
Chapter 30 - 30 Just A Man

"Then why do you have the same energy, Gray? The same energy as Rider and Cassie?".

The three girls instantly got up from their passive positions into a battle ready one. If Mareena's suspicions were correct, then Gray was actually.....

The twenty year old just kept sitting down without a care in the world. He gulped down the last bit of alcohol in his glass before leaning back into his chair comfortably.

He had already planned for such an event.

"Tell me Cassie, or any of you really, just how many nations had or have their own form of mythology? The Greeks certainly did have quite the number of legends, but how many other places around the world have their own myths? Their own Heroes?".

The raven haired girl frowned for a moment before asking,

"What are you trying to say Graham? That your some other mythologies descendant? That your Divinity comes form somewhere else?".

Gray let out a deep breath before looking at the girls with emotionless eyes.

"The Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, the African Tribes, The Aboriginals, the Aztecs, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Native Americans, the Norse or even ancient Russia. All had polytheistic mythologies, so why is it so hard to believe that I'm from a different one?".

The granddaughter of Zeus furrowed her brows.

"Or is that you want believe it? Did you think that just the Greek Gods existed? That only they crafted the world as you know it? Why do you think that even with their power, the Greeks couldn't take over the world? It was because the other Mythologies didn't allow it".

In this universe, the Sphere of Gods existed outside of the normal universe in its own separate dimension. Various Mythologies Gods, including the Greek Gods existed in their own worlds. Dream, Heaven, Skylands or even Hell and the Underworld all existed within the Sphere of Gods.

These were home to the Old Gods. While New Genesis and Apokolips were home to the New Gods.

Mareena tried to help here demigod friend, and readied a spear of water to shoot at Gray if he move.

"Atlantis was helped founded by the Greek God Poseidon. Why is that that we've never even heard of other Gods before?".

Gray frowned.

"Ra, Egyptian God of the Sun? Lugh, Celtic God of the Sun? Amaterasu, Japanese God of the Sun? Surya, Hindu God of the Sun? They all lie in the same domain is Apollo's, Greek God of the Sun. And have you met him before?".

The girls at least had the courtesy to blush at his words, but Cassie responded the quickest.

"So if you really are from another Mythology, tell us and prove that you aren't Achilles!".

The Pseudo-Servant narrowed his eyes before muttering something under his breath.

"Include, Alter Ego".

In a flash of white light, Gray's once empty open hand was now carrying a thin long katana, taller than any of the three girls bodies.

It was a strange design with black coloring as a base and thin gold lines travelling over the sheath and hilt in weird geometric patterns. A single red rope tassel was wrapped around the sheath of the sword, giving it more of an ascetic rather than a practical use.

Gray unsheathed the blade, and a wave of unknown energy flowed throughout the room.

"This is Rengoku. It's pretty much a cool black katana".

The blade itself was nothing but black. No strange hamon patterns normally found on swords of Japanese origin, nor any dents or blemishes on the blade. Just as Gray said, it was a "cool, black katana".

"So you're originated from Japan. That makes you a descendant of a Japanese God, correct?".

Kara looked at Gray, or pretty much nodded at her words. He was using Casters origins as a cover, but they didn't know how to tell the difference.

"I won't tell you what God. Just know that this blade will cut through anything up to Nth metal. "Boundless light piercing through the myriad realms, the mandate of Heaven will be severed. Immeasurable, free of obstacles, infinite, three beams of light form into one with no zenith". That is Rengoku".

The words Gray spoke did not just have no meaning or intent behind them. They were the words uttered when unleashing a boundless light that could destroy the world. It could fȯrċɨbŀƴ banish existences that don't belong to this world, can't belong to this world.

It was the sword belonging to a follower of the Counter Force. And it shined with a light that could end the world.

Kara nodded at Gray's words, entranced by the beauty of the long odachi.

"I can't see through the material. I can't even tell what it's made out of. What about you Mareena, can you tell what it is?.... Mareena?".

Cassie and Kara peered at their Atalantean friend whose gaze was transfixed on the black blade. It reflected no light despite being in the line of the sun, and only generated a powerful aura.

Mareena Curry, Aquagirl, had only seen a weapon similar to this once in her life. A weapon of equal power to the one in front of her. She wasn't sure of the abilities behind this long strange katana, but it was in no way inferior to Hawkman's or Hawkgirl's Nth Metal maces, or her fathers trident.

She ignored the voices coming from her friends and looked up at the twenty year old male in front of her. His silvery white eyes burrowed deep into her ocean blue one's and she found herself unable to look away from Gray's eyes.

Wait, silver white eyes?

She snapped out of her trance and all three girls noticed the change in appearance that happened as Gray included the Alter Ego Class Card, looking upon the white haired, silver white eyed figure of Gray.

He looked just as emotionless as he did before, if not with a small smile on his lips.

He wasn't ugly by any means, most definitely more handsome than their fellow Team members, as well as some of the members of the Justice League.

Gray was older than them, but not as old as say Batman or Green Arrow. He looked as young as Wonder Woman did or even Superman but had a demeanor that was unlike anything they had ever experienced.

It was tested. Older, almost. Something that didn't belong to a normal twenty year old.

It wasn't dissimilar to Batman's eyes, but lacked the darkness that came from just pure logic and reasoning. It was as if Gray's eyes showed more about him than his words or actions ever did.

That he was just a man.

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