Fox (45th level, quasi-boss), species number: sh-38945, hp: 190829/20000..."]

The mid-level agent glasses worn by the wind, through the field of view of the scope, give the real information of this "boss".

"What, not even a boss, just a 45-level quasi-boss?"

The scout player showed a blank expression on his face.

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