Fatal Shot

Chapter 996: Legendary chain mission

"East brother!"

"Why are you stopping me? The woman actually hit me in front of so many people!"

Oasis Town, a large hotel suite.

The female fire department controller was ugly and very dissatisfied with the heavy armor who sat on the opposite sofa.

"The town area here is not the wild. Under the crowd of the public, if you take the initiative to pick things up, npc is likely to expel us!"

The heavy armor looked at him with a serious look.

"And, those people are very strong. Even if we are too many people, we may not be able to win!"

"Is it strong, I feel it is normal? If it wasn't for her that she finally hid my ‘energy burst,’ I might not lose!”

The female fire controller is not very convinced.

"In terms of equipment and skills, she may be like you. But in terms of combat awareness, you are far from her!"

"If you and she are both fire controllers, you don't need to be too tactical."

"In addition, because it is a snowy map, it greatly reduces the attack damage of both of you. If you change to a confrontation between two fighters, you can lose even ten seconds!"

The heavy armor shook his head and his expression was dignified.

"It’s weird, but it’s a selection of the Sanmu consortium. Will it lead to this kind of master?”

"East brother, the defense of the short man heavy armor, I am afraid not under you."

A light armored warrior defeated by a big pineapple, his face is not very good.

"Yes, the sniper, the speed is also very amazing, and can also have a way to shield the reconnaissance. With his attack power, it is absolutely very difficult to deal with in the group battle!"

"With them, Dongge, you can get a single first. It's probably not easy for us to get the first prize from the phoenix squad!"

Scout player.

"The female fire department is in general attack, and the damage is not as high as me!"

The female fire department is in charge of the controller, or can’t help but insert a sentence.

"Nothing is not available, don't forget, what is the purpose of our real visit here."

"The selection of the Sanmu consortium is only incidental, mainly for the task!"

The heavy armor did not care too much to shake his head, and then gave the scout player a look.


"Reassured, Dong Ge."

"I have checked it at the door. There is no monitoring in this hotel. And the communication interference function is turned on. Even if someone uses the device to eavesdrop, it is impossible to hear it!"

The scout player said confidently.

"Well, be careful not to make a big mistake."

The heavy armor nodded and continued.

"This is a legendary serial mission, we have been doing it for a month. Now this oasis town is very likely to be the last link from intelligence."

"This is a commissioned task involving advanced npcs. As long as we can do this, we can at least get a legendary equipment."

"And, this is not a possible benefit in the course of the mission itself. The legendary mission, perhaps the middle of the harvest is more than the final reward items."

The words of the heavy armored warrior undoubtedly made many people in the room show their excitement.

For this level of master players, as long as you have legendary equipment, you can definitely make the strength rise to a level.

"However, this last ring seems to have some trouble."

"I used to collect the information here. The target pointed to by the mission has passed away more than a decade ago."

"However, we should be able to get what we need from his continuators!"

The heavy armor is talking.

The scout player, who has tacitly opened the scout, projected a figure in the air.

"Roger Ben, the current npc mayor of this town!"

In a tiny gap in the curtain that was closed, a nail-sized transparent scout beetle was squatting on the glass, with a faint red glow in the eyes.



"Captain. You mean, the goal of these people is actually the mayor of Oasis Town?"

“Is this not the same as us?”

In the lower two floors of the same hotel, in the same similar suite room, the little fat man was surprised.

A wind falling from the hollow of the eye.

"How do I feel more that they are deliberate,"

"Old style, they will not find out that we are monitoring, so deliberately say this?"

The big pineapple is a bit annoying.

Originally it was because they suspected that these people were coming to them "the city that never sleeps." As a result, the information obtained seemed to make people feel more confused.

"What are their purposes for finding this mayor npc?"

The night is calm and authentic.

"Do a mission. And, it's a legendary serial mission, maybe the last one!"

The wind fell frowning.


The old chubby little fat man and the big pineapple, both eyes brightened.

In particular, when I heard it, it was actually the "last ring" of the serial mission.

In "War of War", the task is not fixed. In the final stage of the mission, the player's reward is cut off.

This is a very common thing in the "War of War."

Of course, doing this will definitely offend people.

However, the legendary serial task.

This is definitely rarer than the ordinary legendary mission, and the reward will definitely be even better!

"Don't think too much, the most important task at the moment, or how to solve the problem of our guild."

The wind fell, of course, to guess the idea of ​​these two financial fans, facing at least hundreds of millions of credit points, and perhaps even more than one piece of legendary equipment tasks.

Few people can stop this temptation.

With the character of the wind, it is really a task to intercept Hu’s opponent. On the moral level, he will not feel that he can’t accept anything.

However, the purpose of the wind to say this news is of course not to discuss with them the task of "cutting the Hu".

It's about this, it's about their mission.

"Trouble, these goals are also the npc mayor, our previous plans may be completely disrupted."

The brow of the phoenix also wrinkled.

Without this "Phoenix Feather" squad, they could secretly investigate the intelligence of the town mayor.

Even, you can consider hijacking this npc if you can't do it.

After all, although this situation will increase the value of evil, as long as it is not discovered by law enforcement officers, it will not be wanted.

However, now the npc mayor has been targeted by this "Phoenix Squad".

And it is still an important goal of the "legendary serial mission", then the other party will definitely pay close attention to surveillance, they want to start, it is undoubtedly ten times more difficult.

"Actually, we can kill them directly."

The night suddenly sounded.

"They have coincided with our goals, and of course it is more important to safeguard the interests of our city that never sleeps."

"Especially because of the pk field today, we both estimate that there is no possibility of cooperation, let alone the Sanmu consortium that they want to join is our enemy."

"For the enemy, you don't need to be soft, and you don't need to think about things on the moral level."

When I speak at night, my tone is very calm.

This obviously should be her true thoughts.

Rather than being an excuse for looking at each other's "chain legendary mission."

"Hey, the night mm is right, since everyone is almost certainly an enemy. Then, we'd better start with it."

"These people are not as good as us, but there are more people than us. We have an advantage over us in this competition."

Big pineapple immediately smirked and agreed.

"team leader?"

The little fat man is also a little excited, turning his head and looking at the wind.

"No, don't worry, watch for a while."

The wind fell, but the eyes shook his head with thoughts.

"We have thought about how to start a plan from this npc mayor, but did not find a breakthrough."

"Now, these people may bring some trouble, but they may not be helpful. If they can figure out their task content, there may be some special gains."

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