
Chapter 52 - 52 Broken Hearts

"Wait, so you're telling me that Wonder Woman of all people worked in a fast food joint before she worked as what you do know?".

The raven haired blue eyed beauty nodded and sipping on another glass of wine as a healthy flush of red reached her cheeks. Despite the wine not having much of an effect on the demigod, this was the pairs eleventh bottle or so. The entire restaurant was empty with the exception of these two. And most of the staff had gone home. With the exception of a few teenage staff working in the room behind them.

Both could hear their conversation if they really wanted to, although neither wanted to stop listening to the other.

Gray gave the most beautiful woman in the world a wide smile, unblemished by any other emotion. After the sixth or seventh bottle the Pseudo-Servant had put a little bit of Aldebaran Rum in his drink. Something that Diana noticed, and extended her own to add to. The wine on Themiscyra never affected her or her mother because of their status as demigods.

And in "man's" world Diana had to look high and low for any form of alcohol that affected her. Seeing Gray add some alien liquor to his wine caused her to raise an eyebrow and indulge herself in her dates drink.

Both had long since finished their entree, main and desserts. The manager looked as though he wanted to ask the pair to leave, but when he saw who Gray was sitting with, the middle aged man knew he could trust Wonder Woman of all people to close his restaurant once she was finished.

Those nice teenagers who he hired just this night also wanted to help make sure his guests were comfortable. To him, it was a win-win situation. And he could say that Wonder Woman of all people had been to his place!

Diana rested her elbow on the table and his chin on her hand as she played with her wine glass on the table. Seeing the red liquid spin round and round was almost hypnotic to the intoxicated demigod.

"So.... what now?".

The fluttered her eyebrows, probably one more time than she normally would've and gave questionable smile to Gray as he rested his own arms on the small table in front of her. The corners of his mouth growing slightly as he inched forward slightly, meeting Diana's advancement.

For one of the first times for the night his eyes left Diana's and he shrugged his shoulders and his tone indicated a vague intent.

"I could think of a couple things.... but I'm not sure if you're up to it....".

Diana's left eyebrow raised higher than she would've sober and she leaned forward more, noting that Gray's eyes didn't move below her neckline. With her current positioning, a deep valley could be seen if Gray's eyes moved even a fraction of a centimeter downwards.

Both their faces were flushed red, and both drew closer towards the other. A two-way attraction combined with Aldebaran Rum caused both Gray and Diana to get so close to each other that both parties could feel the others breath on the neck. Neither wanted to be the initiating party, but Gray pushed forward slightly pressing his lips against the daughter of Zeus' before-.

"Wait! Stop! Stop! Stop!".

A loud female voice shouted out from behind Gray and Diana, and the pair retreated back to their seats noting the taste of alcohol that was on the others lips. For a second they ignored the newcomer in the room, only looking at each other before turning to look at the familiar teenage blonde that ran into the room.

Diana's expression turned into one of shock as she stared at the last daughter of Krypton with side eyes.

"Kara!? What are you doing here!?".

He sighed.

"I can hear your heartbeats. I suggest that the rest of you come out, before I make you".

Gray and Diana watched as ten more familiar looking figures came through the door to the kitchen and into the dining room floor where Gray and Diana were sitting. Wally and Robin had expressions of awe on their face as their eyes darted between Rider and Wonder Woman, while Kaldur and Conner remained expressionless. Although the slight nod the pair gave indicated their thoughts on the matter.

Barbara, the redhead who still had her glasses on looked slightly out of place, as did Miss Martian and Artemis, who looked more embarrassed that they got caught than anything. Mareena had a smiling expression on her face and waved a camera in front of Gray the image of him and Diana kissing on her phone.

Cassie looked mortified that she saw her Aunt kissing someone, although looked more angry at Gray than anything. Zatanna had furrowed brows as she looked at the twenty year old Pseudo-Servant while Kara.... looked almost lost as she saw Gray and Diana holding the others hand.

"But... what.... how come.... can't be... why?....".

Kara Kent felt her eyes starting to water and with a speed that rivaled Wally's she sped out of the restaurant flying up into the sky with a sonic boom that echoed in the distance. Cassie and Miss Martian looked as though they wanted to go after her and only the latter left with Superboy to try and follow Conner's cousin/aunt.

Cassie just looked at Gray with a mixed expression and spoke a single sentence before leaving,

"I know that Earth has its laws and rules, but still, you shouldn't of led her on like that".

The niece of Wonder Woman flew out of restaurant after he best friend, leaving only eight of the original eleven members in the fancy eatery. Gray didn't even have a chance to defend himself before Cassie left to chase after Kara.

Gray stood beside Diana who had a questioning look on her face, but the latter turned and looked at Robin, her arms folded and underneath her ċhėst and a queer expression marred her looks. Wally and Dick both gulped under the glare, and both pointed at Kara who had already flown out of sight.

"Kara made us do it! She wanted to follow Rider, Gray rather, and see who he was going on a date with! The look on her face, nothing would've stopped her, even Kryptonite!".

Diana turned to Kaldur who nodded. Her thoughts came true and she turned to Gray with a sigh. She gave him a wide smile before holding his hand gently, much to his surprise.

"I really enjoyed tonight Gray. Despite being, interrupted", she gave Robin and Wally and the rest of the Team a death glare before turning back to Gray, "I would really like it if we did this again".

She left a kiss on the Pseudo-Servants cheek, a little bit too close to his lips and gestured to the rest of the Team.

"Come with me, we've got to find your teammate and clear up this mess".

Gray just stood in the center of the restaurant in silence as he watched Diana and the Team hop in the Bio ship nearby, trailing after Kara. He looked down at the half-bottle of Aldebaran Rum and sighed before leaving the restaurant and flying home.

The bottle had already been drunk by the time he got back to his penthouse. Unbeknownst to him due to his drunken state, a faint red smudge could be seen on the roof on his hand.

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