
Chapter 54 I am....

The next morning, at almost exactly the same time two figures got up from Morpheus' Embrace and left their room. Their movements, while not identical due to their apartments structure, were mirrored somewhat as both got up from their beds and sat down in their living rooms.

On the lower floor was a certain ċhėstnut blonde haired girl who cradled her legs with her arms as she resisted to temptation to use her x-ray vision to look up through the ceiling above her. Remembering the image of Diana and Gray last night caused the girl to both feel sad and embarrassed at the same time.


She hid her reddening face in her pillow as she switched on the large flat screen in front of her, hoping to distract her from thinking about the man above her. The moment she turned on the news, she almost completely forgot about Gray and the image of fire and smoke were reflected in her sky blue eyes.

A woman, who she had come to know as a mother-like figure, stood crouched down as massive shock waves came from the battle behind her. A strikingly muscular man in a tight blue suit with a billowing red cap was sent flying back. A huge figure, larger than even Doomsday in the video that Lois had shot when Batman, Wonder Woman and her cousin, Superman fought the monstrosity.

The man, or the monstrosity rather that had punched her cousin came through the smoke and if Kara used her x-ray vision to look upwards, she would've seen Gray drop his bowl of cereal in shock as he looked at the news report in front of him. The familiar face was one that didn't come from any of his Servants memories, but his own.

The screen cut to Lois Lane, a pretty looking redhead who was covered in dust and grime, a microphone in her hands as half of the screen panned her, and the other half Superman and this new villain.

"It has been over ninety minutes since the battle has begun! Superman has been fighting this new villain who has suddenly appeared in the center of Metropolis! His name unknown, his origins unknown and his powers are also unknown. He has shown immense strength, endurance and agility matching any of those in the Justice League. And he carries with him a huge spear that exceeds two meters in height! Please for anybody who has information about this villain, please report to the Hall of Justice immediately".

Kara didn't notice the rest of the Team get up from the commotion sounded by the television and all went wide eyed as this massive figure smacked the Man of Steel with the flat side of his blade. His stance was nothing like that of Riders or Lancers, the former's made for speed, and the latter purely skill.

It was a stance that was domineering in strength. The massive man's oriental looking armor was colored a bright red and gold. It wasn't Atalantean in origin, nor was it Amazonian. The whites of his eyes were black and his irises white. A strange contrast but managed to convey his insanity was the man roared with an ill intent.

The members of the Team heard a crack of lightning come from the rooftop despite the sunny Tuesday morning and a streak of green colored lightning fly off into the distance. In the direction of Metropolis....


She landed gracefully on the chariot and felt an arm wrap around her waist before flying off in a streak of green colored lightning. Despite the speed at which the pair was going, neither felt bothered by the wind, or didn't feel it at all rather.

The last daughter of Krypton went red in the face at the sudden closeness of the pair, but didn't say anything as she felt Gray pull her closer towards him. Kara looked up in hope but at the sight of the seriousness on Gray's face, her own expression turned serious as well.

"You knew who that person was.... what it-".

"Don't call him and "it"!".

Kara was shocked by the sudden loudness of Gray's voice and flinched slightly and looked away from his gaze. The Pseudo-Servant saw this and frowned, remembering what happened last night before making his voice softer than what he normally used it at.

"I'm sorry Kara. But he isn't a monster.... He's like me.... Someone lost in this world.... Someone that shouldn't belong".

Kara's eyes widened at just what Gray was alluding too, and she opened her mouth to speak once more, not noticing the Metropolis skyline on the horizon.

"Wait, does that mean he's like you? Someone from your world-".

Another sonic boom stopped Kara mid-sentence and the scent of fire and smoke filled the lungs of the pair. In the center of Metropolis, several figures battled it out, two green colored superheroes each shot out chains, both resembling the Chains of Heaven and wrapped around each arm of this monstrosities. Despite being restrained with by two Green Lantern's this massive hulk of a man roared once more, breaking free of the light constructs.


The two Thanagarians eyes widened as the massive spear in his hands blocked the blow from their maces. Swinging it around and smashing their bodies into another direction, leaving the Lantern and the Hawks down for the count.

Superman was helping some civilians out of a nearby building and Wonder Woman tried to restrain the beast with her golden lasso. Wrapping it around the Berserker's arm and shouting for the whole world to hear.

"Who are you! Who sent you!".

The daughter of Zeus was met with one of the loudest roars she had ever heard, before feeling a pulling sensation and saw this Berserker fists about to collide with her face. She wanted to bring up her gauntlets to defend herself, but was too late, only closing her eyes to avoid any direct damage to her retina-.

"Get your hands off her".

A familiar sounding voice resounded from in front of her. And her eyes widened at the figure she was with last night, standing in front of her with one arm raised catching the much larger hand in his own.

With a speed that matched the Flash, Gray spun around and kicked the massive man away several dozen feet. His strangely discolored eyes widening and his spear once again appeared in his hands. Aimed and pointed straight at Gray.

Many of the other members of the Justice League had gotten up from their sorry states and stood tall at the sides of the destroyed park. Watching the conversation between the random Berserker and the man they knew as Rider.

Gray nodded.

"Your class is Berserker is it not? May I know the name of the man whom I will do battle".

A feeling of Divinity flowed out of Gray's body as if a dam had exploded. It reminded many of the aura that Wonder Woman gave off during battle, but was dozens of times stronger and much more purer than their fellow League member.

"Berserker" nodded and slammed his spear into the ground.

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