In just a few blinks of an eye, the skin on Ai Lan's face and body became as wrinkled as an old man's. Even his back was hunched.

His entire person became even smaller and weaker, and his weakened appearance was just as frightening as when he escaped from the Reincarnation Workshop after being annihilated.

Su Xia Yue, who was completely unaware, was still in Hundred Herb Hall Academy, reconstructing the Hundred Herb Hall Academy with Xiao Qi, Xiao Sa and the others.

However, the entire Hundred Herb Hall Academy had already shed a large amount of blood.

Some of the the newly recruited three thousand disciples did not recognize Su Xia Yue. He was only listening to Xu Man Qi, Nie Shi Xun who had the same seniority as him, publicizing the legends of Su Xia Yue.

Aside from Xiao Sa, the other three elders also came directly from the Dan Association. Therefore, of the thirty people nominated for the position of dean, more than twenty of them were unfamiliar names.

However, the person presiding over this nominee conference, was none other than Xu Man Qi.

Sitting in the middle of the seats, amongst the thirty or so people who had been nominated for the position of principal. Xu Man Qi naughtily blinked his eyes at Su Xia Yue, and then picked up the list of names and started to read.

"The first nominee is Wang Hongtian; the second nominee is Li Youliang; the third nominee is Su Xia Yue, the honorary principal of the current Huiwen College, and was previously first in the Four Kingdoms Grand Ceremony Competition, a quasi-elder of the Dan Association, and a Seven Star Heaven Tier alchemist!" With just him alone, he was able to avenge the Principal. In the eyes of the people in Hundred Herb Hall Academy, he was highly regarded! The fourth nominee, Xiao Sa, one of the Four Great Elders of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy. "

This kind of introduction caused all the disciples and high officials below the stage to be speechless. At the same time, they couldn't help but reveal deep expressions of admiration towards Su Xia Yue.

"Being able to achieve such an achievement at such a young age is truly unbelievable!"

"That's right, I said that the honors she had earned in the past, just say she is currently an alchemist. In the younger generation of the entire Han Dynasty, it is simply too heaven-defying!"

"With such strength, he is completely qualified to be the Principal of Hundred Herb Hall Academy."

After whispering to one another for a while, those disciples who were holding the ballot papers directly threw them away. He shouted loudly.

"Choose Su Xia Yue as the principal!"

"That's right, we should choose Su Xia Yue as our Principal."

"No need to vote, we all choose Su Xia Yue as our Principal!"


The host Xiao Qi then turned his head and looked at Eighth Prince Xuan Yuan Pei Ting who was in his seat of honor. Smiling, he said, "Your Highness Eighth Prince, look at this!"

Xuan Yuan Pei Ting looked at the scene that was filled with the cries of mountains, and could only wave his hand in disgust.

"Forget it, let's just leave it at that!"


Xiao Qi then turned her head, and announced with a clear voice to the crowd, "This time's nomination for Hundred Herb Hall Academy's Principal, in the end, Su Xia Yue obtained President Su Xia Yue's position!"

When the results were announced, the entire Hundred Herb Hall Academy's arena was filled with excited cheers.

"Oh, oh! "Oh, oh!"

"Su Xia Yue! Su Xia Yue! "


Waiting for the result to be announced, Eighth Prince Xuan Yuan Pei Ting carried an exquisite, red lacquer box that was around the size of two palms. When he opened the treasure box, he saw several layers of soft golden silk.

In the middle of the silk was a palm-sized seal of the dean.

In the future, as long as he had this huge seal, he would be absolutely certain about everything that happened in the Hundred Herb Hall Academy. There were no more objections.

After taking the President's Seal, Su Xia Yue raised his head and smiled at Xuan Yuan Pei Ting. This smile contained the attitude of a victor, it was extremely dazzling.

In Xuan Yuan Pei Ting's eyes, however, it was incomparably glaring.

He narrowed his eyes, and used the same voice that only the two of them could hear, to whisper into Su Xia Yue's ears, and warned her deeply.

"I'll consider this as your win, but you won't win for long. It's just that the Xuanyuan family has a large world, and a single Hundred Herb Hall Academy is not enough to shake them."

"That's right. The Xuanyuan family's world is very big and there are many people dividing up between them. Your big brother is already not going to be divided up anymore, second brother is still here." Su Xia Yue replied meaningfully.

Only the two of them could hear their voices.

However, everyone could tell from their eyes and expressions that they were at loggerheads. There was no longer any friendship left.

However, this was also an action of helplessness.

From today onwards, Xuan Yuan Pei Ting would forget about using his own life force to save his life in the Blueflame Mountain Range.

From today onwards, he would forget about the matter of him coming to the Su Palace to interrogate the Principal of Huiwen College and finding Xuan Yuan Pei Ting to save him.

From today onwards, he would make her forget her first confession of love under the peach trees in the backyard of the Su palace.

From today onwards, he would forget the kindness of saving his life in those ruins.

Forgotten in the martial arts world, hate in the mountains.

Because of fate, it arose because of destiny, and it perished because of destiny.

At the moment when Su Xia Yue and Xuan Yuan Pei Ting passed each other, it was as if there was something shattering in Xuan Yuan Pei Ting's heart. It also echoed in Su Xia Yue's mind.

After leaving this time, Su Xia Yue stayed in Hundred Herb Hall Academy for a month and also became the Principal of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy for a month. Under her care, the entire Hundred Herb Hall Academy was on the right track.

They had even groomed Xiao Sa to become the Vice Principal of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy.

Although he was said to be the vice principal, the truth was that most of the time, he was the one in charge. Su Xia Yue was so happy that he spent most of his time cultivating.

However, while she was cultivating, she suddenly received a message from Su Family.

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