"What's wrong"

Ye Li asked in confusion.


Man replied: No, nothing, it may be a malfunction, I will adjust it."

Ye Li wondered for a while, but didn't think too much about it.

Qing Ji looked at Ye Li at the moment and asked, "My lord, since the pirates here don't understand the situation, what should we do now?"


Do you want to go to other sea areas?"

Marda also nodded and asked.

"Well... no, let's do it for now."

Ye Li thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Although Drake doesn't understand the situation, she is a pirate after all, and she is undoubtedly more familiar with the sea than we are.

Therefore, in the next action, it is always good to have her there.

In addition, it's getting late today, it's better to wait until tomorrow to explore other sea areas."

"It makes sense."

Martha nodded in agreement.

"I listen to my lord husband."

Kiyohime said the same thing.


At this time, Fufu looked at Matthew who was being drunk by Drake, and called out as if worried.

......As Ye Li said, it's getting late today... So soon, dusk falls... On Pirate Island, where Drake's fleet is stationed.

In order to welcome Ye Li and others, Drake ordered his pirates to hold a bonfire party-a lot of food and drinks were brought out, and the pirates sat together in groups... At this time, with Derek, who was made by Ye Li, Matthew, Marda, Kiyohime and others, raised the wine glass in one hand, looked at the pirates sitting around, and finally his eyes fell on the one beside him. Ye Li and the others laughed loudly and shouted: "Then, guys! For the four newly added 44 companions... Hey, it's the other way around.

To celebrate us being their new companions—"



The surrounding pirates also raised their glasses and cheered!! "Ah, now is not the time to do this..."

Matthew said helplessly.

Seeing this, Drake put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Matthew, and said, "Look at your frowning face! Like you, treasures will be far away from you!"

Matthew hurriedly said, "That's not what I want to say.

Since you're willing to assist us, let us explain the situation—"

"Well, I probably know what's going on.

This sea area is not normal, right at least, you can see Superman who was directly hit by a cannonball but still alive and kicking!"

Drake took a sip of rum and said.


Hearing the news about the Servant, Matthew immediately became serious.

Drake said as he drank, "I can probably still tell which troubles are unmanageable.

This sea area is very abnormal.

Sometimes I think I am in the tropical rain forest, but it is like suddenly sailing into the warm waters of the Mediterranean.

The currents and winds are chaotic.

Seriously, it's a bit difficult to go out to sea normally..."

"After all, there is no 'continent' in this sea area.

Nor is there the Isle of England."

017: The Holy Grail and the Hero Who Saved the World

"You know so much about it..."

Matthew looked surprised, and only then did he know that Drake had already mastered a lot of the situation in this sea area, but she hadn't asked the idea before.

Drake continued: "Then, we plan to set sail again tomorrow.

The pirates have been staying on the shore and can't justify it.

You must find a small town and establish a stronghold.

Today was originally a celebration party on the eve of the departure... I didn't expect you to suddenly break in."

"So this is ah..."

Matthew couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Then it looks like we're... at the right time."

After Ye Li heard this, he put down the rum he was drinking and said to Drake with a light smile.

"Indeed, to us, you are... auspicious!"

Drake smiled and said, "According to my observation, you can also withstand one or two shells."

"I haven't tried it, but it shouldn't be a problem... Excuse me, since you know this...., why are you fighting us?"

Matthew looked at Drake with a hint of confusion in his beautiful eyes.

"Ahaha! Of course it's because you guys look interesting!"

Drake said with a laugh.

"For this reason..."

Matthew was taken aback.

"Your name is Ye Li, right? Are you—captain or something?"

Ignoring Matthew, Drake looked at Ye Li, who was sitting opposite, and asked.

Ye Li replied, "It should be considered a similar existence."

"Hum, that's what it is.

In this case--"

Drake hummed lightly, and a wave of magic power rose from her body in vain—just when Ye Li and the others didn't know what Drake was going to do suddenly, and even Kiyohime was vigilantly preparing to attack. .! A golden cup made of pure gold emerged from Drake's body, she grabbed it in her hand, and then in the empty golden cup... A red rum water appeared out of nowhere!!" , drink it!"

After the rum pouring out of the golden cup was full, Drake handed it to Ye Li, intending to invite him to drink it.

However—Ye Li, Matthew, Marda, and Kiyohime 4, they were all stunned at the moment that the golden cup appeared from Drake's body:!! Because...that...gold The cup...that's...they're looking for the Holy Grail!!! "As captains, let's get along!"

Drake said so.


Ye Li dumbfoundedly looked at the Holy Grail that Drake presented, feeling extremely complicated for a while.

This is undoubtedly the fastest time they have seen the Holy Grail since the Singularity! And, it's so easy to get... what the pirates say, the endless rush of rum... what Drake says is no shortage of food He Jiu... and the magic fluctuations that she produced during the previous battle, no wonder he felt a little familiar... It turns out that all this is because of the Holy Grail in her body! "Why don't you drink it?"

Seeing Ye Li's delay in taking the Holy Grail with wine, Drake frowned slightly.

"No, just a little surprised.

Captain Drake personally handed the wine, how can you not drink it!"

Ye Li reacted, and hurriedly reached out to take the Holy Grail, and after taking a look at the Holy Grail, he drank the wine in it with a strange expression! Drinking with the Holy Grail, how do you say... luxury. ..or should I say, it always feels weird...! "Oooh, what a boozy drink."

Seeing Ye Li drink up in one gulp, a satisfied smile appeared on Drake's face.

And Ye Li handed it back to Drake after drinking the rum in the Holy Grail.

Although their mission was to recover the Holy Grail, Ye Li felt that something was amiss when they found the Holy Grail so quickly this time... After all, they still haven't figured out the situation of their facial singularity.

Therefore, Ye Li didn't intend to grab the Holy Grail until he knew the real situation of this singularity.

Anyway... the Holy Grail is held by Drake, and with their strength, they can take it over at any time.

"I, I said, senior..."


"My lord, the Holy Grail..."

Matthew, Marda, and Qing Ji all recovered from their surprise. After seeing Ye Li calmly returning the Holy Grail to Drake, they couldn't help but stare at each other. he.


Even Fufu let out a confused cry.

"Look at it first."

Ye Li shook his head slightly, indicating that the three daughters of Mash should not act rashly.

After he said that, Matthew, Marda, and Kiyohime suppressed the impulse in their hearts for a while, but the Holy Grail kept shaking in front of them... How could they not care at all! The woman's eyes, Drake, who was holding the Holy Grail and drinking the rum that kept pouring out of it, couldn't help asking them suspiciously.

"Why do you suddenly stare at my face? Do you remember an acquaintance who looks a lot like me?"

"No...no, I'm looking at that...! Captain Drake's cup in your hand!"

Matthew shook his head and said tentatively.

Drake suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, you've been eyeing this thing, your eyes are really high.

Although pure gold wine glasses are tasteless, this thing is another matter.

Not only is the wine in this glass inexhaustible, but also as long as it is placed on the table, there is an incredible effect.

Fish, meat, etc. will keep popping up."

"I found it by accident, and I guess there is no treasure more delightful than it."

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