Biting the finger, reciting the chants, posturing.

Su Xia Yue followed the instruction transmitted to his mind, and every time he chanted the Overflow Curse, he would use the blood on his fingertip to lightly tap on a person's forehead. Anyone that she chanted a spell on or touched their forehead would disappear without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

However, Nan Gong Hong Yun did not expect this to happen.

She was in no mood to pick up the wood spirit pearl that fell from the sky, she raised her head and was about to collapse.

Ye Fan Hua quickly pulled back and carefully held Su Xia Yue in his arms. She began to call Su Xia Yue's name again and again.

Xiao Qi and the rest also regained their senses as they walked up to see Su Xia Yue. Only Nan Gong Hong Yun rolled the wood spirit pearl onto the ground and broke it into pieces. She quickly pulled up her skirt and rushed forward to catch the wood spirit pearl.

Old Ancestor warned Ye Fan Hua: "Shouting is useless. Give her some blood energy, then she'll be good!"

He didn't know why Ye Fan Hua was frowning so deeply, his face was filled with deep hesitation, and he actually didn't make a move.

Not many mortals could endure the Ghost King's blood

Xu Man Qi, Xi Che Ying, and the others thought that Ye Fan Hua was cherishing his life so much that he wasn't willing to give them anything. He then went over to help Su Xia Yue to cross the blood, and at the same time scolded him secretly.

"Hmph, I thought she was being nice to Sister Su, but she can't even bear to let go of a few drops of blood. What a blind face."

"That's right, there are some people who have been around for a long time and know their way around the world."

"When we get back, we must remind our eldest senior sister. We can't mistake some people's sweet words for trusting others. We have to shine our eyes."


When the few of them finished talking, Su Xia Yue had already woken up. What he saw was Ye Fan Hua sitting alone on the doorstep of that house, looking at him from afar.

On the other hand, Nan Gong Hong Yun was using her clothes to support herself as she met those wood spirit pearl that were falling down chaotically in midair.

Speaking of wood spirit pearl, Su Xia Yue couldn't help but be shocked.

It was her first time seeing so many wood spirit pearl, and it looked like there were at least a hundred of them! However, the effectiveness of this wood spirit pearl, was unknown.

Xu Man Qi and the others looked at the wood spirit pearl s that were almost full up under Nan Gong Hong Yun's clothes, and all of them gnashed their teeth in anger and hatred.

She obviously did not use any strength. Why did she take all the wood spirit pearl?

At this time, Su Xing He issued a warning: "Girl, it should be yours, it will be yours."

With that, Su Xing He smiled mysteriously and floated back into Su Xia Yue's spatial ring. Not long after Su Xing He returned to the spatial ring, Nan Gong Hong Yun suddenly let out a frantic shout.

"What's going on!?" My wood spirit pearl, my wood spirit pearl, come back, come back! "


Everyone looked back, only to see that the wood spirit pearl inside Nan Gong Hong Yun's clothes had all flown up as if they had grown eyes, all flying towards Su Xia Yue's direction.

Before, Su Xia Yue still had a sickly look on his face, but after seeing so many wood spirit pearl flying around her, he immediately became more spirited. However, she wasn't happy. She was extremely nervous.

The first reaction in her mind was to not be able to eat it!

Su Xia Yue wanted to escape from these wood spirit pearl, but Nan Gong Hong Yun used all his might to give chase! This unexpected scene stunned Xu Man Qi and the others for a long while.

Just then, Ye Fan Hua kindly spoke out, "You can store the wood spirit pearl in your spatial ring first! If you do not need that many wood spirit pearl, you can find a Treasure Master to help you convert these wood spirit pearl into other attribute Five Elements Pearl. "

You can do this?

Su Xia Yue immediately halted his steps, turned around and waved his hand, collecting the hundred wood spirit pearl into his spatial ring.

She then turned around and said to Xu Man Qi and the others, "When I find the Alchemist Master, I'll have him transform these Five Elements Pearl into the Five Elements Pearl that you need."

Xu Man Qi and the others firmly believed that, and nodded.

Soon after, the group walked out of the village that had regained its tranquility. When they were about to leave the village, Su Xia Yue turned his head to look back. Only then did he see that the village they had just passed through no longer existed.

The houses they passed by were actually just graves. The signboard in front of the door was nothing but a tall tombstone.

"Sister Su, hurry!" We have finally reached the exit of the Five Elements Mountain Range! " Xu Man Qi excitedly called out to Su Xia Yue.

She chased after them for a few steps before finally following them out of the area.

With a flash of light, everyone appeared in the main hall of the Temple.

It was currently sundown, and it had only been six hours since they had entered the Five Elements Mountain Range. The Haojiao was lying on the chair, feeling drowsy. He was holding a palm-leaf fan and fanning the floor.

"Master, we're back!" Xu Man Qi and the rest shouted at the same time.


Haojiao was so frightened that his fan flew away, he jumped up from the chair and looked around in fear. When they found out that it was Su Xia Yue and the others who had returned from the Five Elements Mountain Range, they were both happy and angry.

"You guys! How could he return from the Five Elements Mountain Range so quickly? What's the result? "

"We have gained a lot, but the one with the biggest harvest is obviously still Sister Su! Before Xu Man Qi even finished speaking, Su Xia Yue had already reached out his hand and covered Xu Man Qi's mouth.

"She said something bad about me." Su Xia Yue explained with a calm expression.

Haojiao did not think too much into it, and only nodded in satisfaction, reminding everyone except for Nan Gong Hong Yun and Ye Fan Hua.

"Go and prepare, in a few days, people from the four nations will come to inspect our Hundred Herb Hall Academy."

Su Xia Yue nodded, but before leaving the great hall, he turned around and asked Haojiao a question.

"Master, among the people from Cloud Country, is there anyone called Mo Jin Chen?"

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