Fatal Shot

Chapter 991: Master selection plan

Among the wide yellow deserts, an oasis about a dozen kilometers in diameter is like a blanket on the floor, and a blue lake like a mirror is set in the middle.


The sky was just lit up, and a “Shahu II” camouflage off-road vehicle with a color blending with the desert drove all the way to the town entrance checkpoint.

"What are you doing?"

In the town entrance checkpoint with heavy weapons, a middle-aged scout player with a badge of the desert guild badge on his chest asked his head.

"Travel, see the scenery!"

The window slid down, and a female scout player wearing a camouflage tactical vest wearing a high-nose nose under the sunglasses turned around and looked at him faintly.

On the side passenger seat, there is also a pair of large sunglasses, which reveals a lipstick lip and a smooth chin. The white neck and the earlobe are hung in the exquisite purple crystal necklace and pendant. Player.

"Several people?"

I saw two beautiful women, the middle-aged scouts players had some cold faces on their faces.


The female scout in the driver’s seat ignored his smile and answered with some impatience.

"Five? Take the sunglasses off and let them all go down."

Among the levels, a machine gunner who operated a six-barrel machine gun heard this and his face was cold and shouted.

And his gaze was swept the neck of the female fire department controller in the co-pilot position!

"what did you say?!"

Hey, the top of the off-road vehicle is directly turned on.

A standing up is not too high, slightly thin, black face round face heavy armor warrior players screaming at the machine gunner.


The rear window is also lowered at the same time.

A gunman with a cold look and a high cheekbones has directly lifted two golden large caliber pistols at the forehead of both the machine gunner and the scout player.


Next to the gunners, there is a fat wind controller, and the energy controller in the hand begins to shine.

"Oh, don't be angry!"

"Look at your appearance, it is definitely not a bad person. Please go in, hope to have a good time. Oasis town has many beautiful scenery that no other place!"

The pupils of the middle-aged scout players shrank, and then showed some reluctant smiles. They reached out and opened the blocked roadblocks to let the off-road vehicles pass.

"Hello, what are you, how to let them go directly."

"It’s not what you said you have to check carefully to prevent the spies from falling into the night city!"

After five players closed their off-road vehicles with cold eyes and then headed for the interior of the town.

Among the levels, the machine gunner's voice was somewhat unpleasantly complaining to the middle-aged scout players.

"Take your point and think carefully!"

"Aquan, don't you have a little eyesight?"

"The sniper is wearing a full set of 50 Black Hawk v-type combat uniforms, and the value of any one is your top."

"The necklace and earrings of the fire controller are obviously in the same set, which is even rarer than the whole set of rare equipment."

"These players, not the average player who is going to do the task, can compare. If you get rid of others, we are not enough people to play a round of skills!"

The scout player turned back and criticized the machine gunner a few words.

"Hello, you are too alarmist."

"We are here at the entrance level of the Oasis Town. Both of us have the right to live in an oasis. These outsiders dare to work here."

"We can use the defensive excuses to kill them. They are equipped to be good, can resist the bombardment of these heavy weapons!"

The machine gunner has a disdainful expression.

"Hey, your kid feels that he can take care of the task of keeping the road."

"Do you really think that these five people are traveling to the oasis town? I think, these five people are 100% to participate in the master selection program of the Sanmu consortium. It does not matter to conflict with several foreign players, but the destruction Lost the activities of the Miki consortium, your kid still wants to stand in the oasis town?"

Middle-aged scout players have some annoyance.

"what activity?"

The machine gunner's face asked a little puzzled.

"Rely, forget that you have not been online for the past two days, do not understand this matter."

"Yesterday, the Sanmu consortium sent a message on the forum, and selected some master players in the "War of the War" on the 17th executive star to sign a contract to form a master group belonging to the Sanmu consortium."

“Once selected, the selected people will be able to enjoy millions of annual salary plus a variety of large-scale mission rewards. Even, each member of the team will be equipped with at least one legendary equipment!”

The middle-aged scout player said.

“Everyone is equipped with legendary equipment? Hey, the Sanmu consortium is really enough for the atmosphere, so it’s so big!”

The machine gunners heard this and couldn’t help but scream directly.

The price of legendary equipment, naturally need not say more.

A legendary piece of equipment is definitely worthy of the full set of 100 of his so-called elite players, not to mention that the million-year salary must be referred to as astronomical currency rather than an information point!

However, the Miki consortium does have a good time.

As the super consortium of the capital star, although the main position is not on the 17th executive star.

However, this is only a few billions of stars, and it is not really a big deal for it.

“However, what does this have to do with us?”

"Although the Sanmu consortium acquired our guild, but I stopped these players, how can I get into the Sanmu consortium?"

The machine gunners had a little drumming in their hearts and asked in a loud voice.

"You didn't understand what I just said? One of the selection sites set by the Sanmu Foundation was set in our Oasis town."

"To count the time, if you leave after getting the news and stay on the road overnight, the earliest people at this time should be almost right."

The middle-aged scout was quite satisfied with his reaction, so he reinterpreted the next way.

"Hey, staying up all night! They are five people, dare to hurry in the dead desert of the crisis?"

The machine gunner's eyes wide open.

"Do you think anyone can qualify for the master contract of the Sanmu consortium?"

"Don't say anything else, we have so many people in the oasis town, and three people have been invited by the Sanmu consortium."

Middle-aged scout players sneer.

"Three people? I know that the wolf and the left hand reflection of the Shalang Association have received the contract of the Sanmu consortium. The two guilds have been showing off this in the regional channel some time ago!"

After the machine gun, the player said, and then asked some doubts.

“Who is another person?”

"Yesong Vice President!"

The middle-aged scout player’s expression showed some admiration.

"Dragon Vice President! I thought it was the president. Isn't it because the Sanmu consortium is very good at seeing the president? Is it because this attack failed the night city?"

"However, the strength of Vice President Long is not quite normal. How can he become a 'master' group?"

The machine gunner's face is curious.

"The people of the Sanmu consortium said that the master contract does not depend entirely on strength. If it can demonstrate the ability of command and military, it can also be selected!"

Middle-aged reconnaissance.

"This is my service. If the entire oasis town can be selected for non-combat strength, the vice president of the dragon is indeed the most qualified."

"Hey, if the sand wolves and their people show off again, we can show off the same!"

The machine gunners are somewhat excited.

"Don't be too happy."

"You didn't know if you didn't go online in the past two days. I heard that Vice President Long had a quarrel with the president last night. It was said that he was even angry to speak to the guild!"

Middle-aged scout players are somewhat worried.


The machine gunner screamed.


"The Sanmu consortium is really sinister. It uses the so-called master selection to bring together a large number of master players to the Oasis Town. This is obviously ‘the meaning of drunkenness is not wine’!”

In the re-enclosed "Shahu ii" off-road vehicle, the somewhat thin and round face heavy armor warrior is a little hanging bag to the rest of the crowd.

"A large number of master players have arrived in Oasis Township, which makes it impossible for us to start with the Oasis Township. The most powerful thing is that if the Sanmu consortium decides to select and select the content of our selection, then we will be in trouble! ”

A round-faced heavy armored warrior, a picture of "worrying the country and worrying about the people."

"Hey, big pineapple, when did you analyze this tactical thing so well, is it really impressive?"

The female fire control officer in the co-pilot position turned the head a little unexpectedly, and a pair of clear eyes swept him.

"My talent is very deep, Phoenix, do you want to look at it!"

The round-faced heavy armored soldier smiled somewhat "wacky".


A fireball flew out of the control unit of the fire department controller, and directly smashed into the face of the round face heavy armored soldier, and the round face was almost blown into a flat cake face.

"The Sanmu consortium has brought us troubles. However, it also allows us to enter the Oasis Town more without any doubt."

"And, a large number of foreign players can also cover the actions we take next. It is worthwhile!"

In the driver's seat, the female scout player does not return to the ground.

"Yes, although there is indeed the possibility of using these master players to attack our strongholds."

"But this selection activity is far from being as concealed as the previous attack. Even if it is intended to us, we will have enough reaction time!"

"This is one of the reasons why I asked everyone to sign up for the selection. It is undoubtedly the most straightforward to get information from within!"

In the back seat, the gunmen who wiped the two golden caliber pistols smiled!

"Captain, in fact, I think we can really participate in this selection."

"The Miki consortium said that as long as it can get the group or individual first in the selection, it can directly win the 50 million credit point award."

"With our strength, there is definitely a chance to win both firsts. Even if you don't use legendary equipment, you will definitely have the ability to win the first group!"

"This is 50 million credits!"

In the end, some fat wind controllers think of what they think, and the light that represents money is in their eyes.

The off-road vehicle has entered the interior of the oasis town.

Compared with the federal cities, the level of technologicalization of desert towns that have been isolated from the outside world for a long time is obviously worse.

There are not many high-rise buildings around, and there are no facilities such as suspension vehicles. The number of np on the streets is not enough.

In fact, from the size of this large oasis and the conditions necessary for living such as water, even if it is 200,000 people, there should be no problem.

However, the residents of Greentown Township only opened up 10,000 foreigners' settlements (the ability to resurrect), making the Oasis Township not very prosperous.

Until this time the player level reaches 50, more and more players enter the Oasis Town as a tourist to do the task or brush the special materials that can be produced nearby.

However, these two days, it is estimated that the hotels or hotels in this town will be full.

Because, when the wind fell in their pretending to make an appointment, they found that they had already reached more than 5,000, which is enough to show how many players the Sanmu consortium's "master selection" program attracted.

In this case, it is obvious that even if the night city calls all the fighters to attack, there is no chance to win the oasis town.

Moreover, it is impossible for the city to attack the Oasis Town because it is not very good, but it is also a member of the federal government. It is a systematic city.

If you dare to forcibly attack the system city, or maliciously harm the town residents here, it will definitely be severely punished.

This is obviously one of the reasons why the players in the Oasis Township are still guilty of the crimes.

However, I don’t know how long their resident status can last!

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