Fatal Shot

Chapter 992: Abnormal "night"

Half an hour later, in the oasis town, the Shahu II was driven into a retro-style hotel.

Five people got out of the car, Phoenix and the night, even wearing glasses, can not completely conceal the temperament of the beauty players, undoubtedly attracted a lot of players and npc eyeballs.

However, when watching the cold face directly put the weapon in the hands of the three people, but no one took the initiative to run over.

"We booked the room!"

Walk into the hotel lobby and go to the npc front desk at night.

The wind fell to the center of the hall, which occupied half of the wall and seemed to have some years of painting about the "worm".

On the screen, a group of Zerg “worker bees” carried the bodies of a large creature back to the oasis.

And surrounded by the town residents who stood in the simple houses, the eyes filled with joy and piety.


“According to the information we have received before, the residents here were almost always war refugees. Guided by these ‘descendants’, they came to this oasis to build this town.”

“So among them, the gratitude of these ‘descendants’ has been preserved until now, and this “spider” sculpture or pattern can be seen everywhere in the Oasis town!”

Everyone entered the pre-determined hotel suite, and the wind pointed to the statue of a Zerg "worker bee" on the copper drinker.

“So, are we going to use this ‘the worm’ to let npc help us expel the players of Shamen?”

"To tell the truth, old style, how do I feel that it is not very reliable. In the background of the "war", these npc should be considered intellectuals before, how can they all believe that there will be a **** in the world? ”

The big pineapple is somewhat suspicious.

"You will not understand that in the war of destruction, the surviving people pin their spirits in the minds of some mysterious things in desperation."

The wind has not spoken yet, and the night of gazing at the worker bee statue suddenly opens.

"Even if you know that these things may be just ordinary creatures, there is no divinity at all. However, you will also tell yourself in your heart that there is really a 'God' in this world!"

Her eyes after the sunglasses, there are some deep squints, it seems to be thinking about something.

"Khan, this thing, I really don't understand it. After all, there has been no war in reality for a long time!"

"And, the government's laws set aside decades of humanitarian principles, not allowing the use of weapons that are too devastating during the internal wars of the Stars, and even less able to harm civilians at will!"

"People like us, if you don't serve, you can only experience the excitement of war in the game."

The big pineapple scratched his head and smiled.

"The war has not happened for a long time? Stimulating...hehe..."

When I heard the big pineapple in the night, I was so angry that my expression was a bit strange and the sound seemed a bit cold.

"Captain, let's go to the first round of battle in a while, or do we wait a little longer?"

Fortunately, the little fat man next to the speech turned the atmosphere back to normal.

Compared with the rest of the people, the little fat man is very keen on this "master selection" activity.

After all, 50 million credit points are definitely a number that can cause excitement for him as a "senior financial fan."

The “master selection” process carried out by the Miki consortium is not complicated. At the beginning, registration and pre-selection are conducted through the arena. Successful people are eligible to come to the Oasis Township location, and the second players who are also involved in the selection are second. Round pk than the test.

In accordance with the principle of "successful elimination", until the last one hundred people and ten teams, they can receive the master contract.

Of course, in order to avoid some individuals who are strong but not lucky, they are eliminated.

The Miki consortium records the video of each game, and the people who perform particularly well in the battle can even be directly sent to the final quota.

From the rules, this is undoubtedly very good.

The wind and the five people signed up in both group and personal battles, and both have passed the pre-selection.

This is natural, although they have not worn the original rare suits and legendary equipment after they have been camouflaged.

However, with their personal strength, as long as the equipment is not much different than others, it is only a matter of time before the individual war enters the final list.

The only thing that is not very beneficial to them is probably that the upper limit of the group battle is ten, and they only have five people.

Of course, for the wind, they don't think it is a big problem.

Although, the Miki consortium is not only famous, but also has a very rich condition, and even promised to deploy legendary equipment.

But for the real top players, it is obviously not to be involved in this selection!

Because it is not very difficult for top players to get legendary equipment.

If you don't say anything else, you will say that the wind has fallen to five of them, and everyone has legendary equipment.

It is naturally impossible for players of this level to "sell" themselves for a mere configuration, not a gifted legendary equipment!

Therefore, this selection is almost equal to the five-person team.

The really troublesome thing is how to let the town npcs expel the players of the Sand League from the Oasis Town before the Oasis Town again attacked the night city base.

"The guild's strategy team has given several plans, but the success rate is not guaranteed!"

“The main reason is that although most people in Oasis Township have a high belief in 'the worm', but according to intelligence, the town’s mayor, Roger Ben, is not a feeling for the gods. people!"

"Our time we entered the Oasis town, the main thing is to solve this problem."

The wind fell.

"This is not difficult, we simply kidnapped him or his family and threatened him to help us!"

"People who are not convinced are very afraid of death."

Big pineapple smiles.

The other four people unanimously ignored his obviously unreliable approach.

"In these few days, we have created some vicious cases in succession, using camouflage pharmacy to blame the players of the Sand Covenant, and let the residents of the town anger the people of Shamen and actively expel them!"

Said at night.

"This is not good. If you do this, npc is definitely not just angry with Shamen people. It is likely to be hostile to all players. Then we don't want to settle in Oasis Town!"

Phoenix shook his head.

“At the critical time, let ‘the worm’ come with us and save the residents of the town from the ‘Shamen players’ and shape the positive image that we oppose them.”

The night seemed to have arrived at the Phoenix question and answered directly.

"This, you can consider..."

The wind fell down and did not directly agree.

This plan is absolutely operational.

But what kind of "malignant event" will the residents of the town anger the expulsion of the players in the oasis town where they are not so low-sounding?

This is to achieve the goal, but not the "humanity" approach.

It’s no surprise that a man like a windman who was born as a mercenary and who has been in the robbers’ group for six months has come up.

However, the female player like the night can be so very casual, so the wind is a bit unexpected.

"No hurry, there is still some time."

“We will go to the selection first, then look for the information in the town to see what can be used!”

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