"Is she not only a pirate, but also a magician"

Kiyohime guessed.

Marda shook her head to deny Kiyohime's guess.

"Probably not.

Her use of magic power is too crude, she is simply using magic power to enhance her own attack."

"Then what happened to her?"

Kiyoshi asked in confusion.

"Maybe it's a natural hero with magic aptitude.

After all, Drake is a legendary big pirate, and it is not surprising that he has magic skills. . . .

Man's voice sounded like this.

"Heh... Mr. Husband has it"


At Roman's words, Ji Qinghe gave a disdainful laugh, expressing noncommittalism, compared to him.

Roman's guess, she was naturally more willing to believe Ye Li's idea.

"It's not clear yet."

Ye Li didn't answer Qing Ji's question, and kept her eyes fixed on Drake who was fighting with Mash in the field, as if she wanted to see something from her. Although she didn't get the answer she wanted, Qing Ji was not disappointed.

Seeing Ye Li intently watching the battle between Matthew and Drake, Qing Ji, who knew what he was thinking about, immediately stopped asking questions, and stood beside Ye Li obediently, quietly watching the battle with him.

On the other side, Marda also didn't say anything.

....."Clang! Clang...!"

After getting serious, Matthew's horizontal shield blocked Drake's knife, and then he backhanded the shield and smashed it at Drake! Drake barely blocked Matthew's shield with both knives, but the whole person was still blocked. The huge force from the shield was repelled! The boots under his feet carved two marks on the ground, and Drake stabilized his hands that were numb from the smash. At the same time, he was surprised and excited to look at the opposite Ma build.

"It doesn't seem that you underestimated me, but I underestimated you!"

"Captain Drake, be careful!"

After Matthew finished speaking with a serious face, he raised his shield and rushed towards Drake! "Haha! Come on!"

Drake laughed. Even though he knew that Matthew's power was above him, he still attacked him without flinching! However, there is a huge gap between humans and servants, even if Drake uses magic power He strengthened himself, but he was barely able to fight two moves with the Servant... Especially when his physical ability was obviously not as good as Mash, he chose to fight head-on, so after a fight, after a while, The machete in Drake's hand was knocked into the air by Matthew! The machete swirled in mid-air and flew out, and finally slanted into the open space not far away... "It really doesn't work... De Rek took a few steps back, and rubbed his right wrist holding the knife with his left hand, but he was not discouraged, or rather, he had known for a long time that this would be the result.

"Captain Drake, do you want to continue?"

Matthew stopped temporarily and said to Drake.

"Of course! I accept your opponent in close combat, but what about long-range combat..."

Drake said, stretched out his hands and took out the two trigger guns hanging on the other side of his waist:.

Next, he raised his hand and aimed at Matthew in front of him, and pulled the trigger—“Bang—!”

The gunshots exploded, and the hot bullets burst out of the chamber!! "Bang——!"

However, Matthew's defense was impeccable, and he easily blocked the bullet with his shield.

Seeing this, Drake still didn't mean to give up, he held another gun: his hand, raised it and gave Matthew another bullet.

At the same time, she also quickly retreated under her feet to distance herself from Matthew.

As I said earlier, if you plan to fight at close range, you will fight at a distance.

Seeing this scene, Matthew immediately.

Put the shield in front of you and charge straight towards Drake.

Relying on the shielding defense of the huge shield, she insisted on Drake's bullets and approached her at full speed! In this way, the two chased and fled, and ran around in this open space for a while...! But it's a pity, Drake's behavior has a fatal weakness...that is the dual guns in her hands, which are the flintlock guns of this era! This kind of flintlock gun, gun: can only be filled with one bullet at a time! That is, every time a shot is fired, Drake must reload the flintlock with new ammo.

In this way... Dre will undoubtedly waste a lot of time and focus on reloading bullets! Even her bullets have been strengthened by magic, which greatly increases their power and also causes some trouble for Matthew's pursuit behind him. .. But in general, the situation is still more unfavorable for Drake! Therefore, the crowd around, it is obvious that in the course of the pursuit, the distance between Matthew and Drake is rapidly increasing. Shorten! "Matthew is going to win."

Martha said with a smile.


Ye Li nodded and looked at Matthew's figure with a slight smile on his face, but when he looked at Drake, there was a bit of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

During the battle between Drake and Matthew, he found some oddities in Drake's body.

The magic fluctuations on Drake's body actually gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity... Soon, the battle between Matthew and Drake was over, and the result did not exceed the expectations of Ye Li and others. .. Matthew caught up with Drake, raised his shield, and slapped Drake with the surface of the shield! Although Drake crossed the flintlock pistols in both hands to block it at the end, he was still knocked out by Matthew. out! "Whoo..."

Seeing Drake lying not far away, Matthew suddenly let out a long sigh, and the serious and serious expression on his pretty face gradually eased.

At this time, Ye Li, Marda, Qing Ji, and the surrounding pirates who were watching the battle, all surrounded them when they saw the battle was over.

"Senior, I won."

Matthew said to Yeli with a worthy of his mission.

"Well, hard work."

Ye Li smiled and raised his hand to touch Matthew's head.

Matthew showed a happy smile, and her fair face was filled with a faint blush, and she looked really moving and lovely because of the battle or because of Ye Li's praise and touching her head.

On the other side... "Ah, big sister! Are you alright!"

The pirates all leaned towards Drake.

"Ahaha, what nonsense! Of course I'm fine!"

Drake responded to the pirates with a big laugh, and got up from the ground almost unscathed.

.....: I'm sorry, sorry, there's something going on at home these days, and the update may not be stable.

However, it will be fine in a few days.

016: Drink with friends Drake

"Haha! It's so painful, it's really sobering up.

That strength makes rum: not worth mentioning at all."

Drake said with a big laugh while taking the two guns in his hands back to the guns hanging on his waist: inside the bag.

But the next moment, she changed her voice, put away her smile, and looked at Ye Li and the others with a serious face.

"Okay, let's not mention this... I lost.

According to what I said before, if you want to kill or slash, or do whatever you want with me, it's up to you!"

"No, no, that's not necessary!"

Ye Li twitched the corner of his mouth and waved his hand quickly.

How does it feel so casual! Are all pirates like this! Are you pirates or are we pirates! Ye Li complained for a while in his heart... Drake said: "Oh, is that so? .

After all, to lose is to lose.

I'll listen to what you have to say."

"However, I think... that's what you mean, you're looking for something, but this sea area feels unfamiliar.

So, even if I am a pirate, you are going to rely on me."

Hearing Drake's guess, Ye Li, who was no longer surprised by her amazing intuition, smiled slightly, then shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter if you are a pirate or not.

We're looking for Francis Drake, that's all."

"Hey...! Uh... oh so."

Hearing this, Drake blushed with embarrassment.

Ye Li's words made her feel recognized, which made her feel a little happy.

After adjusting his emotions, Drake asked Ye Li and the others.

"Then, what do you want me to do specifically? Except... this life, I can give you everything."

"First of all, we want to grasp the current situation.

Excuse me, where exactly is this sea area? Is it England, or near Spain, or the Caribbean Sea?"

Matthew opened his mouth to ask.

Derek said with embarrassment on his face: "Ah, sorry.

That being said, we don't know either."

"You don't even know this, and you are still making such a fuss!"

Kiyohime looked at Drake and the other pirates in a speechless and contemptuous manner, her eyes were as if she was looking at a group of rare animals. Ye Li frowned, but she didn't expect that even Drake didn't know what was going on here.

"Yeah, anyway...and there's no shortage of food and wine."

Drake didn't care, and then said to Ye Li and the others.

"Okay, now that I've surrendered.

From now on, we will be your companions!"

As he spoke, Drake walked to a large wooden barrel filled with wine, filled a large glass of wine, and after he took a large sip, he came to Matthew's side, stretched his arms around her, and immediately With a smile, he handed the wine glass in his hand to her, and said.

"Come on, let's have a drink first!"

"Hey, wait..."

Matthew was suddenly at a loss.

"Okay, okay, okay, come on, come on."

Drake directly put the wine glass up.

"That's not good! Hey, okay, wait..., senior save me, um...!!"

Matthew, who just asked Ye Li for help, was blocked by a wine glass in the next second, and Drake poured wine... Seeing this scene, Ye Li smiled, but he didn't mean to stop it, after all It's just a drink, anyway...with him around, it's okay to be drunk.

"..what's the matter with this..."

At this time,

Roman suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

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