Fatal Shot

Chapter 970: Guild war

"What, not a super boss, not even a normal boss... just a 45-level quasi-boss?"

Scout players also got information through tactical glasses and couldn't help but look blank.

"From the perspective of blood volume, it should be an energy unit. Be careful, be careful to enlarge the second person!"

The wind fell silent and said a voice.

In the hands of the eye of the **** of death, closely chasing the sand that is following the sky, the quasi-boss variation of the desert fox falling in the air.

There was a force fluctuation on the sight, and the sniper rifle's accompanying skill "Eye of the Eyes" opened, and a "death mark" was made to the desert fox!


It seems that I can feel that I have been hit by something.

Originally, it was discovered by the wind and by the super eagle eye. Then it was slammed by the sniper bullets with the destruction of the faint energy. The fox-like variant quasi-boss hit the key, and a pair of blue-eyed eyes flashed. A little humanized panic.

When the blood-stained body fell to half, there was a sudden wave of energy.


Then, only about half of the huge "wolf body" was left to stop the collapse, and then quickly swept toward it, separating itself from the player's field of vision.

At the same time, the golden sand that was originally falling down below also quickly reversed back to the middle.


However, it is at this time.

It was a black sniper bullet that attracted the soul, and the high-speed rotating sniper bullets followed the sand gathered in the middle!

"You hit a target, causing 5293 damage!"

Although, because there is a lot of sand blocking and there is no damage to the value, but there is a hint in the log of the wind.

With the "death mark" turned on, no matter how the boss is hidden in the sand, it is impossible for the wind to lose its position.

The only problem, probably because the mutated Desert Fox had reacted too quickly, and the exposure time was less than a second.

Therefore, the death mark of the wind did not hit the key position.

Although the gun made an offset adjustment based on the position of the imprint, it did not hit the critical position like the first shot, nor did it, directly blocking its ability to gather sand.


In just two seconds, the originally collapsed sand rejoined again.

However, this time, it is not the former 50-meter giant wolf.

Instead, the height of a head is about 20 meters, and the body is covered with a piece of slate-like scales, like a lizard.

"Isn't this a 60-level creature named Desert Stone Carnex that has been refreshed in the south? Is this quasi-boss able to use sand to mimic the shape of other creatures?"

After determining that it is only a level 45 quasi-boss, the scout player is not too anxious.

However, because the quasi-boss has not entered his attack distance, he is still only able to watch.

This time, the boss is using this sand to form a monster that he is familiar with, which makes him fully understand the strange ability of this quasi-boss.


Obviously, the quasi-boss has been provoked by a fatal injury before the wind.

Next, I didn't go to the off-road vehicle that escaped. It looked like a huge slate lizard covered with a layer of armor. It moved directly on the heavy limbs and moved toward the wind.

Of course, it is not very appropriate to say let go.

Because this chassis is not a small "slate lizard", its speed can not match the previous "sand wolf", even if it wants to catch up with it, it is attacked by the wind and fully escaping toward the base. Off-road vehicles are impossible.

"The distance is 803 meters, the speed is 40 meters per second... There are still about 20 attack opportunities..."

The wind was inconspicuous, but in the head it flashed a series of data quickly.


The eyes of the **** of death did not hesitate to open the third shot.


It is still a b-class flaming armor-piercing projectile with a devastating sensation. After flying over a distance of less than 800 meters, it hits the chest position in front of the giant "slate lizard".


The sand is still sand, even though it looks like a carapace.

But compared to the real carapace, the defense is obviously not a little bit worse.

Not to mention, destroying the solitude itself is specifically to restrain the physical defense, so this bullet is generally drilled into the sand like the previous two.

"You hit a target, inflicting 4293 damage!"

Subsequently, a prompt appears again in the system log.

However, like the second shot, it was still not able to hit the key to the boss desert fox hiding in the sand.

It also means that it is impossible to let this one run as if it were the first shot, as if the ground is collapsing with the trembling giant sand fossil lizard.

Not only this gun, but also three consecutive shots, the wind is also unable to play the key attack.


The giant "desert slate lizard", which is 30 meters high, has officially entered the 700-meter range.

This distance, in general, for the quasi-boss class creatures, is already reaching the attack range.

Most snipers, in this case, must stop and then either evade or retire and then attack.


However, the wind is still standing on the sand dunes.

The eyes of the **** of death did not stop at all, but still shot at a huge desert slate lizard with one shot and one shot.

Now, the wind has enough ground to "stand up".

Because, for this type of quasi-boss, which is not too high, the wind does not need to be too fearful.

This kind of energy type quasi-boss, although it does have the ability of a second person in the range, but the power and damage are definitely not as good as the boss.

And with the amount of blood falling from the wind, even a range of attacks against the energy class of a quasi-boss is almost impossible to kill.

Even, even with the superb single-cell energy attack, it is impossible to kill him.

Because, the wind and body of this set of storm armor, physical defense is not very good. However, energy defense is absolutely capable of letting the master control people.

On this set of armor, there are three attributes related to energy defense.

"Basic attribute energy resistance: 50%."

"Additional attribute energy attack adaptation, after the energy attack, gradually improve the corresponding attribute energy resistance..."

"Additional skills... Immune regular energy damage effect..."

Counting some of his own resistance due to his evolutionary talents, even if he does not turn on the Force's ability, the direct damage of ordinary energy attacks can only cause him about a third.

Not to mention that for the spirit that opened the spiritual attribute, the single attack that is too far away has no possibility of hitting.

Therefore, the wind is rare, and the front is hard and just a quasi-boss.

However, the high ia of the quasi-bos is really not blowing.

It seems that there is a way to determine where the wind is in its own position.

In the sight of the Eye of Death, the death mark has been moving irregularly.

At the same time, the fox with a high ai is actually twisting the body in all directions, making it impossible for the wind to judge its critical orientation according to the mark.


Therefore, after 10 consecutive attacks, the wind fell scarcely, and there was still no more critical attack.

Moreover, even if the critical position is fixed, it is difficult to say that the wind damage is red.

Because "sand" is really a good means of protection.

Even though the surface of the sniper bullet is covered with destructive faint energy, after entering the body of the giant "Slate Lizard", it can only drill about 15 meters or so.

And this "variant desert fox" has not made the mistake of hiding for the first time, but hides itself deeply in the sand.

In this case, if the wind falls, it will not be able to destroy the fur defense of its real body.

However, the power of the Eye of Death is not bad.

Although almost all of the weaknesses were hurt, after the ten shots, the first shot was counted and more than 50,000 injuries were dealt.

If you don't count the blood, you have already let the 45-level quasi-boss blood drop by a quarter.


The giant desert slate lizard also rushed to within 500 meters of the base.

"Da da da……"

At this time, a machine gun fired a sound, which came out from the left and right position of the wind.

Two machine gunners, when they commanded before the wind fell, had already drilled into the two "bunkers" that had been machined in the sand dunes.

Seeing that the quasi-boss finally entered the range, naturally it will not hesitate!

"Puff puff……"

However, compared to the wind and the wind, by virtue of the destruction of the secluded energy hole to wear the "sand of the shell".

The normal attack effect without the solace or the original force is much worse. After the machine gun bullet hits it, it just loses the power after drilling for about a meter!


Then, the machine gun bullets were hot, and in the movement of the giant slate lizard, they flew into the ground with smoke and sand.


"Shooting towards the explosion!"

The wind is still attacking.

However, the mouth screamed through the command channel.

The bullet shot from the eye of the **** of death, this time was switched from a flaming armor-piercing projectile to a "high-explosive bomb."

Although the b-class high-explosive bomb does not provide a burning effect, it can blow a hollow inside the sand after hitting.

While interfering with the quasi-boss movement, it is even more capable of letting two six-barrel machine guns hit more than two hundred bullets per second, which poses a certain threat to the quasi-boss.

Of course, it’s just a threat!

This huge volume, with an estimated weight of more than a hundred tons of sand body, is perfect to restrain physical attacks.

The machine gunner has the strongest explosive power in this game. When playing boss, it is absolutely the main occupation. There is no way to play a role.

Even, it should be said that not only the machine gunners, but the other two gunners are not able to threaten it.

It is an exception to have the wind that destroys the solitude.

Another representative of the physical profession, the warrior, is even more likely to attack it unless he holds a 40-meter-long alloy sword.

Only left, the master.


When the huge slate lizard rushed to a distance of three hundred meters, the first attack that belonged to the controller was finally started.

A tornado that has been prepared for a long time and has a height of more than 20 meters.

Directly ground tons of sand are rolled up, and black pressure is rolled toward the giant "slate lizard" that rushes over.


In the midst of the sky, the energy of the fire system has been brewing for a long time, and it has turned into a sea of ​​fire. A lot of fireballs with black smoke fall down with the fire of the sky.


In addition, a huge meteorite made by the earth controller, with a diameter of more than five meters, also descended from the ground at a height of nearly 50 meters toward the giant "slate lizard" below.

Tornado, comet fire, sky drop rock!

In addition to the water system controller who is not suitable for the desert environment, the three 40-level big moves of the "War of War" controllers broke out together!

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