
Chapter 26 - 26 Wondergirl, Supergirl and Aquagirl

On the streets of Manhattan, many men, and some women would burn the image they were currently seeing into their retinas and their memories until the day they died. Even if the girls weren't above the age of eighteen, their current looks and demeanor were not one that suited their physical appearance.

They were otherworldly. Outrageously beautiful.

The first, a girl with ċhėstnut blonde hair, and a smile more radiant than the sun itself. Her eyes were more blue than the sky above their heads and her glasses did nothing to hinder her beautiful smile. Her thin and limber physique did not possess the outrageous curves of her counterparts, but had legs that went on for miles and a pair of jeans that hugged her hɨps, leaving nothing for the imagination.

This was Kara Kent, or as she was more commonly known, Supergirl.

The second, a girl also with blonde hair but of the lighter, platinum shade. Her eyes, not hidden by glasses like the previous girl were like staring into the wide, blue ocean. They were like sapphires in the form of irises. Her smile was outwardly happy but those with a keen eye could see the forced expression. Her outfit also tried to emphasize the lack of outrageous curves that the third girl possessed, but still gave off a refreshing feeling in her girl-next-door look.

This was Mareena Curry, or as she was more commonly known, Aquagirl.

The third, and possibly the most outrageous looking girl, had straight raven black hair that feel to the lower ends of her back. Like the previous two, she possessed blue eyes that while lacking in any otherworldly quality, had an inherent magnetism to them, which caused more turned heads than either of the other two. Like her aunt, she also possessed a figure that was both the admiration and envy of every one around her. The knee-length dress she wore did nothing to hide her mȧturė figure.

This was Cassie Sandsmark, or as she was more commonly known, Wondergirl.

The three of them were tasked with investigating Manhattan and spent the past two hours or so going through shops and stores, buying food to accommodate for their alien metabolisms. With Cassie having the smallest because of her half-human heritage.

"Hey there, I haven't seen you three around here before".

A voice laced with a ŀust filled intent could be heard from behind them, several inappropriate whispers could be heard with their enhanced hearing. The three of them frowned simultaneously before Kara turned around, her expression icy.

"Can I help you?", the sixteen year old Kryptonian looked as though she wanted to say something else, but her cousins principles kicked in before she made the situation any worse.

The group of guys, all probably eighteen or nineteen, smiled at the three sixteen year olds, and the same voice spoke up, coming from a handsome, yet smirking young man.

"Sorry if I'm been a little too forward, but me and my friends wanted to invite you to a party that we were going to, it's not that far from here and I was-".

"No thank you. My friends and I aren't looking for a party", Kara tried to end the conversation, but the handsome, smirking young man didn't let up.

"Well what are you looking for? I haven't seen you around so you must be new in town. I could show you around, if that's what you want?".

"No thank you. I'd rather look at the sights for myself".

The younger miss Kent tried to turn around to walk away from the group of guys, and wanted to punch the guy right in the nose after she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

"Get off me!", she shouted.

Although it was still daylight, the long shadows cast by the setting suns hindered the vision in this area, which wasn't busy due to the construction and lack of businesses in this area. It wasn't a place where normal people would like to walk through by themselves, or even in a group for that matter.

Kara tried to get lose from the man's grasp without revealing her powers, but felt more hands latch onto her before a single flash came from across the street.

"The mayor's son laying his hands on a sixteen year old girl? How scandalous? It would be a shame if this got spread to the public....".

Kara instantly felt all the hands that had latched onto her let go, and the formerly handsome man's expression turned into one of surprise and a seed of anger was born in his heart.

"I don't know who you are, but you're messing with the wrong person!".


All the eighteen and nineteen year olds froze when they say the figure from across the street pull out a small handheld weapon, aimed straight at them. With their numbers, they could easily outnumber the man, but none of them were willing to take a bullet for some guy that paid them, even if it was the mayor's son.

The figure spoke.

"I will not spread this picture around if you leave these girls alone. If you back away now, I promise things won't get messy".

In the face of a gun, all normal humans had a fighting chance against each other. Physical fitness meant nothing when you could snipe your enemy from a hundred meters or even further. These teenage boys, even if they did have training in actual combat, did not stand a chance against one man with a gun.

Especially if he knew how to use it.

The leader of the group frowned but nodded instantly. Him and the rest of his posse left the street, and the figure gestured to Kara, Mareena and Cassie to come towards the light, where they saw his face properly.

Cassie and Mareena frowned slightly at the threat this other man had used, but refrained themselves from saying anything.... but Kara....

"Why'd did you threaten to kill them? We could've taken care of it ourselves".

The figure in front of them raised an eyebrow at the sixteen year olds words, and smirked cheekily at the younger girl.

"And how would have you done that? Over a dozen grown men against three teenage girls? Unless you are metas than I don't see that ending well".

Kara was a little taken back at the response, but gestured to the gun in the man's hands.

"But did you have to use a gun? Just threatening to call the police would've been enough".

"That's the mayor's son. He has the police in his back pocket, don't think that corruption isn't only in Gotham or Metropolis, it's everywhere".

The Kryptonian looked at the gun with a mixed expression before the figure in front of them raised it and pointed it at his chin.

All three of them, even Cassie and Mareena went wide eyed and tried to stop the figure from shooting himself, Kara used her super speed to try at stop him but-


No bullet. No blood. No brain on the sidewalk. Nothing but the sound of the trigger sending air through the barrel.

The figure felt a hand touch his own and rip the gun from his hands with a strength that a normal sixteen year old girl did not usually possess.

Kara, who had scrunched up the pistol with her super strength went blank as she looked at the lack of bullets in the cartridge as she released her clenched hand.

The figure in front of them raised his eyebrow even further at the girl, before smiling and extending his hand.

"To be honest I don't really like guns either. I had a friend that used a gun to do some pretty crazy things before he died.... anyway, I'm Graham, but my friends call me Gray"

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