
Chapter 20 - 20 Earning A Reputation

News of a purple garbed male superhero coursed throughout New York City like a wildfire. Pictures of Gray in his mask carrying his blood red spear sparked controversy throughout the city that never sleeps.

News outlets paid big money for even a blurry image of the speared superhero, and everybody, from the youngest of children to the oldest of great, great grandparents rested slightly easier at the thought of someone keeping the streets safe at night.

Even if New York was a massive city even large than Gotham and Metropolis, just the presence of someone watching over them was more a reassurance in this Age of Heroes, rather than a formless pressure that weighed down on the denizens of New York.

Within twenty days of moving to the new city, Gray had already stopped three armed robberies, several dozen different accounts of breaking and entering and saved the life of five people by blocking a wave of bullets shot at them with the Gae Bolg. The last instance was actually someone trying to start a gang war but was stopped by Gray and then later arrested by the police.

".... I know Lancer. I'll try and get it right next time".

The current Gray was sitting on the top of the Empire State Building with a pile of rubies in his pocket and a bag of Big Belly Burger in his ŀȧp. A half eaten burger was placed beside the speared superhero, as his right index finger glowed and was pressed against the ruby, a strange symbol was engraved into the priceless gem.

Gray didn't just steal cash from the crime groups in Gotham City. Not all of them used cash as a means of paying off their guys and usually only used it after it had been cleaned up by their own guys.

Priceless jewels and gold coins were very prevalent as they couldn't be tracked like normal currency.

Gray had stored up quite a bit of jewelry, and was practicing his Runic Magecraft with them.

If a certain black haired blue eyed Master from Japan saw how wasteful he was with his jewels, she would have tried to strange the twenty year old to death, and then take his jewels for herself.

"Lancer said that her skill with Primordial Runes were equal to her skill with the spear. The Mystery behind this type of Magecraft far exceeds modern Magecraft. If used rightly, they could level this entire city in the blink of an eye".

Gray ignored the small bead of sweat forming on his brow and finished carving the rune into the priceless red gem. A small flash of light appeared when he had completed the one-time use Mystic Code, and a cold aura leaked out of the ruby as it glistened in the light of New York's nightlife.

It was the "isa" rune and represented Ice. If Gray created the Code up to the same standard as Lancer's, than this small gem should be able to freeze everything within ten meters of it being thrown.

Giant pillars of ice should explode outwards in a jagged like fashion, covering everything within the ten meter area with ice, and piercing through anybody who is just outside of the area of effect.

The ice didn't kill those frozen by it and the spikes of ice couldn't penetrate that deep so that it could kill. If it hit someone in the eye however, it could still do a fair amount of damage.

The Pseudo-Servant sighed before pocketing the small gem, placing it with the other completed Mystic Codes. Gray stood and felt the cold winds brush over him before noticing a police siren echo in the distance.

Strengthening his eyes to the very limits, Gray could see an armored van shooting back at the cops trailing behind it, the occasional bank note flying out of the back of the van.

"Stealing an armored transport carrying money? I swear this worlds crime rate is ridiculous....".

Rolling his eyes at the thieves, Gray leaped from the top of the Empire State Building and materializing his Noble Phantasm to help him traverse the New York skyline.

People in the streets below Gray, noticed the bright blood red streak in the sky and looked up with their phones to try and get a glimpse of their cities new hero.

"Look it's Lancer!".

"Try and get a photo of him!".

"CatCo and the Daily Planet are paying heaps for photos of him! Follow him!".

The twenty year old noted the strange skull and crossbones on their jackets, and his thoughts were drawn to the little piece of information that Talia gave him just a few nights ago.

"The group we want you to take care of is called the "Empty Coffin Gang". They have a couple metas in their group and is one of the more active crime groups in New York. We need you to take out all their safe-houses and capture their main base of operations. They specialize in drugs, smuggling, prostitution and the illegal selling of metahumans. I'm sure the speared superhero of New York can take care of a few lowly metahumans? Or do you need another incentive to finish the job?".

The dress that Talia wore to his house, hugged every curve the beautiful green eyed woman had. She was the most beautiful girl Gray had seen in this world, and with Assassin pushing him to ȧssist the woman in her exploits, he couldn't refuse.

Leaping up in the air just above the armored transport, Gray's crimson eyes glowed with an insatiable dėsɨrė for battle, and his red spear glowed with a crimson neon light.

With a throw that broke the sound barrier, the crimson spear shot out of Gray's hands and directly through the engine of the armored car. The metal that could block shots from even a 50. caliber sniper rifle was torn through by a handheld projectile and stopped the truck from moving as the spear embedded itself in the concrete.

"What the fuċk!? Johnny? What the hell just-!".

A hot red line appeared on the inside wall of the armored van. The group of six criminals aimed their guns at the line, but rapidly turned around to hear another line cut through the wall behind them.

And another.

And another.

Soon the entire inside of the armored van walls were covered in hot red lines, which soon fell down off the van, revealing the insides of the vehicle to the outside world.

"Freeze, your surrounded!".

All around the group of seven men, including the driver, were completely surrounded by red and blue lights. Dozens of handguns were aimed straight at them, with a single red spear gloating above their heads like a guillotine ready to fall.

They all looked at Gray, whose lower face was covered and they all dropped their weapons instantly, putting their hands above their heads and waiting for the police to take them away.

If they fought now they would've died. And nothing is worth my than one's own life.

Lancer twirled Gae Bolg in his hands and let the other copies of the Noble Phantasm disappear, before running up the side of a building and disappearing.

The speared superhero looked back at the large stack of cash sitting in the center of the armored van and sighed.

"Despite its cons, Gotham City was a really good place to make money....".

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