
Chapter 53 - 53 Talks

A blue suited, red caped figure could be seen flying through the night sky. The speed at which the figure traveled far exceeded the normal speed for the average fighter jet, and the occasional glittering trail could be seen falling off the figure as she flew.

"Kara! Wait! Where are you going!?".

"Please Kara, come back!".

The last daughter of Krypton slowed down in her flight speed as the familiar voices of Cassie and M'gann caused her to flinch, and the Girl of Steel quickly wiped the tears from her face as The Amazon and Martian gradually came closer to their friend, who turned around and gave the pair a perfect smile.

Cassie and M'gann gave each other a look when they saw the fake smile that looked anything but sad on their friends face, before Cassie hovered forward and brought Kara in for a hug.

The Kryptonian didn't do anything but straightened her back as she felt the warm embrace of her best friend, feeling another pair of arms wrap around the two of them as M'gann pulled the two into her own embrace.

"It's fine guys..... I was just a little shocked that's all. I completely overreacted. Gray has a right to date whoever he wants. He's an ȧduŀt and Diana is an ȧduŀt and I'm.....".

Kara's voice slowly trailed off at the end, still not wrapping her arms around Wondergirl or Miss Martian. The long raven hairs of Cassie, reminded Kara of her Aunt, and the exact moment she walked in on her kissing.....

A small sob escaped her lips.

Cassie let out a deep exhale.

"It'll be alright Kara. I'm sure my Aunt Diana didn't mean anything by it. She's not exactly the type of person who dates. And Gray-".

"Didn't you hear the way they were talking to each other!? They were flirting from the moment Gray picked her up all the way past closing time at the restaurant! Everything they said, every single word I could hear! I-It was like, listening to someone break up with you over the phone! It was-".

Her words cut short as she burrowed her head into the shoulder of her sixteen year old Amazonian friend. The granddaughter of Zeus patted the back of her fellow Team member, trying to calm her heartbeat with more than words.

"Your not thinking straight Kara. Haven't you only known Gray for like a couple weeks? Why are you so upset by this?".

She felt Kara shake in her arms for a moment before settling after taking a deep breath.

"I don't know!".

She paused for a moment, wiping her eyes with her cape before M'gann changed the line of questioning. Her telepathic abilities weren't being used here, although countless times of using it on criminals had given a slight intuition that she didn't possess when she first joined up with the Team.

"Instead of focusing on your negative emotions, what about the positive ones.... When your with Gray.... how do you feel? The same as you are now?".

Kara shook her messy ċhėstnut blonde hair rapidly as she bit her bottom lip and felt her cheeks redden despite the cool breeze blowing this high up in the air. Something that wasn't missed by either of her friends, giving each other a mental message as they saw this.

"I don't know!? But it's not like this! Whenever I'm with- we're with Gray, I feel better. Like, better than better. Like the pain from losing everyone back on Krypton just completely falls away....But when I saw Gray with Diana back at the restaurant....".


Miss Martian and Wondergirl were eager to hear their friends response, trying their best to reduce the curiosity on their faces and increase the sympathy.

Kara let out a frown as she held her stomach, a pain expression on her face.

"I felt a pain in my ċhėst and a weird feeling in my stomach. Like I had just lost Krypton all over again.... Why does it hurt so much?".

The Kryptonian let out a shaky breath as Cassie patted her back trying to calm her down once more. Another look was shared between Cassie and M'gann, the latter sending a psychic message towards the former, a tone of surprise and shock was evident in her voice.

"You know what this is don't you!?", said M'gann through her telepathic link, "She's in love with Gray! She's in love with Gray, and doesn't know how to deal with seeing him and your aunt together! A sixteen year old girl who most likely never had to deal with rejection in her life".

Cassie sent her Martian friend a harsh glare, "She lost her parents and her friends less than a year ago. When I first met Kara she bȧrėly even spoke to me! We had to get drunk in order for her to even tell us why she didn't want to talk to us! And I didn't tell her to fall in love with Gray! In fact I was quite against dating an older man. Especially when she only had to wait a few weeks to date him!".

They both shared a look before quickly glancing at Kara who was still steadying herself.

M'gann looked back at Cassie, an expression of confusion marred her face.

"The age of consent in New York is 17! If she wanted to be in an ȧduŀt relationship with Gray, she only had to wait around a month before....".

Kara noted M'gann's face start to redden before looking at Cassie with a frown.

"You two aren't having a mental conversation without me, are you?".

The pair were snapped out of their daze and both shook their heads furiously. The Martian's skin looking a little bit closer to her hair color than her normal green state.

A sudden gust of wind caused all three of the girls to freeze where they hovered. A gentle sounding voice caused Kara to shake slightly, as she backed away from the woman in front of her.

"Kara.... I want you to understand that-".

"No! I don't want to understand!".

The last daughter of Krypton broke free of Cassie's and M'gann's arms, creating distance between her and the Princess of Themiscyra. Wonder Woman showed a pained expression as the angry look on Kara's face was directed at her.

She let out an internal sigh before her beautiful features became stern and she places both hands on her hɨps.

"Kara, on Earth you are classified as a minor. Gray and I are ȧduŀts. Adults have different notions when it comes to relationships. When we went on our date, we shared something. Something mutual. I know why you're so upset, but I hope you understand what position you are in as the minor and Gray as the ȧduŀt".

"I don't care!", the Kryptonian's eyes started to glow red as she clenched both her hands. The direction or origin of her anger, even she didn't know.

"I'm not from Earth! I wasn't born here and I wasn't raised here either like my cousin! These stupid rules don't apply to me! I'm Kryptonian! I'm not-".

"But Gray is from Earth. At least a version of one".

Diana interrupted Kara's train of thought, and she stopped the heat vision gathering in her eyes and the massive amounts of kinetic energy built up in her hand slowly dispersed. Wonder Woman let out a light sigh as she floated towards Kara's lone figure, and pulled the sixteen year old into a tight hug.

Kara, who was shocked by the sudden embrace by Cassie's aunt, and the warmth that came from it, that she unconsciously reciprocated it, even if she didn't fully know it.

Diana's voice had been sweet and gentle. The ever-present seductiveness never left her voice, but her tone could cause even the most cold-hearted of men to falter in their steps.

"I understand why you like him Kara. He's not funny, or smart, or particularly honest in his way of life. He's hedonistic but also somehow managing to be altruistic at the same time. Gray's a complex person. It makes you enraptured by how many layers he's wearing..... He's the very definition of tall, dark and mysterious".

Kara let out a slight giggle but suppressed it the moment it came out of her lips. The two feminine arms that wrapped around her were not the same as her mothers or her aunts. It was something new. Something human.

The Kryptonian let out a deep breath before looking up at Diana, her eyes clear yet unblinking.

"I don't know if I can forget about him Diana".

The Princess of Themiscyra shook her head in denial. The words she spoke had more than one meaning behind them.

"I'm not asking you to forget. I'm asking you to let me have a chance....".

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