
Chapter 25 - 25 Aqualad and Batgirl

Loud music played in the streets of Brooklyn, and street musicians and loud speakers echoed in the neighborhood. It was roughly six o'clock so kids of various ages were riding their bikes around the streets, laughter and cheering could be heard often as well.

"I forget how nice it is on the surface. With all the running around and fighting, I sometimes miss the good stuff".

Kaldur spoke as he sipped on a cold bottle of water Barbara had purchased for him, spending too much time in the hot New York air wasn't always good for an Atalantean like himself.

The red head beside him, who was wearing glasses to obscure her pretty green eyes had also tied up her wavy red hair into a loose ponytail at the base of her head. It gave Barbara a "normal" girl look, contrary to her aloof personality.

The girl in question raised an eyebrow and laughed at the dark-skinned Atalantean, whom tilted his head in confusion.

"Have I said something wrong Barbara? Something that amuses you?".

The waved her arms in denial but just sent a glance to the protégé of Aquaman before looking out to the bay, and the light shimmering off the water.

"I was surprised when you asked me to come with you today Kaldur. To be perfectly honest, I thought you would've asked Mareena, since it's obvious that you like her".

Kaldur blinked several times before chuckling and shaking his head.

"To be perfectly honest, I did like Mareena, but those feelings have long since faded. She is my Kings daughter and might someday ascend the throne and become the Queen of Atlantis. And even if she didn't and joined the Justice League, it wouldn't be appropriate".

Barbara adjusted her glasses slightly and gestured for Kaldur to continue. The Atalantean looked hesitant at first, but sighed under the questioning gaze of the red head.

"Mareena, and I were both students at the Conservatory of Sorcery, a place in Atlantis where we both were trained in the art of Atalantean combat and magic. We were friends, and everyone around her was envious of my degree of closeness with her.

I wasn't treated very nicely by my fellow students at the Conservatory. I believe the word you would use in English would be "bullying". Nevertheless, I ignored most of the immature acts as just childish jealousy. However..... one day the "truth" of my heritage was revealed, and then it wasn't just the other students of the Conservatory trying to pick on me, it was my fellow Atalantean's".

Barbara gave a thoughtful expression before she nodded knowingly.

"Your father.... he was Black Manta, right?".

Kaldur nodded and showed no outward show of emotion at the mention of his father, the nemesis of his mentor, Aquaman.

"My King had promised to keep it secret however someone from the royal palace leaked this information. As a result, I had to finish my studies at the Conservatory of Sorcery quicker, thankfully under the tutelage of Queen Mera".

Barbara nodded once more.

"But how did that make you lose your feelings for Mareena? She didn't seem that bothered by your presence on the train, or even at Mount Justice".

Kaldur gave a wistful smile and took another sip of his drink.

"Probably because she has an arranged marriage".


Barbara's glasses had fallen off her face and her shout attracted quite the large amount of attention from those throwing stones or fishing off the bay.

The red head picked up her glasses and looked at Aqualad, a strong, unwavering look in her eyes.

"What do you mean that she has an arranged marriage? Aquaman wouldn't allow it! Neither would Queen Mera from what I've heard!".

Green eyes stared straight into green eyes and Kaldur sighed before opening his mouth.

"Well, from what I heard, it was to one of the other tribes of Atlantis to secure an entry route from when King Arthur took the throne. Although My King has tried to get rid of the engagement, by either delaying it or trying to get his son, my prince, as the one marrying, it has been to no avail. Mareena wants to join the Justice League with the intent of trying to leave Atlantis".

"How many people know?".

Kaldur shrugged.

"It is an open secret. The tribe that wants Mareena to marry into them had spread this information to the general populace. Although no-one openly talks about the affair, it is a very.... "hot" topic in Atlantis at the moment. The only reason why this tribe doesn't act, is in fear of the Justice League. However, if they were to gain the support of the other tribes in Atlantis.... Mareena may have to marry if they don't want to start a war".

Barbara frowned and bit her lip.

The fellow sixteen year old, the one with platinum blonde hair and eyes more blue than the ocean itself was one of the nicest and most innocent people she had ever met. To think that she was hiding such a heavy burden on her back was unthinkable to the fellow sixteen year old.....

Kaldur continued.

"King Arthur made this promise in front of the other heads of the various tribes of Atlantis. If he goes back on it, then they might consider his word void, and try and rebel. His reign after all, while prosperous, is fairly new. Supporters of the Ocean Master are still hiding amongst the general populous".

"So this tribe was most likely the one that told the other Atalantean's of your heritage, is that correct?".

Kaldur sent her a glance but didn't respond.

The pair sat in silence for a moment, before they noticed an explosion go off on the bridge leading into Manhattan.

They stood up immediately and started heading over to the smoke and flames, using Aqualad's hydrokinesis to create a platform to make them rise to the same level as the bridge.

What they saw surprised them.

"Stay back! I said stay back dammit!".

A tall, young man if the top half of his face said anything about his age, carrying a crimson red spear which was pointed straight at a man holding a hostage. The hostage was a small young boy, whose eyes were frozen and his body shaking at the life or death situation.

"If you take even one step! I'l blow this kids fuċkɨnġ brains out!".

Batgirl and Aqualad kneeled down on the steel beams of the bridge, looking down at the situation with a frown. Their eyes drifted to the spear carrying hero of New York City, Lancer, who dropped his spear on the ground and reached a hand into his pocket, revealing and heap of rubies with faint lettering carved into them.

The man's eye's widened in greed before he shouted.

"Get someone to bring them over! Otherwise I'll shoot!".

The two members of the Team watched as an off duty police officer put his gun down and offered to take the rubies towards the man, and watched with a frown as Lancer did nothing to help the scared child in any way.

When the police officer handed the stack of rubies to the man, he threw the kid off the bridge and shot the cop twice in the leg.

Barbara and Kaldur both nodded at each other, the former going after the shooter and the latter going after the child.

But both of them went wide eyed once more, when the rubies exploded outwards and a giant iceberg appeared on the bridge, sealing the man in a coffin of ice.

Kaldur was distracted by the sudden appearance of this much frozen water, and watched as a red neon streak wen by and two crimson red eyes that sent shivers up his spine leaped off the bridge, catching the young boy mid air before throwing another gem at the water beneath them, freezing it into a platform instantly.

Lancer looked up at Aqualad and nodded slightly before ruffling the kids head and pointing to the Atalantean. With a power that was equal to that of Rider's, Lancer jumped forward towards Manhattan, leaving both Batgirl and Aqualad in his dirt.

The pair of heroes heard the oncoming sirens and sent the other a nod.

Barbara would try to follow Lancer and Aqualad would catch up after helping this kid.

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