
Chapter 29 - 29 Divinity

"So you're from another world?".


"And you knew us in that world?".

"I knew of you yes".

"And how did you get to out world again?".

".... I don't know exactly, but I have my suspicions".

Black eyes met piercing blue ones as the granddaughter of Zeus stared at Gray in an interrogating manner. She, as well as Mareena and Kara, didn't detect any lies coming from the older male, but something didn't seem right to the demigod.

It wasn't the familiar presence that she felt earlier, something she had only felt once, when she met her Aunt Diana, but the sudden change in demeanor that Gray went through, which changed his aura was well as his presence.

Their was nothing hidden inside his body so they ruled out being controlled by something technological, but the three new members of the Team didn't rule out the possibility of mind control. Many enemies of the Justice League possessed telepathic abilities, and used then for nefarious purposes.

And if this "Gray's" knowledge was true, than perhaps it could be used against them. Them and the rest of the League.

She peered at the twenty year old who reached up to the top shelf of his apartment and took out four glasses. Wondergirl looked on with narrowed eyes as she filled three up with water, and the last one with an alcoholic beverage.

Cassie wanted to take the drink away from the twenty year old, but found him smiling at her while taking a sip black eyes still staring into blue ones.

"Anyway, what is your plan in regards to our universe, Graham? Don't you want to go back to your Earth? See your family again?".

The Pseudo-Servant froze for a moment before shaking his head.

"Not really. If I go back to my world now, I'll either get sent back here or hunted down and experimented on. The Mages back home would love to get their hands on me. See what makes me tick".

Cassie, Mareena and Kara all looked at the calm looking young man in shock, before the sixteen year old Kryptonian tilted her head in confusion.

"Experiment? Because of your powers?".

Gray nodded.

"Mages are both an admirable and insidious bunch if I remember them correctly. Doing whatever it takes in order to reach "the Truth". Some do so with honor and dignity, while others do so at any cost..... somebody like me, would just be putting my family in harms way, rather than protecting them".

Gray's tone and expression neither faltered nor wavered during his explanation. The lack of emotion disturbed the three girls, but all three of them felt sorry for the twenty year old in front of them.

Kara, who felt bad for the Pseudo-Servant, gave him a small smile in consolation.

"At least their still alive Gray. Doesn't that give you any peace of mind?".

Gray raised an eyebrow at the pretty blonde's words but he shrugged his shoulders and took another sip of his drink. The burning sensation was only felt for a moment, before vanishing with any form of buzz the drink might have given him.

The Rider Class Card was nearly fully integrated with Gray's soul, and had changed his body as a result. The memories, feelings, emotions, experiences that Achilles felt were all Gray's now, and the Lancer Class Card was slowly becoming the same.

Two heroes. One a demigod with near perfect invincibility and a speed that no other Servant could match. The other an immortal witch, the Queen of the Land of Shadows, whose talent for teaching was rivaled by only one.

Both gave Gray a near invincible body, the former having on fatal flaw the the latter fixed. The former also enhancing the immortality of the latter.

A boundless energy filled his body. It was similar to the energy coursing through Cassie's body, but with a higher quality and quantity. Through the countless memories from Scathach, a single term came to mind.


Gray probably possessed a D+ or C- Rank Divinity. And it was still growing stronger.

Under strenuous use from Rider, Archer or Caster, the level of his Divinity grew faster and higher. Caster, while not having an extraordinary use in combat, excelled in the use of talismans, onmyoudou, and houjutsu when fortifying his penthouse.

Gray didn't need to worry about people breaking in, unless they blew up the entire building. And nobody would do that right? No-one would be crazy enough to blow up a building in the center of Manhattan, right?

Gunner had some reservations, as did Saber.

He looked at the three pretty girls, probably a few years younger than him before taking another sip and asking,

"So what now? Is there something I can do for you three?".

Kara sent a glance towards the Atalantean and the Amazonian beside her before nodding and looking at Gray.

"Yes actually. Since you arrived in this city several weeks ago and took up the alias of "Lancer", did you notice a green haired speedster coming through town? With armor that looked similar to this?".

Mareena handed Gray a blurry photo of him installing Rider. You couldn't see his face clearly, and only the green streaks of lightning and the golden-amber eyes could be seen clearly.

They saw the Pseudo-Servant raise an eyebrow before staring at them dead in the eyes. An unseen pressure was created by the twenty year old, and Cassie leaned forward hoping to catch a glimmer of emotion pass through his eyes.

"You've seen him? Haven't you".

Gray nodded.

"He was quick, and skilled with the spear. Most attacks I landed on him didn't leave a mark, and he vanished in a streak of green lightning before I could try and detain him. I recognize the energy that he was emitting though, and it was similar to your own Miss Sandsmark".

Wondergirl frowned for a moment before gesturing for Gray to continue.

"Correct me for any differences between our two worlds, but you are the granddaughter of the King of Gods, Zeus. What I am saying is that the power flowing through your veins, that rushes through you every time you leap off the ground or punch an enemy through a building.... it is the same. A form of Divinity".

The girl's wary expression turned into one of confusion.

"What do you mean Divinity? How does that affect my powers?".

Gray shook his head in denial.

"Divinity doesn't affect your powers, it is your power. The Age of Gods never ended in this universe and beings from higher planes of existence or even humans that have been exposed to raw energy like the Speed Force or thermonuclear energy are what gives them power. You, or the Cassie Sandsmark I am familiar with, possessed a Divinity given to her by her grandfather. A primordial energy that determines how close a being is to becoming a God".

Kara and Mareena peered at their raven headed friend who leaned back into her chair as she gazed at the photo of Rider in front of her.

Her eyes widened and she couldn't help but realize.

"That means that this Rider must either be Achilles or his reincarnation! He was the son of the Nereid Thetis, a goddess of water! He must possess Divinity too!".

She looked up at Gray for affirmation and she smiled a little when she received a nod from the older man. Meeting Gray allowed for them to get information about Rider, information that they didn't have before.

"Achilles' weakness was his heel. He was killed by Paris under the order of Apollo after displaying Hector's dismembered corpse over the battlefield. If we could combine our strengths and hold Achilles' down, even if only for a moment, that perhaps Artemis could hit his heel, removing his invincibility!".

The three girls smiled at each other before looking at Gray with a grateful expression on their faces. They wanted to at least thank the man, even though he did smack Kara with his spear, not to sound inappropriate or anything.

But the princess of Atlantis frowned for a moment before asking,

"Then why do you have the same energy, Gray? The same energy as Rider and Cassie?".

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