
Chapter 27 - 27 Introductions? Plans?

"Anyway, I'm Graham, but my friends call me Gray".

Those words hung in the air like a guillotine hanging over the neck of Kara Kent, adopted daughter of Superman.

Her eyes darted from the twenty year old in front of her towards the broken remains of the hand gun that she had crushed on the ground. The lack of any bullets in the cartridge meant two things.

Firstly the man in front of her was bluffing in his attempt to threaten those group of guys from earlier, that if they had actually wanted to fight, he would've been helpless in the face of over a dozen grown men.


"Holy crap!".

The sixteen year old Kryptonian took a step away from Gray and covered her mouth with her hands, a sinking feeling was coming from her stomach and she looked towards Cassie and Mareena, the latter shaking her head and smiling while the former sighing and placing her hand on her blonde friend.

"Good going Kara, you've just played yourself".

Gray couldn't help but smile at the horrified look that appeared on the young girl's face, realizing that she had just revealed her powers in front of a complete stranger, at absolutely no benefit for her. Because of her dėsɨrė to save him, she just showed off her willingness to block bullets for some random, this meant she was either super-altruistic, or just some girl with a death wish.

Or alternatively....

"You can block bullets can't you?".

The Pseudo-Servant raised an eyebrow at the mention of a "Kara" and a girl flying around with an "S" on her ċhėst came to mind. Her cousin, one of, if not the strongest member of the Justice League with only a few weaknesses that weren't normally found on Earth.

Gray sent a glance towards the other platinum blonde haired girl and the raven haired girl beside "Kara", the girl who might be able to block bullets shook her head frantically and his words.

"No, no, no, no, no. Nope, I can't block bullets with my bȧrė hands!", she laughed awkwardly, "That would be crazy! I just don't know my own strength.... Haha.....".

The girl rubbed the back of her head and avoided the other man's piercing black eyes meeting her own sky blue ones. Despite having faced monsters and aliens that could level a city if left untouched, she felt a strange feeling come from those black irises of the young man in front of her. Fear or curiosity she didn't know which.

Those black eyes shot a glance towards the mangled gun on the ground.

"That was a real gun. Unloaded, but still real. How does a sixteen year old manage to do that?".

Three pairs of eyes looked down at the broken gun and two pairs looked at the ċhėstnut blonde who gulped.

"Um... I found it like that?".

The expression on her face was priceless. To Gray, as well as her too best friends behind her.

Seeing the flustered last daughter of Krypton right in front of him, Gray couldn't help but crack a smile at the pretty cousin of Superman in front of him. Just looking at how different she was, yet so physically similar to the versions he was familiar was was remarkable, and an idea popped up in her head as a result.

'I'm not entirely sure about the other two, but they must also be heroes, or protégés at the very least. If "Kara" can give me a little bit of information about the history of this world, it might help me visualize this universe from all the other ones. That is.... if I can get her to come with me'.

He glanced at the other two girls, neither of which were making any outwardly aggressive movements towards him.

'I have one shot. The party is in a couple hours so I've got plenty of time to lose them if I wanted to. Have to be careful about "Kara's" super-hearing or x-ray vision though.... let alone if they were working with the Team'.

Although the other members of the Team might recognize Rider with his green hair and golden-amber eyes, Gray, with his raven black hair and black eyes wouldn't attract that much attention from the rest of the crowd. And with Lancers facial mask, it would be pretty hard to pick him out from the several million living in the New York area.

He sent a disarming smile towards the group of girls, and Kara relaxed slightly at how approachable this stranger had became.

"I'm sorry about this, but I need to be sure of something".

With a mutter that only Kara heard, a bright light came off Gray's body, and a figure with purple skin-tight armor and hair, with crimson red eyes and a crimson spear to match appeared in front of them in a stance familiar to them.

"Sorry, Supergirl, but you and your friends need to help me with something".

Cassie and Mareena widened their eyes at the speed at which this purple robed attacker moved, the former admiring the spearmenship the stranger used, even as Kara's figure went flying into a brick wall, causing several cracks to appear on its surface.


Aquagirl and Wondergirl's voice echoed out from across the street at the sight of the Kryptonian being sent flying. Their gazes narrowed at Gray's figure, Wondergirl eyeing the crimson red spear in his hand before a look of realization appeared on her face.

"You're the new Hero in New York! Your Lancer!... Why are you attacking us out of nowhere?!".

The Gae Bolg in Gray's hand twirled leaving a crimson neon streak in the air. The bloodlust coming from Gray's eyes sent a cold shiver up the spines of all three protégés.

Kara had long since recovered and flew back towards Aquagirl and Wondergirl, all three new members of the Team glared at Gray's masked figure, and watched as he pulled down his face mask and looked at them with an unhidden curiosity in his eyes.

"... Kara, your Supergirl, aren't you? The "Girl of Steel" and the "Last Daughter of Krypton"?".

"Yeah, so what's it to you?".

A look of realization came onto his face.

".... Wondergirl and Aquagirl. Are your names Cassie and Tula by any chance?".

All three of them looked at each other and Gray noticed the raven haired girl narrow her eyes slightly and the other blonde shake her head.

Gray let the Gae Bolg disperse and let the connection between him and the Lancer Class Card lessen as his normal clothes appeared in place of Lancer's armor.

The protégés of Aquaman, Superman and Wonder Woman looked at Gray with tilted heads and confused expressions.

He put up his hands passively and gestured to the building that the three girls were standing in front of.

"I know that you want to retaliate for me attacking you, and your fully justified in doing so. But there is one thing I need to know before you do so".

Mareena appeared the least hostile in Gray's eyes, while Cassie looked disturbed that this complete stranger knew her name, and Kara, she just looked upset from being hit into a brick wall, leaving her clothes in a complete mess.

Kara, who was still floating looked down at Gray with narrowed eyes.

"And what would that be?".

A perverted response came from the Rider Class Card, which Gray completed ignored.

"This is going to sound crazy, and I know that this would be hard to believe but I know that the members of the Justice League have dealt with this before".

There was a heavy silence in the air.

Cassie spoke up, breaking the lack of noise.

"Well? Speak up! How do you know our names? Are you stalking us?!".

Gray chuckled and held back a laugh. All was going according to plan.

"Well, not so much you in particular, but the Cassie Sandsmark and Kara Danvers of my Earth yes. Yes I did know them.... oh an I apologize for getting your name wrong Aquagirl. The Aquagirl I was familiar with was name was Tula. But then again, every universe is different I suppose".

The mouths of the girls dropped and the heavy silence was replaced with an awkward one.


"My last name is Danvers, it's Kent".

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