Fatal Shot

Chapter 983: The "big move" of the wind!

"The snipers are all prepared, listen to me!"

In contrast, the other Muzi in the No. 2 tower, the expression is more serious.

At this time, a blue-lighted metal instrument placed beside him showed a picture of the surrounding base from an aerial perspective.

In addition, on this floor of the building where he stood, there was a circular transparent screen.

There is a series of data on the movement, distance and damage of each off-road vehicle.

Muji's legendary reconnaissance bracelet's ability to project and reconcile target data is undoubtedly very suitable for this group battle, and it is also the reason why he can be the head of the stronghold.

Sniper players in the city never sleep, although the equipment is not good, but if you can reasonably allocate the target and firepower, then it can also cause damage to the elite oasis town elite players.

After all, the basic damage of the sniper is there, one shot can't die, then two shots, three shots!

And obviously for the player pk, it is more useful to hurt ten people than to kill one person.

“The target is close to 1,500 meters and the ‘reconnaissance fraud’ function is turned on.”

In addition, Muzi also has some special "professional skills"!

Because of the discovery of the spaceship, the federal military rewarded everyone with the opportunity to gain hidden professional qualifications, and Muzi successfully transferred to a hidden profession called "special scouts."

Compared with the "special agent" occupation of the wind, Muzi's "special scout" does not get an extra job.

However, the professional specialization has been strengthened again, and additional combat specialization and rare skills have been acquired.

In addition, it is similar to the special occupation.

This kind of "special" occupation belonging to the military can also be exchanged for some new military research, and theoretically, the special equipment that players should take some time to use.


In the middle of the 3rd floor, the Northern Lights, also one of the responsible persons, is jumping down with a legendary sniper rifle.


After landing at a height of more than ten meters, he was half-necked in the knees, buffering the impact force. Then he went on, and the whole person quickly rushed out with the afterimage. In just five seconds, he changed to the No. 4 tower. s position.

The Northern Lights are Muzi and they are recognized in the transfer examination. He is naturally also a hidden professional special sniper belonging to the military!

However, compared to hidden occupations and legendary weapons, it is worth mentioning that the force of the fourth Force Awakened in his night city!

The distance between the No. 3 and No. 4 bunkers in the base is close to three hundred meters, which means that the Northern Lights are running at speeds of more than 60 meters per second.

It’s twice as fast as a warrior who starts the “charge” skill!

This is the speed of the Force of the Northern Lights!

Speeds of more than sixty meters per second mean that the Northern Lights are on foot, and the off-road vehicles in this desert terrain cannot catch up with him.

This kind of force attribute, although not very helpful for sniper attack power.

After all, at this high speed, even the wind and fall can not simultaneously bring the eye of death to do accurate shooting.

However, in the player pk is absolutely very advantageous.

After all, a sniper who can move more than a hundred meters in two seconds will be a headache for anyone.

In particular, the hands of this sniper also have a complete legendary sniper rifle.

After jumping into the tower like a wind, the Northern Lights placed a legendary sniper rifle directly behind a shooting hole.


After a slight aim, a bullet rushed out of the muzzle, passing a distance of 1,500 meters and hitting the bulletproof glass in front of the off-road vehicle in the fastest oasis town!


The bulletproof glass of the off-road vehicle directly broke a large hole, and this bullet was directly blown out of a large group of flames and black smoke!

The five oasis town players in the off-road vehicle were flustered for a while.

Although the range of the 50-level legendary sniper rifle of the Northern Lights is not as good as the wind, it has reached a distance of 1,500 meters.

However, there is no additional damage to the glory.

Even if it is a legendary sniper rifle, it is impossible to destroy an off-road vehicle directly like a wind blow.

Therefore, even if it was attacked by the Northern Lights, the off-road vehicle was still in a state of momentum, and the speed was unabated, and it rushed to the night city.

"The goal is to enter a kilometer, shoot!"

Above the No. 2 tower, Muzi has marked the first energy buggy that entered the one-kilometer shot on the surrounding reconnaissance screen.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

A pile of sniper bullets rushed out from the shooting holes of the tower, flying toward the off-road vehicle marked by the legendary reconnaissance bracelet of Muzi!


Although at the extreme distance.

But with so many people attacking, it is no less than ten rounds of bullets hit the off-road vehicle.

However, the general sniper rifle is very common for these off-road vehicles with bulletproof armor.

In addition, because the ultimate distance destructive power is greatly reduced, most of these bullets are bounced on the armor, but only a small number of bullets hit the front face to make some pits.

This is also a no-brainer. After all, these guilds are scheduled to charge at the forefront. They are definitely high-end off-road vehicles with a higher armor defense coefficient.

The attack coefficient does not exceed too many ordinary sniper bullets, it is difficult to cause too much damage.

Although the wind has a special seed bomb that can directly damage the off-road vehicle like a c-class metal liquid bomb, the 5mm caliber bullet limits its users.


The first energy-powered off-road vehicle that was first set on fire, traveled more than 50 meters into the shooting range, and finally pierced its bulletproof glass with a piercing projectile.

And then ate nearly ten rounds of sniper bullets, the first death of white light.

However, this off-road vehicle did not stop at all, and continued to move forward.

These energy off-road vehicles have intelligent control systems. On this flat terrain, the player does not need to sit in the driver's seat.

Just set the target distance, unless the violence destroys the power system, it can't stop it from approaching!

It is conceivable that if the 100 off-road vehicles were destroyed before the wind fell, the players in the night city base would not have any chance of winning.

However, some strange things are.

At this time, all the snipers in the night city base were all firing.

The only thing that has a bullet to destroy the power system of these off-road vehicles is that it has not stood on the No. 1 tower.

"Hey, hey..."

Surrounded by the "moon", it radiates 24k of golden light.

Then there are some excited little eyes staring at the off-road team below, what seems to be waiting in the voice.


The off-road vehicle in the oasis town in all directions, like a light tank in the ground, crushes everything. In the blink of an eye, it has entered a range of 600 meters.

Suddenly, the top of a buggy was opened, and the heavy armor opened the defensive skills. The alloy shield stood at the forefront.


Then, the controller in the energy shield quickly emerged in front of the team to release the wind curtain, fire wall, earth wall and other interference and limit the skills of the night city sniper attack!

"Hey, hey..."

After that, there are individual sniper players who stand directly in front of the sniper rifle and fight back against the players who are not in the night.

A large number of counter-attack bullets hit the bunker, splashing a lot of dirt and debris, and even more than two seconds of unsatisfactory night city sniper players.

"Hey, hey..."

However, the real threat is the machine gunners who have quickly assembled six-barrel machine guns by the same position.

The range of six hundred meters is already the attack range of the most repressive occupation in this War.

The firepower of a machine gunner is enough to suppress more than ten snipers in the case of full attack.

In contrast, there are only two machine gunners in the small base of the city that never sleeps... The situation is undoubtedly very critical.

"Oh, the guys in the desert, don't even wait for us to attack."

At this time, at the end of this open desert vision, a team of more than 20 off-road vehicles rushed through the sand dunes.

In the middle of a somewhat broken off-road vehicle, the short, ugly scouts standing next to the lone wolf saw the scene, and they snarled in a desperate manner.

"Brother, let's hurry up, otherwise we will be beaten by the leaves of the wind in vain before. We must personally solve the people who never sleep in the city, can we eliminate the grievances in everyone's heart!"

"Give me a mouth when I can't talk!"

Stopped the off-road vehicle holding a telescope, his face was quite ugly to observe the one-eyed battlefield, once again reprimanded the chunky ugly scout.

I have already decided in my heart that I will withdraw his position after I return.

"The lone wolf president, you are finally here."

"Sorry, in order not to delay the aircraft, we have not started waiting for you and the left hand to grow up!"

At this time, only the voice of the machine gunner Gogo was heard in the senior command channel that the presidents of the major guilds could join.

The content is apologetic, but there is a smug smug in the tone.

"What you mean is that our sand wolf is slow, so drag your hind legs?"

The lone wolf sneered.

"You are misunderstood by the lone wolf president. I don't mean this. If it weren't for your sand wolf guild that would delay the leaves of the wind, we would not be able to get here smoothly."

"When I report to Mr. Pine, I am still going to put the credit of your sand wolf in second place!"

Listening to the sound of the machine gunner, you can imagine his expression on his face.

"The surname of Ge, without our sand wolf, you can also get the city that never sleeps? Be careful not to collect the body (the equipment that was exploded)!"

Even though the mind of the lone wolf is deep, it can't help but anger at this time. After cursing a sentence, the lone wolf even directly quit this command channel.

"Mr. Ge, it seems that it is only a matter of time to win the night city base. Next, are we discussing the issue of the decision-making seat on the future of the Warsaw Covenant..."

For the threat of the lone wolf, these guild players in the command channel are obviously impossible to put in mind.

After all, it is now obvious that the overall situation has been fixed, and it is impossible for the city to stay in the back of the night.

As the president, they don’t have to charge themselves. They all stand comfortably behind the two-kilometer-long position and naturally have enough time to chat.

"Right, the Kogong Association, how the Dragon Vice President has not spoken. Has he personally gone into battle?"

A president of the guild suddenly asked another question.

The vice president of the Dragon surname, as the first vice president of the Desert Ge, is the only deputy president-level figure in this senior command channel.

"He has a little personal deal to deal with."

The machine gunners replied in some words.


After another round of intrigue in the high-rise of Oasis Town.

At this time, the team of Oasis Township has been fully approached to the distance of 500 meters from the city that never sleeps. Recently, it has even reached a distance of nearly 400 meters!


"Although, although the timing is not as perfect as imagined, it can only be done like this."

Above the No. 1 tower, it was strange that there was no wind of attack, and the mouth suddenly said softly.

"However, in this case, I am afraid that the secrets of the Zerg base will not be kept."

"But this should be a matter of morning and evening, revealing something, and others no longer dare to play the idea of ​​this area casually...so, then... get started!"

The eyes of the wind have become empty when they speak, and even the sniper bullets that are shot by the snipers in the Oasis Town below have not escaped.

Instead, with the quilt shield that 24k gave him, he will automatically fly!

When talking about the last sentence, the eyes of the wind slammed open and the sound suddenly rose.

Even the right hand that did not mention the eye of the **** of death did not consciously hold the middle of it.

On the battlefield below, the first off-road vehicle just entered the 400-meter range, and most of the off-road vehicles were within the range of 500 meters to 400 meters.

And after the wind fell, the voice fell.

"Da da da……"

One is standing on the off-road vehicle, manipulating the six-barrel machine gun to shoot at an upward angle to suppress the machine gunner of the night city sniper.

Suddenly the muzzle was unconsciously tilted downwards, and the bullets hit directly from the tower of the night city base, and hit the sand on the ground!

Going on, it went straight to the ground.

Yes, it is underground!

Because it is not just a machine gun that is tilted downwards, but an off-road vehicle carrying a machine gun, more precisely, the ground below the off-road vehicle.


If you look at the sky, you can find the moment you hold the fist in the wind.

The entire city that never sleeps is centered on the stronghold, with a radius of about 450 meters, and the ground in the area of ​​about 10m in diameter suddenly collapses like a crack.

More than 50 energy-efficient off-road vehicles in the Oasis township in this area are falling below when they are caught off guard.

The other off-road vehicles were not able to stop immediately at high speeds. Yes, nearly 50 off-road vehicles followed the sudden collapse.


After the off-road vehicles fell, the sand on both sides of the collapsed area was automatically filled in the middle due to gravity.

In just one second, more than one hundred off-road vehicles carrying nearly half of the players in Oasis Town were directly "live buried" in the dust that covered the sky!

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