
Chapter 19 - 19 Hero? Villain?

"Dispatch to all available units. There is currently a bank robbery happening at 3rd and Main Street. Requesting all available units to head to the vicinity immediately. Set up barricades with 500 meters of the bank. Suspects are unknown in number and are armed and dangerous. I repeat, there is currently a bank robbery....".

Gray stood on the edge of the roof of his building with a faint smile on his face. His crimson eyes glowed with an eerie intent as he observed the bank robbers several hundred meters away he were hiding behind several hostages they had captured when they took over the bank.

The twenty year old Pseudo-Servant had currently installed a Class Card that he didn't normally use, and was feeling the effects over a longer period of time when compared to the likes of Rider and Shielder.

".... An Immortal Witch..... cursed to never die, blessed with knowledge that no human could should ever have.....".

Lancer was originally a mortal that reached the extremes of the spear. Using her techniques as well as her unique weapon, she killed kings, gods and demons indiscriminately, obtaining their knowledge and becoming Queen of the Land of Shadows.

She was a queen. A Monarch. A member of the ruling class. Although in her supposed "death", or lack of remembrance by the mortal world she no longer dwells on events in her past. Even if the world were to be destroyed, it would be a discourtesy to those who presently live in this world to hold back their potential for growth.

Lancer was a beautiful young woman with dark purple hair and crimson red eyes. She had the demeanor of a queen, a big sister, a teacher or even the refreshing presence of the girl next door.

Rider likened Lancer to a rose, complete with its own set of thorns.

She didn't seem to really care about being stuck in the Class Card, and saw no real reason to help Gray with his previous endeavors. Stating that a queen would never lower herself to deal with something as irrelevant as wealth.

"But your a teacher Lancer. One that even rivals Chiron who taught Rider. Can you show me how to wield your power? How to do become strong?".

These were the words Gray said to the Lancer Class Card, and in the next moment, he found that his eyes had turned red and his hair an inky purple.

Countless memories flowed into his mind, but weren't as uncontrollable and as Riders and Shielders.

Sensations of wielding a blood red spear, a dėsɨrė for blood filling Gray's body as he pierced gods and demons alike in pursuit of the pinnacle of her spear arts..... Learning runic magecraft from the Norse Gods and perfecting it so that it alone could destroy deities and devils..... Teaching her students, the Hound of Chulainn.

Hoping to die at the hands of her student, giving him her spear in hopes of him surpassing her and granting Lancer he final wish.... watching that hope die, and having to spend the rest of her days guarding the doors of the Land of Shadows. Never once opening them to any other mortal.....

Being left in the Outside of the World, countless skills flowed into Gray's mind, with the exception of every Servants unique Skills....

Another iteration of her as a Divine Spirit came to mind before Gray's hand firmly grasped on a blood red spear that appeared in his right hand.

He looked down at the runic spear as well as the copy in his left hand.

"Gae Bolg.... The Soaring Spear Of Piercing Death.....".

Gray looked at this weapon and then moved his gaze towards the group of police officers in the distance. Shouts could be heard all they way up on Gray's rooftop with his enhanced senses.

He looked down at the several hundred foot drop from where he was now to the ground.

He gulped.

"This is a stupid idea".

He back up several meters, the pair of blood red spears still in his hands.

"Even with my Pseudo-Servant body, I'm not immune to all injuries. Rider could die if he was dropped from 30,000 feet in the air..... even if he could just fly away with his chariot".

He stopped and faced the ledge in the direction of the New York City bank.

"But Lancers immortal. She won't die, it'll just be incredibly painful.... not the best choice of words though".

Gray crouched down, getting ready to run. The concrete beneath him cracking slightly as he took a deep breath and gazed at the ledge in a whirlwind of fear and excitement.

It wasn't that he was afraid of dying, he just didn't want to think of the pain that might come if he mucked this up.

An unfamiliar voice crept into his mind. It was laced with seductiveness which sent shivers up the twenty year olds spine.

"Don't think. Just do".

With a speed quicker than a blink of an eye, Gray exploded forward with an enormous amount of kinetic energy, the buildup of power in his body far exceeding that of even a normal metahuman.

Gray looked down to the rooftop in front of him and landed with a gentle roll. His momentum not lessening in the slightest as he sprinted forward with a speed and grace that matched even the supposed best melee fighter in the world; Wonder Woman.

Every action aimed at increasing his speed even further. Trying to synchronize himself with Lancers memories, Gray eventually closed his eyes and let his Clairvoyance take over.

Despite leaping over rooftops and jumping over city blocks not being a sensation unfamiliar to the Pseudo-Servant, being able to do so without the help of Riders Noble Phantasm and just pure physical ability was a new feeling for Gray.

[Dromeus Komētēs: Comet Form], was Riders Noble Phantasm which showed that his speed was fast enough to cross a battlefield in an instant. Which was also the reason his body gave off the green colored lightning.

Lancer had no such Noble Phantasm. She only helped Gray utilize her Class Cards true potential, and indication of not just her legends capability, but her capacity as a teacher.

Gray passed by a group of police officers with snipers and heard a distant "stop" as he leaped from the building and falling straight above the group of hostages the bank robbers had taken onto the street, hoping to escape on the school bus the police had given them.

"Everyone get on the bus! If you don't I'll fuċkɨnġ-! Argh!".

One of the bank robbers, a man wearing a Batman mask felt a sharp pain come from his leg, as his eyes widened at the image of a blood colored spear going through his shin. The size of the spear also shocked him, and he looked up at the crimson colored eyes and punched him in the face before feeling the cold brush come over his body.

One of the other robbers panicked at this new obstacle in front of him, and aimed his gun and started shooting at the figure, who had the lower portion of his mouth covered by a strange mask.

Every bullet collided with the Gae Bolg, and ricocheted off the bone of the dead Curruid. One of them being bounced back into his own leg, causing the man to lose focus and go wide eyed at the speed of this new figure before feeling a sharp blow to the back of his neck.

Gray twirled the spear in the air, leaving behind a blood red neon streak where the blade tip passed.

He looked at the group of six armed men with cold unflinching eyes, releasing a killing intent far exceeding anything on this planet causing the temperature in the air to drop several degrees.

"Drop the guns. Or I can't guarantee I won't kill you".

The group of armed men instantly dropped their weapons under the threat of this metahuman and Gray nodded at the group of hostages as they ran over to the police at the other end of the street.

The twenty year old who looked as though he was cosplaying gave a brief nod to one of the cops who took the hostages before widening his eyes and materializing his spear and blocking an incoming sniper shot.

The police officer he nodded at stood in front of Gray's figure, waving his hands around trying to signal to the snipers to stop.

"He's not a villain! He helped us save those hostages! Hey, whats your name? It's kinda important for the first Hero of New York City".

Only a gust of wind brushed over him and an attractive male voice sounded out in his ears.

"..... Lancer".

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