Fatal Shot

Chapter 982: Defensive war

"The president is back!"

"President, you are so handsome!"

"President, why don't you take me there!"

When the Tomahawk No. 1 brought all the way to the dust, it returned to the stronghold of the city.

The city player who has been fully armed to prepare for the battle, seeing him all is an excitement.

Because the wind is falling alone from the Zerg base in the night, these ordinary players did not know what the wind is doing.

Until someone in the guild channel said something about the post on the forum, these ordinary players were only able to attack the joint team of several guilds in the Oasis town.

Moreover, the results achieved are brilliant!

As a member of the city that never sleeps, except for a few people who may have ulterior motives, the rest are of course very excited.

In addition, many people feel that the Tomahawk 1 is clearly able to ride more than one person.

If they can go out with the wind, even if they come back with a round of soy sauce, this is a thing that can be blown for a few years!

"Everyone is uplifting, the enemy is coming soon, and it will be up to you."

After the wind fell into a morale, he walked into the command room at the center of the stronghold.

"Wind brother!"


Unlike the ordinary players outside, the Muzi and the Northern Lights, who are the heads of the strongholds, have some excitement, but their faces are very serious.

“How are you prepared?”

Asked the wind.

"Everything went well, because the wind brother delayed you for half an hour. At present, everyone in the stronghold has already been online."

"However, Wu Ge said, at least it will take another half an hour to make it..."

Muzi replied.

"Half hour..."

The sentence was slightly repeated in the wind.

"Our people are equipped with too much equipment. The defense system designed by the base is mainly to deal with the boss, and there is not much blocking ability for the player's attack."

"I want to delay for another half an hour, I am afraid that it will not work until I have been defending."

On the other hand, the Northern Lights carried his own full-scale legendary sniper rifle, and his face was somewhat difficult.

"Wind brother, or else, let's just attack it directly."

“The Oasis town team was rushed away by you. Now only the desert gangs arrive. Their average equipment is the worst among the other people, and we even have more people than they do. ""

"If we take the initiative, we may have the opportunity to destroy them. Then deal with the actual team, all kinds of broken!"

Later, he looked forward to the wind with some expectations.

"Let's let go of this idea!"

The wind fell, but the eyes were slightly empty to observe the real-time situation, then resumed his eyes and shook his head.

“The Desert Ge is generally equipped with different levels of personnel, but it still has advantages over us.”

"The most important thing is that they have a shrewd commander and we are not likely to get out of the fight."

When the wind said this, the mind remembered the battle along the way.

He wants to delay the player's march in the Oasis town, and the team of the most deserted guild will naturally not move.

Even, because it is already known from the intelligence that the machine gunners of the "Desert God Mercenary" who had been there before he found the Zerg base were the organizers of this action.

The wind is not only thinking about destroying his off-road vehicle.

Instead, even people slammed it together!

However, after he remotely destroyed the most luxurious off-road vehicle in the Desert Gossip, he found that the person inside was only a member wearing a common badge.

I know this idea has already been expected by the other party.

Wind falls really rarely encounter such opponents.

This kind of grasp and judgment of people's psychology is generally the strength of the sniper players.

Unexpectedly, the other player of a machine gunner actually has this ability to judge.

"However, is it really the machine gunner's president? Or is it..."

The wind fell into the head, unconsciously emerged the vice president of the dragon name wearing sunglasses.

Although the vice president of the dragon did not even say a word at the time, his feeling of leaving the wind was more clear than that of the machine gunner.

In addition to the Desert Gossip Association, there is another team of full-gun players, so that the wind has some attention.

It is not because this team is special.

It is because, after the players in the Oasis Township are grouped, all the teams are rushing to the base city.

And this pure gunner team, but the team speed is the slowest!

This seems to have fallen to the end.

In fact, it is the perfect way to avoid the killing of the wind.

After all, there is no need to delay the final team in the wind.

They are probably the only Oasis Town Association that has no injuries.


In the night city base, the players are preparing for the final battle.

In addition to the stronghold, the team of the Desert Going Guild, which had arrived first, was decisively chosen not to continue to approach, but stayed in the same place, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

This is to give the city that never sleeps again for about ten minutes, so that they need to "delay" the pressure to lower.

Ten minutes later, most of the oasis town teams have arrived at the night city base.

Thousands of people, more than two hundred off-road vehicles directly presented the base of the city that never sleeps, forming a "surrounded city" trend!

"It's almost. Attack it, take the stronghold and drive the city out of the dead desert."

Looking at the sun that has risen completely in the sky, the machine gunner standing on the top of a common off-road vehicle, commanding the command channel.

"But the Ko Guild, the Shark Guild and the left-hand president have not yet arrived!"

Among the command channels, the player at the president level asked with some doubts.

"Don't wait for them!"

"We have been arriving for more than ten minutes, giving people who have never been in the city a lot of preparation time."

"If you wait until the city is completely ready, you will miss the best fighter."

"But instead of attacking now, they shouldn't have thought that we would suddenly attack when people haven't arrived yet. If you can't, you can beat the city without a surprise!"

The machine gunners have a tone for the big picture.

"Oh, actually, I want to exclude those two guilds..."

“The sand dunes around the city’s strongholds have been cleared. It’s almost flat, and there’s a sweep of sight within a few kilometers. In this daytime, there’s no possibility of any surprise attack!”

A person who can become the president of a guild cannot be a fool. Of course, it is impossible to really believe this reason.

However, because the Sanmu consortium only gave the masters of the lone wolf and the left hand, it is obviously a high-profile.

This made the rest of the guild's president not very comfortable, and had a sense of crisis like the machine gunner.

Therefore, it is possible to abandon the scores of the lone wolf and the left hand and win the test of destroying the strongholds of the city that never sleeps. In the presence of the Miki consortium, they can be regarded as a must.

As for the small number of people, the casualties will definitely be even bigger.

Because of this group battle, the loss of the death of the winner and the loser is completely different.

The losers are not only downgraded, but also out of equipment and spoils, but the winners are only downgraded.

In particular, there is a point that the trophy that the player broke out in "War of War" is very high in a certain period of time.

After being killed, he was killed in a short time. In addition to his own equipment, he also blew out the previously obtained loot.

Therefore, as long as you live to the end in the battle, the harvest is definitely far stronger than the task of doing a bunch.

In addition, this kind of attack, the harvest is not only equipment, but also the materials of the construction base.

It takes tens of millions of credits to build a stronghold, and at least a few million after it is removed. For ordinary players, this can also make them feel excited.

"Mr. Ge said it is reasonable. In this case, everyone listens to the words of the Ko Gui Club. Attack it, take the city that never sleeps!"

After the formation of a unified opinion at the top of these guilds, the players in the Oasis Town moved again.

The way to attack is very simple, just go together!

After the doctors quickly added the status to everyone, an energy-powered off-road vehicle opened its maximum speed and rushed from all directions to the night city from the strong sunlight.


More than two hundred off-road vehicles are charged together, and in this desert terrain surrounded by an empty terrain, like a horse galloping, it brings up the rolling dust of the sky!

This type of attack is simple to the extreme, but it has almost no solution.

The stronghold of the city that never sleeps is not a real city. The outermost defense around it is just a circle of metal mesh. Under the impact of this off-road vehicle, it can not play any blocking role at all.

Even the buildings inside are very simple. Even if there are no players on these energy buggy, as long as they rush from front to back, the base will be destroyed.

However, because, in view of the large-scale boss biological invasion, the four corners of the base also used four very strong materials to build four bunker-shaped tubular buildings that can accommodate hundreds of people!

At this time, the wind fell on the front of the building, carrying the eyes of the **** of death, staring down as if it were a group of desert oasis townships.

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