Fatal Shot

Chapter 967: Advance

In the sky, it is dark.

After entering the night, the oasis town is light and bleak.

This is because although the Oasis Township is a residential area, it has various defense facilities.

It is to avoid the light to attract the powerful creatures of the desert after the night, so choose to illuminate as little as possible.

Including the town's roads and plazas, there are no lighting fixtures like street lights.


At the edge of the town.

A few black shadows are moving quickly under the cover of the night, aiming at a very spacious independent villa building!

"A Jun, scouting!"

Silently touched the outside of the villa, a dark shadow of the sound shouted toward another dark shadow next to it.

"There are no other players, there are only a few np in the villa, the location is in the bedroom, already asleep!"

Wearing tactical glasses is obviously another black shadow answer for scout players.

"Invasive villa management system!"

The black shadow that first talked nodded and sank.


The scout player had a pistol in his hand, and after a slight fine sound, he monitored a device with a wire toward the villa.

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

He then quickly opened a well-concealed invading instrument and operated quickly.

“The average resident of this town has a relatively high standard of living. The mayor is a luxury villa and must be a corrupt official!”

Another black shadow observes the movement and the tone of the voice.

"Whoever calls people is the son of the old mayor? In this place of backward superstition, it is easy to see this hereditary right!"

There is also a black shadow, occupying the most open position of the field of vision, while looking at the wind.

"East brother, get it!"

Half a minute later, the scout black shadow put down the instrument in his hand.

"So fast?"

“The technology level of this oasis town is very backward. The defense program here is completely effortless for me!”

The scout player has a strong confidence in the dark shadow.

"Well, Ayun, come in with me. Be careful, don't alarm the np inside. Also, don't leave traces!"

The first shadow of the speech said.


Two black shadows slid into the villa through the wall in the night, because the villa's system has been invaded, and the monitoring of the whole is naturally meaningless.

Everything is going on quietly.

"Ah, I am going!"

However, just after the two shadows went over the wall.

A black shadow player who blew outside, suddenly screamed and screamed.

"What happened?"

Suddenly caused a panic.

"Nothing, nothing. I went. There was a red-eyed bird staring at me next to the tree, almost scared me!"

The player who called the voice in the communicator replied embarrassedly.

"Rely, don't be surprised, a bird!"

This made the rest of the people somewhat dissatisfied.

Time passed by, after about ten minutes.

Two shadows, once again flexible, turned out from the wall of the villa.


The black shadow of the head is slightly breathing.

"Dong Ge, really found a clue?"

The scout player’s voice was surprised and asked.

"Well, it’s going to be better than expected!"

"However, now time is not enough to go to the target location, and wait for the next move tomorrow night."

The black shadow of the command nodded.

The five shadows, as they came, quickly left.


A reconnaissance beetle that is completely transparent in the night, flapping its wing and taking off from the top of the villa, chasing five black shadows to leave.


After a dozen more seconds, a bird that was dark in the body and **** red eyes fluttered and flew into the villa.

Then, it fell to a window on the top floor of the villa, I don't know when a silhouette appeared on the shoulder.


In the damp tropical jungle, a scout wearing a camouflage uniform, full of dead leaves camouflage, squatted on the ground.

The submachine gun in the hand is firmly aimed at a large river that is not far away, and the slowly floating green treatment bag moves!

Above the head, from time to time, a "-100, -100..." blood loss value emerges.

"No, the automatic blood deduction of the system has already caused me to fall to 20%. If I don't go to the package, I will die with him!"

"The opposite tm is a monk, even in this case, I still don't show up, even the reconnaissance can't find anyone!"

On a continuous reconnaissance device, throwing a few reconnaissances did not find the other's position.

Scout players have a faint expression.

"But, as long as you get the supply package, in this case it is enough to be judged victory!"

"I don't want to lose."

When the blood volume drops to 15%, the scout player can't help it.

With a right hand shaking, he directly threw a flash bomb and a smoke bomb near the front!

Striking white light and intense smoke appear one after another.

Then the scout player quickly got up and his body was in a highly flexible posture.

Directly relying on the route in my memory, I bypassed the blocked trees and jumped into the river two seconds later.

Dive directly in the river with a depth of more than five meters, and swim towards the supply package!


Diving more than a dozen meters away from the turbid water that can't be seen, the scout player will arrive at the position of the supply bag.


A black-red saber sticks out from behind, and with one arm holding his head, the sharp blade flutters in the water, and his neck artery is cut off with the trachea!

On the surface of the turbid rainforest river, a large amount of blood was produced.

"08001 wins!"


"Mr. Dead Song, because of your outstanding record, you have successfully passed the single-player advance promotion quota, you can directly get a copy of our group's a-level master contract!"

After the wind fell out of the virtual cabin.

The person in charge of the selection of the staff of the Miki Foundation has come over and said with a smile on the face.

This is the second day of the selection, the "dead song" identity has now completed ten single-player pk.

As a result, naturally, there is no suspense to achieve a ten-game winning streak!

And, of the ten games, seven were directly killing opponents, and the remaining three games ended the battle quickly within two minutes.

The staff of the Miki Foundation is not a scorpion, and it is natural enough to confirm the fighting power of this "dead song."

This kind of high-handed master is naturally impossible to let go of the ground, and is directly prepared to let the wind fall ahead of the "promotion"!

"A level? Why is it only a level? I heard that you have a s-class contract in the Sanmu consortium."

This is expected, and the wind will not be too surprised, but obviously it is impossible for him to agree to sign a contract with the other party.

Therefore, the wind brows a glimpse, there is a very dissatisfied tone.

"This is the case, Mr. Death Song, our group's s-level contract is only for players who awaken the Force. However, with the strength of Mr. Death Song, I believe that you will soon be able to awaken the Force!"

The person in charge is still smiling.

Obviously, for these masters may be disgusted with the a-level contract, they have long thought of preparing for the rhetoric.

After all, most of the masters are arrogant and have a good face.

The disguise of the professional profession of the wind can be disguised along with the level. This "dead song" level is only 50, and there is no awakening of the original force.

The main reason is that the awakening force is too easy to attract attention, and the player who awakens the original force can directly get the contract if he joins the Sanmu consortium. If he is full, he will come to participate in this selection.

"Awakening the Force, huh!"

The wind fell on his face and showed a disdainful expression.

"I have to consider a-level contract. If I don't sign the contract for the time being, it will not affect the first battle of the third round."

Next, it seems to be touched by the emotions as cold and responsible for this humanity.

"Of course not affected!"

"With the strength of Mr. Death Song, I want to take the first chance."

The person in charge smiled and smiled.

"However, I hope that Mr. Dead Song can think clearly within three days, and we can make arrangements."

"Three days?"

The wind fell through a light.

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