Fatal Shot

Chapter 998: PK, team battle

"08004 won!"

After the staff of the Sanmu Foundation left, the virtual cabin next to the wind fell, and the night after the same victory came out.

The speed of each single pk win is almost second only to the wind.

After all, among this single-person pk, scout players with reconnaissance are in fact in a dominant position.

If the phoenix is ​​not disguised as a master, it may be faster to end the battle than the wind.

However, her characteristics are too clear.

If you really choose the light armor, the people of the Sanmu consortium will definitely have doubts.

After all, there aren't many female light armor fighters in the game with top combat power!

"Next, play a few team battles, don't keep your hands, let the team battle advances advance."

After five minutes, the big pineapple and the little fat guys also completed the single-player battle, the wind said.

Compared with the single player, their team is undoubtedly more eye-catching on the team battlefield.

Only five people, in the case of at least seven or eight opponents, will naturally attract the attention of the people of the Sanmu consortium.

Not to mention that the wind itself has already obtained the qualification of individual “promotion”.

Therefore, it is very likely that they will continue to fight, there will be high-level attention of the Sanmu consortium, as long as the display of sufficient strength to advance in advance is of course very likely.

In this case, you can avoid too much fighting and expose too much information.


"Island-type group battle map, 1.5 kilometers in diameter, there is an abandoned military base in the center to reduce the automatic blood loss rate..."

"This map is OK, it is more suitable for our style, it seems that we should be able to win six games."

The sea breeze boasted that the figure of the "Phoenix Feather" squad that had achieved five consecutive victories appeared on a sandy beach by the virtual reality.

"Hey, this game, there are only five people across from each other?"

A player looked at the information and had some unexpected tunnels in his mouth.

"Five people. Ha, that's not a win!"

The light armor warrior next to him heard this and suddenly smiled.

However, he turned his head and found that the scouts in the team and the heavy armor who was the captain were all dignified.

"Five people? Will it be..."

The scout player frowned.

"It should be the death song squad, the only team currently ranked above us."

"I didn't expect that I would have met them in this tenth game!"

The face of the heavy armor is not very good looking.

"The song of death? Boss, you mean, the few people we met when we singled out yesterday!"

The machine gunners heard this and couldn't help but feel their neck.

Apparently, yesterday was touched by the night knife and stabbed to death, leaving him with some psychological shadows.

"Hey, that is not expected to be a good fight in this game. The heavy armored warfare is too high, and it is too scary to be scary!"

Another player who plays against the big pineapple is also not very good-looking. It is estimated that he has been "tortured" in the battle with the big pineapple.

"What, the woman's team?"

Only the female fire department controller, after hearing this, the eyes showed the light of hatred.

"Nothing, their personal strength is strong, as long as they don't wake up the original force, they can't be much stronger than us."

"They have only five people, and we are twice as many people as they are."

"And, the test of team battles is definitely not just personal strength, but tactics and strategies are more important."

In the reaction of the men, the face of the heavy armor quickly turned into a relaxed look, and then assigned tasks.

"A month, give Xiaomu and Aling three injections of accelerated drugs. After the war, you will directly start the charge, and from the following, you will rush to the base that occupied the center."

"Flame, rain...you go with me and the gun, wait for them to take the base and then go in!"

"Alin, you and Ajun go to occupy this position, the other sniper should seize this commanding height. With the opposite lineup, as long as you can suppress the sniper, we will certainly win!"

The heavy armored warrior apparently had several brushes that quickly determined the battle plan.

"The strength of the opposite is not necessarily a good thing. After this fight, it may be possible to advance in advance."

"At that time, you can go straight to the task!"


"Island map, this environment has not been encountered for a long time."

On the other side of the map, the group of five agents who are also waiting for the countdown, the big pineapple is with a smile on the face.

He and the wind fell from the original silver leaf island to the last devil's triangle island land reclamation, for this island battle, it is really beyond understanding.

"From the top of the map, they have at least 70% chance of being born in this area..."

The wind swept the two-eye map, and a lot of information was judged in the highly active head.

Among the pks arranged by the Miki consortium, pets cannot be used to ensure fairness.

But for the wind, this small battlefield, which itself gave a detailed map, can guess the possible position of the opponent even without using the scout beetle.

"The opposite is a full team, will definitely take advantage of the speed advantage of the soldiers to seize the base, our speed is not as good as them."

"So, month (night's disguised identity id), you go with me in this direction and kill them before they enter the base."

"And the three of you are walking from here, going through the woods to the side, and they are likely to attack from this road at the same time!"

After the tactics are quickly determined, the countdown ends.


Both the wind and the night both opened the "quick stealth" skills.

Stepping over a reef next to it, rushing towards a highland opposite the island.


"Call... Hurry up, it’s coming soon!"

"Don't be too anxious, as long as the birth point is fair, we must be ahead of their people."

"They only have one warrior, or a heavy armored warrior, even if it is speeding up the intensifier, it will not be faster. The gunner can use the speed of speeding skills, but at such a long distance, the gunman's physical strength is not enough to support. Rush to the base at full speed."

Less than a minute after the start of the battle, the three light armored soldiers had already rushed to a position more than two hundred meters away from the base.

However, this kind of high-speed running, even if the soldiers' physical strength is not too small, they all have a slight gasp.

The three of them were talking and had already rushed out of the jungle around the base, along a downward slope, rushing towards the central base not far away.



The gunshot sounded, a black armored light armor was running, and suddenly a yellow damage value appeared on his head.

Then, the body running at high speed was out of balance under the impact, and the leg was smashed by a vine on the downhill road.

Then, under the action of inertia, it fell to the ground and rolled out on the ground full of decaying soil for more than ten meters!

"It's a sniper!"

"Is it so fast?"

"He should shoot at a distance and speed up the detour."

After the black light armored soldier fell, the other two light armored warriors reacted after a slight sigh.

However, there is no such thing as the average player encounters the same situation to save the companion, but instead speeds up and rushes toward the base.

"Hey, the other party's use of special seed bombs, the destructive power is very high, my helmet has actually damaged more than 85%!"

The light armored warrior who was hit by a hair-level armored ammunition, climbed for more than a dozen laps on the ground and climbed again.

While spitting out a bit of dirt in the mouth, while doing a "z-shaped" evasive action, he continued to run toward the base.

The equipment of the Phoenix team is all 50 grades. After deliberately weakening the same level, even if it is matched with a special seed bomb, it cannot directly destroy the defense.

Just after the shot.

This light armor did not choose to avoid replacing the spare helmet first, but chose to continue running with the damaged helmet.

This is undoubtedly a very wrong choice!



The second infinitely accurate energy armor-piercing projectile, after breaking through a severely damaged helmet in high-speed rotation, crushed the skull and shot it into the head of the light armored soldier!

"Damn, this sniper, how the gunwork is so accurate!"

The two light armored fighters who ran in front were both surprised when they saw the death of the system’s teammates.

The reason why they did not manage the attacked teammates was because they felt that the other party could not kill the light armor.

After the system's secondary update has a partial damage limit, the sniper faces the warrior player, which is actually more difficult to play than before.

Because, for snipers, wanting to hit high damage can only attack the key.

However, unless you have a legendary **, it is impossible to kill a light armor with a 50-level rare equipment with a single shot.

At least, it takes two shots, and it is theoretical.

Because it is necessary to hit the same critical position for two consecutive shots.

However, in the face of a light armor warrior moving at high speed on complex terrain, which sniper can hit the same position twice in a short time?

Therefore, the two are not worried.

But, obviously... they are miscalculated!

Opposite this id is "dead song", the unknown sniper, the gunshot is accurate and scary.


The sound of ** sounded again.

Another light-armed warrior in the middle of the run, the body spurted briefly during the high-speed running, just when it fell.

Stepping on the ground, preparing to support the leggings in front of the calf in the body, directly under the attack of an energy armor.

In the next moment, under the dual effects of inertia and imbalance, the body had to roll on the ground like the first light armored warrior.


The next shot, did not stop at the slightest.


The last light armor soldier successfully rushed into the base, but in his heart it was a fear.

Because, behind him, that distance is only 30 meters away from the base.

The sniper hit the leg with two consecutive shots, and the light armor soldier who was directly injured and only climbed on the ground was opened by a third gun on the head.

The second death white light!


However, this time.

A sniper bullet with a blue light flew past them from the position behind them.

"Oh, it’s almost a little!"

However, in his team channel, there was an angry voice from the sniper.

"The wind on this island is too big, too unsuitable for sniping. Is the sniper on the opposite side open? Why are there so many guns without mistakes?"

"not good!"

"There are not only snipers but also a scout, she has found our position... damn, be careful!"

Next, the sound in the channel became a shout for the scout player.


Then, a sound of a close-up bullet hit.

"Your teammate ak Jie has been killed!"

At the same time, there are tips that have been brushed in the eyes of all Phoenix feather team players.

The team battle officially started less than fifteen seconds, and the Phoenix Feather team has reduced three people.

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