Su Xia Yue unwillingly walked over and asked Xiao Qi: "What are you lining up for?"

Xu Man Qi looked at Su Xia Yue with an astonished expression, his eyes filled with "Why are you so ignorant and ill-informed".

With this posture, he would still need to stand for another four to six hours before he could line up, right?

Su Xia Yue, under the call of the Haojiao, arrived in front of him and received the registration form. Just as he was about to press the handprint, he saw four big words written on the registration form.

"Life or death?" Su Xia Yue looked surprised.

"Ai" Haojiao waved his hand at Su Xia Yue, "It's alright, although this Gold Trial is a bit dangerous, the rewards are still generous!"

Su Xia Yue asked: "What's the reward?"

Haojiao said while grinning: "This year's Gold Trial Competition, in addition to the spirit pellet that this old man mentioned before, has a copy of the academy's most treasured [Illusory Mantra of Fire and Li]!"

"Mirage Fire Li"!

Su Xia Yue had heard that this Mirage Fire Diagram was a grimoire containing Fire Talent skills. It was one of the six natural talent grimoires just like the [Scorching Wind Tyrant Record] that he had. If he could obtain this , his own Fire Talent and skills would be greatly improved.

"I'm participating in this competition!"

Su Xia Yue pressed his thumb down on the red mud on the registration form.

Who knew that at this moment, a few chuckles came from the side.

"A rookie that's only been in the academy for half a month actually still wants to participate in the Golden Trial? Isn't this competition a little too lenient?"

"That's right. If those kinds of people can participate, then wouldn't us Senior Brothers and Sisters who have been cultivating in the Hundred Herb Hall Academy for more than ten years get the prize immediately?"

"Hahaha, Senior Brother Feng, you are so humorous!" But with the strength of you and Senior Sister Zhu Wu, you will definitely get the final reward! "

"Of course?" Feng Jincheng smiled proudly.

This arrogant aura, made Su Xia Yue feel as if he was stinking from a latrine, stinking unbearably. She frowned.

Haojiao naturally heard the discussions, and immediately patted on Su Xia Yue's shoulder.

"Girl, this Feng Jincheng and the Zhu Wu that they are talking about, are all the disciples from your previous Temple who completed their studies. They already had their Black rank alchemist three years ago, but after hearing that there's such a rich prize, they rushed over as well. Your competitors are no ordinary people."

"Not only people, but also those who block and kill, and buddhas blocked and killed." Su Xia Yue said with full of confidence.

With that, he turned around and left this place filled with people. She returned to her residence halfway up the mountain and prepared to rest.

When she arrived, she found out that the three days she had been gone were actually not the messy battle scene from before. It was as if someone had carefully cleaned everything up and made a clean sweep of everything.

On the dressing table was a freshly picked mandala.

"Could it be that Long Bi helped him tidy up his own house?"

With this thought in mind, Su Xia Yue prepared to walk to the bed to rest. Who knew that when the bedcurtains were lifted, a man in a purple robe was lying on his back with his limbs spread out.

The man woke up with a pair of misty peach blossom eyes. He looked at Su Xia Yue with an extremely charming gaze, and from his throat, a voice that was as enchanting as the zither came out.

"Eh? "You're back?"

"Ye Fan Hua!" Su Xia Yue let out an angry roar from between his teeth, his eyes were like drums, staring straight at Ye Fan Hua who took the bird's nest.

Ye Fan Hua still acted as if he did not know anything, lying in his bed steadily. He continued to chat with Su Xia Yue.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's only been three days since we last met, you look even more beautiful!" His angry look made him look even cuter! But, you have to thank me, when you're not here, I helped you tidy up your room, and even helped you dress up this room. In order to not make your bed feel cold when you come back at midnight, I even personally warmed your bed and let me calculate how much it would cost to warm your bed. "

Su Xia Yue was so angry that he gritted his teeth and directly pulled Ye Fan Hua out of her bed.

"Scram as far as you can!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you bloodthirsty woman! "When I liked her, I wouldn't let her go even if I had to write documents for her. Now, I don't like her anymore. I will tell her to scram as far away as possible!"

It was fine that Ye Fan Hua did not say anything, but when he said that, Su Xia Yue felt a nameless fire burning in his heart, and he quickly tried to vent it.

She immediately grabbed onto Ye Fan Hua's clothes and asked angrily: You still have the nerve to say it? From the day I entered the Temple, you had already disappeared. Not to mention your protection, you didn't even see a single hair on your head.

Before Su Xia Yue could even finish his roar, Ye Fan Hua took out a simple grimoire from his spatial ring and waved it in front of him.

If it was anything else, she might not even look at it. However, on the cover of the grimoire that Ye Fan Hua was waving his hands on, there were four big words clearly written: "The Book of the Royal Dragon".

She had just heard from the Red Elder that this《 The Book of the Royal Dragon》 was the only treasure book that could defend against the《 Purgatory Evil Arts》. How could he just take it out in time? 'Could it be … '

"You've been following me?"

As he said this guess, even Su Xia Yue himself was startled.

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