Haojiao was startled and asked Su Xia Yue in surprise: "Why did you suddenly mention Mo Jin Chen?"

Su Xia Yue smiled mysteriously. His expression was no longer gloomy like before.

Seeing that Su Xia Yue did not say anything, Haojiao did not continue the line of questioning, and only stroked his white beard. He guessed with a smile.

But Nan Gong Hong Yun shook his head.

"You're talking about the Ghost King that others have spread about, he is currently only stronger than us ordinary people, and only after he obtains the Mysterious Sky Magic Orb, will he be able to become the Ghost King that you speak of."

Nan Gong Hong Yun's words made Su Xia Yue's heart uncontrollably tremble.

Was it the Mysterious Sky Magic Orb again?

The Demon Slayer wanted to steal the Mysterious Sky Magic Orb, while Nan Gong Ling Yun was also bringing up Mysterious Sky Magic Orb. So it turned out that this guy who had been chasing after him for so long wanted the Mysterious Sky Magic Orb as well.

Su Xia Yue's face darkened.

Nan Gong Hong Yun, who was at the side, seemed to have already expected this expression from Su Xia Yue, and did not question him at all. Instead, he reminded Su Xia Yue with a smile, "Master, what you said was true. I will tell you Ye Fan Hua's identity. You have to keep your word! "

With that, Nan Gong Hong Yun turned around with ease, as if he was preparing to leave. However, Su Xia Yue stopped Nan Gong Hong Yun and urged him on.

"Don't tell the third person about what happened in the Five Elements Mountain Range this time, and the fact that I know Ye Fan Hua is the Ghost King. Otherwise, I'll promise you the Royal Meditation Pill, and it'll be fine."

"No, no!" I promise I will keep my mouth shut! "

Nan Gong Hong Yun promised Su Xia Yue in all seriousness. Then, he turned around and left.

In the direction they had left, Long Bi was rushing over, with a look of worry on his face as he arrived in front of Su Xia Yue.

"Young miss, it's bad," Long Bi pursed his lips, as if he did not know how to continue.

"It's neither a blessing nor a disaster. It's a disaster that cannot be avoided. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. If you continue to hesitate, it will instead be a waste of my time." Su Xia Yue urged, and his tone was sharp.

"Yes sir!"

Long Bi nodded, and said to Su Xia Yue: "Last time, after we heavily injured Bai Yi Chou, Bai Yi Chou went back to recuperate for more than half a month, then went to find his second brother Bai Yi Han, and came to our Hundred Herb Hall Academy to seek revenge on you. Right now, they are right at the entrance of the courtyard you live in, and even though Nie Shi Xun and the others are blocking them, I don't think they will be able to hold on for long."

"Bai Yi Han?"

These three words, Su Xia Yue, instantly roused his spirit.

Wasn't this the Purple Robed Young Master who had shot Whitey's butt before? He actually dared to come knocking on his door? It looked like the heavens were giving her the chance to avenge her earlier death!

Even Whitey, who was inside the spatial ring, felt its body tremble and came out from the spatial ring. It directly jumped onto Su Xia Yue's head and hugged Su Xia Yue's head.

"Mother, mother, leave this person to me for nothing!" "Xiao Bai is now a Rank 3 Spirit Beast. He is no longer that useless white and will never be hit in the butt by that guy again!"


Hearing Xuan Bai's indignant face, Su Xia Yue did not know whether to laugh or cry. He was actually grabbed by Xuan Bai and flew back to his living quarters. Long Bi almost couldn't keep up.

When Su Xia Yue, Long Bi, and Xuan Bai rushed to the entrance of the courtyard, they saw about ten to twenty people from the Bai Clan gathered. They were all wielding long swords in their hands, confronting Xu Man Qi, Nie Shi Xun, He Zi Yi, Xi Che Ying and the others with such menacing expressions.

Not knowing why, Su Xia Yue actually saw Leng Ling Shan's figure from between the two sides.

She crossed her arms and stood behind the two young masters of the Bai Family, looking at Xu Man Qi and the rest with a sinister look.

Before Su Xia Yue and the rest entered the courtyard, they could hear the three of them talking and shooting.

"This is the Hundred Herb Hall Academy! How did the Heavenly Wind Guard let you in? " Nie Shi Xun asked angrily.

"Oh, I was the one who recommended them, saying that they are revisiting the same place! Such a simple matter, there's no need to ask any further. On the other hand, what are you two doing as Su Xia Yue's lackey? Isn't he being suppressed by Su Xia Yue everywhere? Why not come with me and chase Su Xia Yue out? Only with this Hundred Herb Hall Academy can we one day stand up for ourselves. "

Leng Ling Shan advised Nie Shi Xun and the others.

However, Nie Shi Xun, Xu Man Qi and the rest did not take these words seriously.

Xi Che Ying even directly pulled out his sword to intimidate Leng Ling Shan and the Bai Clan members.

"This is an important place of the Temple, under the protection of the Principal. You still dare to act presumptuously here? Hurry up and leave! "

"Hehe, I don't care about being the principal or not!" If you dare to touch someone from the Bai Clan, you can't just let it go like this! If you guys know what's good for you, hand Su Xia Yue over immediately, or else, don't blame the frost arrow in my hand for being rude! "

Bai Yi Han with his purple robe and black boots pulled out his bow and arrows right after he finished speaking. It was the exact same arrow that Su Xia Yue had pulled out from her white butt that day.

Looking at the golden light on the arrow feathers, it was obvious that after half a month, Bai Yi Han's strength had increased greatly, and his arrow itself had levelled up too. No wonder Bai Yi Chou, who had promised never to commit another crime, dared to make a comeback.

Relying on their numbers, they surrounded Xu Man Qi and the rest. The cold and gloomy sword light closed in on Xiao Qi and the others who were unarmed.

Su Xia Yue squinted his eyes, his entire body releasing a burst of imposing Qi.

There was no need for her to be merciful to liars and enemies.


A ray of Man Xing's Water Element Innate Skill — Frostfall, instantly attacked.

The sixteen warriors of the Bai Clan, who were at the seventh step, were frozen the moment they were about to fall into the sword in their hands.

Unfortunately …

Bai Yi Han took Bai Yi Chou and dodged it at the critical moment!

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