Those people that were lucky enough to be saved by Su Xia Yue, waited for an entire day and night, and finally waited for Su Xia Yue to return. They rushed to her, protecting her within the human wall before the officers could surround her.

"Who are you calling a mad woman! She was the's number one female hero! Dan Association has sent people to ask her to be their Clan Elder, but you call her a crazy woman? "


When he opened the last layer, Wang Shan Leng discovered that the package contained a head with a strange face. He immediately turned pale with fright. With a blood-curdling screech, he threw the head to the ground.

Seeing Wang Shan Leng being so scared that he looked helpless and helpless, sounds of laughter came from all around.

Wang Shan Leng became angry from the embarrassment, pointed at Su Xia Yue, and cursed: "You, you, you are truly preposterous! You dare to insult a court official and use such a head to scare me? Do you think I'm useless? If I don't punish you severely today, I won't be this Hundred Herb Hall Academy's Principal! "

Su Xia Yue held his hands together, and replied leisurely: "That's not used to scare your head, but the head of the mastermind behind the massacre of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy last night. If I were you, I would have taken that head to solve the crime and make a contribution, instead of throwing it on the ground, and turned into a headless case."


Wang Shan Leng was unable to recover his wits for a while.

He couldn't believe it. The murder had only happened one night. Su Xia Yue had already decapitated the murderer. What he could not believe the most was that the tattoo on the neck of this human head clearly indicated that he was a follower of the Devil Cult.

For a disciple of the Demon Sect with such strength, Su Xia Yue could actually slash at his enemy in a night's time, that was simply impossible!

Facing this matter, Wang Shan Leng could only have endless doubts.

Xu Man Qi and the others, on the other hand, were so excited, that they couldn't control themselves.

"Big Senior, did you really do it?" You actually avenged the dean in one night? "You're really too amazing!"

"Yeah, as expected of big sister Su. This time, the dean's spirit in heaven can be consoled!"

"You truly are a great savior of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy! You should be the Principal of Hundred Herb Hall Academy, why would you let this Fatty Wang pick up such a cheap deal? "

"Exactly, this is too unfair!"

The thirty to forty people spoke one after another, their faces all filled with resentment. The sound of the argument caused the surrounding soldiers and citizens who were in charge of rebuilding the Hundred Herb Hall Academy to stop what they were doing and come over to watch the commotion.

When they found out that Su Xia Yue only had one night of work left, they avenged the Principal and found the true culprit behind the massacre of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy, immediately following Xu Man Qi and the others as well.

"Not fair, not fair!"

"Su Xia Yue should be the Principal!"

"That's right! Fatty Wang, scram! Fatty Wang, scram!"


Gradually, many rocks were thrown towards Wang Shan Leng. All of the officials who were originally protecting Wang Shan Leng were dragged into the fray, and their bodies were smashed and bruised all over. Slowly, she didn't dare to protect him anymore.

Without protection, Wang Shan Leng became the target of public criticism. In just a short moment, his head was already bleeding from the impact.

From start to finish, Su Xia Yue had not moved a single finger, nor had he given any orders.

She only pursed her lips slightly, exuding a powerful and frightening aura.

This was the world that won the hearts of the people.

Those who used underhanded methods to climb up would eventually be suppressed.

Wang Shan Leng who was in a sorry state as he fled Hundred Herb Hall Academy, while planning his way back to give the imperial court a report, and ruthlessly tell Su Xia Yue the same thing.

However, just a few steps after escaping from Hundred Herb Hall Academy's entrance, he bumped into a half waist-tall dwarf that was charging straight at him.


Wang Shan Leng cried out in pain, he did not expect the dwarf to be so sturdy, to actually knock him down to the ground. His already wounded body became even more furious. He immediately vented all his anger on the dwarf.

He got up and grabbed the dwarf's shirt, lifting him off the ground.

"You short wintermelon, don't you know how to walk? You even dare to hit me! Do you know that I am the new Principal of Hundred Herb Hall Academy? "

"Where is Su Xia Yue now?"

"Su Xia Yue? It's Su Xia Yue again, you were poisoned by her? Damn it! " Wang Shan Leng raised his hand to slap the dwarf's face.

However, before his chubby hand could land on the dwarf's face, a huge force grabbed his wrist.


His entire wrist was pulled out, revealing a bloody bone.


Wang Shan Leng screamed in pain and unconsciously let go of the hand that was holding onto the dwarf's clothes.

The little man landed on the ground and calmly dusted himself off. After smoothing his clothes that had been pulled away, he walked over to Wang Shan Leng who was rolling on the ground.

He looked down at Wang Shan Leng who was on the ground and said coldly: "First, I am not a short wintermelon, I am a member of the Fairy Clan! Secondly, Su Xia Yue is not repulsive, I don't care, you are dead for sure! "


Wang Shan Leng looked up in fear and despair, but before he could clearly see the face of the elves, his head was already smashed by the elves's spirit force.

The blue haired elves did not even look at Wang Shan Leng's body that was lying on the ground, it only raised its head and looked at the reconstructing Hundred Herb Hall Academy. He frowned deeply.

His appearance, was basically Ai Lan.

Ai Lan had a sinister expression on his face. Just as he was about to step into the Hundred Herb Hall Academy, for some unknown reason, his face suddenly aged at a speed visible to the naked eye

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