Ye Fan Hua had a mysterious look on his face. He did not nod his head, nor did he shake his head. From the looks of it, it seemed to be tacit agreement.

Su Xia Yue was shocked.

"How long have you been following me?"

Su Xia Yue glared as he extended his hand to give Ye Fan Hua a punch.

However, Ye Fan Hua dodged and walked to her back one step ahead.

However …

Su Xia Yue looked at the back of Ye Fan Hua's purple robe, and it seemed like there was a hidden student. It was just that the color of the blood and the color of the clothes were too similar.

When she wasn't sure, she glanced at her bed out of the corner of her eye.

There was indeed a blood-red trace left on the bed!

Is he hurt?

"Ye Fan Hua!" Su Xia Yue chased him for a few steps and reached the entrance of the house.

At this time, it was already deep into the night. In Su Xia Yue's courtyard, there was a small pond. The pond reflected the white moonlight. It was as if they had collected a pile of moonlight. It was extremely beautiful.

Ye Fan Hua stood by the side of the pond, the dark night obscured his face. Only his slightly swaying back could be seen. He didn't know why he didn't turn his head, but he looked in the direction of the courtyard entrance and stood still.

"What do you want me to do, tigress? You've thought it through so quickly, are you planning to pay me to warm my bed? "

"Where did you get this ?"

"Oh, this《 The Book of the Royal Dragon》? I just got it from the Dragoncry Island. "

Ye Fan Hua replied Su Xia Yue with a light tone.

However, even though Su Xia Yue was not very familiar with this inherited five continents, he still had some impression of it.

In this inherited five continents, everyone knew that there were three dangerous secret realms, which were respectively the three bloodlines of an island. The three bloodlines were respectively Blueflame Mountain Range, Five Elements Mountain Range and the Extreme Delight Mountain Range. This island was the Dragoncry Island. And this level of danger, was a place that was even more dangerous than the previous one. Compared to the Blueflame Mountain Range, the Blueflame Mountain Range was like a child's play.

"You disappeared the day I went to the Sacred Hall. You went to the Dragoncry Island to get this《 The Book of the Royal Dragon》? You did not have this《 The Book of the Royal Dragon》 originally? "

Su Xia Yue felt that she had misunderstood something, and it was good that she understood something. However, this feeling was too vague, she could not describe it.

Ye Fan Hua turned around and smiled faintly at Su Xia Yue. His slightly pale face did not look serious at all.

Yes, I was found out by you. These few days, Long Bi helped you clean up your house, and only that flower was not bad for me when I was at Dragoncry Island. I also brought it back for you.

Ye Fan Hua had not finished speaking when he actually fell to the ground. His body was as thin as a feather. On the ground, his unconscious body did not even show the slightest fluctuations. Those tightly shut eyes looked as if they would never wake up again.

"Ye Fan Hua!"

Su Xia Yue screamed, and immediately pounced towards Ye Fan Hua, squatting down to check his breath.

Long Bi also entered the courtyard at this time, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but be astonished.

"Eldest Miss, what's going on?"

"Cut the crap, carry him onto my bed first, I want to treat his wounds!"

As Su Xia Yue spoke, he and Long Bi each held one of Ye Fan Hua's shoulders and supported him back into the room, gently placing him back on the bed.

Seeing Ye Fan Hua who had already fallen into a coma, without saying a word, Su Xia Yue reached out and carefully flipped him one by one. Then, he opened Ye Fan Hua's purple robe. On his back, there was a palm sized black mark. This black mark was like a plum flower with five petals. Each petal was a wound, gurgling out blood!

Such a heavy injury?

When he came back, he must have only been in the room for a short while, unable to hold on due to the wounds on his body, before he fell on his bed. At that time, she had gone to grab his clothes and pulled him up.

'At that time, the wound must have hurt a lot. It hurt a lot! '

"What kind of injury is this?"

Su Xia Yue muttered, his eyes revealing a look of anxiousness.

At this time, Old Ancestor suddenly came out from his spatial ring and rushed forward enthusiastically: "Come, come, let this old man see!"

After saying that, Old Ancestor lowered his head to check on Ye Fan Hua's injuries. Upon seeing it, he sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Oh my god, he's got Plum Blossom Heart Shadow. Although I can help him stop the bleeding temporarily, the poison will still spread through his blood. He'll die in less than two days!"

"No way! He can't die because of me! "

Su Xia Yue clenched his teeth as he stood up and turned to ask Su Xing He.

"Old Ancestor, I remember that the book you gave me contained a kind of spiritual pill that can cure hundreds of poisons, called the Seven Glorious Pure Heart Pill.

Old Ancestor's eyes lit up, and then quickly closed again.

"Stop dreaming, girl!" Yesterday, you failed to refine a high-grade soul pill. How could you refine a high-grade Seven Glorious Pure Heart Pill today? Unless your psychokinesis can greatly improve in two days, however, this is impossible! "

"No!" Su Xia Yue denied it.

Tomorrow is the Gold Trial Competition!

She remembered the Haojiao saying that whoever won the Golden Trial Competition could obtain a spirit pellet to increase their psychokinesis. The effect was several times greater than Scarlet Perception Pill. As long as he won tomorrow's golden trial and obtained this Cheng Shen Dan, she would definitely be able to raise her cultivation and refine the Superior Grade Seven Glorious Pure Heart Pill!

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