"Pick up...!"

The corners of Ye Li's eyes twitched, and he looked at Matthew, Marda, Qingji and the other girls, and they all saw a meaning in each other's eyes...that is————this thing can be casually Picked it up! If it's true... How lucky is Drake! At this time, a pirate around who heard what Drake said couldn't help but speak up.

"Sister, what are you talking about, it's not an accident, it's a grand adventure!"

"Seven nights without dawn, a huge vortex of destruction occupies the entire sea surface! What emerged from the gigantic vortex is the dreamy sunken city, Atlantis!"

"[The time has come.

In the name of the twelve gods of Olympus, I once again evoke a monstrous flood, and say that civilization has been wiped out—!!]”

"How to deal with the big man who shouted these words, and then took away the treasure of the other party, what should I say, it's just..."

"Although there must have been a mistake somewhere, isn't this the hero who saved the world gallantly!"

The pirate vividly told the story of Drake's acquisition of the Holy Grail...!

018: It's not that simple

When the pirates told about Drake's experience of obtaining the Holy Grail, Ye Li, Matthew, Marda, Kiyohime and others were taken aback for a moment...but they all nodded secretly in their hearts. ..I thought to myself————Is that right! How could something as important as the Holy Grail be picked up like Drake said! Obviously, Ye Li and others agree more than what Drake said. The words of the pirate.

On the other hand, Drake himself had no self-consciousness at all, and did not think that what he had done was so remarkable.

"Ah, ah, that thing is so exaggerated, I'm just trying to get in his way because he's upset.

That... big man dared to call himself Poseidon, the god of the sea.

As a sailor, I couldn't spare him.

So I picked something up and snatched the treasure.

In the end, the entire city was sunk into the whirlpool! It was so cool!"

Pirate Bombey said to Drake with a big laugh at this time.

"Well... wow hahaha! As expected of the eldest sister, she is really a woman who is only related to luck and bad luck! It seems that the eldest sister will be single for the rest of her life! By the way, the eldest sister, you are actually a man!"

"Why, it's a pleasure to have a new company, and the wine is delicious! But Bumbe's going to be stuffed into a barrel for a while to dive!"

Hearing this, Drake smiled and took a sip of wine. On the surface, it seemed that he didn't mind what Bombey teased her, but the last sentence showed that even if she was a pirate, she didn't care about her being a woman. There is still self-awareness.

"Wow wow... I really believe it! Senior, before we got here, the human foundation stone of this era was almost destroyed! However, it was... But it was solved by Captain Drake on a whim!"

Mash looked at Drake in disbelief and said.

"Looks like yes, they're not lying."

Qingji nodded lightly, and she, who was able to discern lies, indicated that what Drake and the others said were true.

However, she couldn't help but complain about Drake in her heart.

Sure enough, the Holy Cup was 'picked up'...! The story of what happened has something to do with 'picking up'!! It's just that Drake himself didn't have this consciousness at all, so even Kiyohime couldn't tell the difference for a while. Is it true or false to say that the Holy Grail was picked up?

And looking at Derek who laughed and looked like he was just doing 'what he wanted to do', he didn't know, or should say, he didn't care how amazing he was doing. Erda also praised: "It's amazing, it's no wonder that she can become a great hero who has opened up this era!"

Ye Li nodded, and also felt a burst of admiration for Drake.

Because he has experienced several singularities, he knows how difficult it is for Drake to do all this! After all, with the help of Matthew, the others and other servants in the singularity, he even has a servant comparable to himself. Compared to him with great power, Drake is just an ordinary person... Even if she has a lot of pirate subordinates, it is even more difficult to defeat the servants.

But she actually did! So, what Drake has done is amazing! "Ah, that's weird..."


Man's troubled voice came from the Chaldean side through the messenger.

"What's the matter, did the doctor say something wrong before and it hasn't been solved yet?"

Ye Li asked suspiciously.

"Ah, um... that's really interesting.

For some reason, there seems to be something wrong with the probe program, and it has been showing that the Holy Grail is in front of your eyes since just now."


Man was a little depressed and explained.

Ye Li and the others couldn't help but glanced at the Holy Grail that Drake was holding in his hand for drinking... Then... Matthew hurriedly informed: "No, doctor! The investigation procedure did not go wrong.

The Holy Grail! Right before our eyes!"

"What did you say!"


Mann exclaimed! "Yes.

Captain Drake is the Grail holder of this age—"

"No, it should be said that she is the true holder of the Holy Grail chosen by the Holy Grail for saving this era..!"

Matthew simply said.

Mann explained the cause and effect.


Man sighed: It turned out to be like this... I didn't expect such a thing to happen, it's unbelievable!"

At this time, Drake was listening to Matthew and.

After Roman's conversation, he seemed to have guessed something, glanced at the Holy Grail in his hand, and immediately said to Ye Li and the others.

"Then what, are you looking for this magic wine glass? You are calling it the Holy Grail. As long as you get this, you can go back to your own country."


It's roughly...that's what happened."

Matthew hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

"Well... Forget it, although I'm a little reluctant, I did lose to you, and I said that I will give you everything except my own life.


"Give it, take it.

You have come here from a distant time, you have come from afar, you have worked hard."

Drake pondered for a while, and then he threw the Holy Grail to Ye Li without hesitation.

Ye Li caught the Holy Grail, and after being stunned, he couldn't help but ask Drake a question.

"Is it really possible"


Although I am a pirate, I am also about credibility."

Drake said seriously.

"thank you very much!"

Ye Li heard the words, smiled slightly, and expressed his gratitude to Drake with a solemn expression.

Kiyohime said at this moment: "Since the Holy Grail has been recovered, the singularity of this era should be resolved."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple..."

Marda shook her head and said.

"I think so."

Ye Li nodded lightly and glanced thoughtfully at the Holy Grail in his hand.

Hearing this, Matthew hurried to.

Roman asked.

"Doctor, the Holy Grail has been transferred to us.

Has anything changed?"


Mann replied: No, nothing has changed.

The gears of the times do not seem to have returned to normal."

"Sure enough..."

Ye Li shrugged, not surprised.

"Well, the Holy Grail does play a role.

It's just not as powerful as it used to be.

Maybe... the Holy Grail in your hands is the real Holy Grail that existed in that era."


Mann guesses.

019: Oh, I don't know

"That is to say... this Holy Grail is different so far"

Matthew looked at the Holy Grail in Yeli's hand and said.


The one that disturbed the seven human foundations was the Holy Grail placed by Revelynor.

However, there are other Holy Grails unexpectedly in this sea area.

And Captain Drake is... that... the person the Grail recognizes."

"The reason why this sea is so chaotic, I think... may be because the two Holy Grails with opposite powers are balancing each other."

"[The real Holy Grail possessed by Captain Drake, who saved the world]---and [Leif's Holy Grail, who was brought in from the outside and disturbed the world]."

"So, as long as Captain Drake is there, this era will not collapse.

However, it will not return to its original state.

In order to restore the sea to its original state... we must retrieve Leif's Holy Grail."

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