
Chapter 58 Enkidu vs Gilgamesh

"Your lines of death..... why is that I cannot see them?".

The beautiful brunettes words were like the bells that rung whenever Gray used the Assassin Class Card. Her eyes were unbelievably familiar to the Pseudo-Servant and a name escaped his lips as his black eyes stared into her strangely colored irises.

"Ryougi.... Shiki....".

All the Servants in front of Gray showed a look of surprise as they looked at Gray before shooting a glance towards the Saber Servant. The Servant in the strange Emperor garment and General's uniform laughed out loud for a moment before showing Gray a charismatic smile and holding his thumb up.

All the members of the Justice League tried to hide the disarmed Superman behind them, as a green colored light construct appeared between them and Gray. Kara tried to stop the Green Lantern's from creating the barrier, but stopped the moment Diana shook her head and looked at her cousin behind her.

He was unconscious. And his arm was laying down at Kara's feet. The strange lack of blood unnerved the last daughter of Krypton and a conflicted look appeared on her face before looking at her cousin before nodding back at Diana.

"Look after him....".

The Princess of Themiscyra nodded and watched as Kara picked up her cousin and flew straight up. The sight of a such a small girl carry such a large man and fly up into the air caused many of the gazes of the Servants below to travel as they watched Kara's figure vanish into the clouds above them.

"Should I shoot them down?".

The man with the hat spoke with a heavy French accent. He looked at Saber whose gaze never left Gray's before shaking her head with a small smile.

Her voice carried a strange feeling in it. Her words weren't profound, yet everything she spoke sounded more "true" than anything Gray had ever heard before.

"You. You are not a Servant yet you possess the powers of one. How is this possible?".

The gazes of all the Servants in front of Gray turned from Kara's vanished figure to Gray, all with raised eyebrows. One of the Servants, a buxom blonde woman whose face was marred with an interested expression. She was one of the most beautiful women Gray had ever met, and her figure was even more outrageous than Diana's with strange red tattoos covered her upper body.

Red eyes smirked as she looked at Gray, and a golden portal appeared behind her, and the tip of the same spear that Gray was using appeared from behind its golden light.

"A human with the powers of a Servant? And here I thought that the modern world would be more boring than anything.....".

The prototype of Gray's Noble Phantasm, [Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē: Spear-tip of the Star Traversing Skies] shot out with a blinding speed, being easily intercepted by Gray with a casual swing of his spear. The origin of [Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē] was sent flying into the sky, before disappearing once more behind another golden portal.

"I'm surprised.... To think that the famed Hero King of Uruk would join forces with other Servants. Especially those who were considered Kings in their past lives....".

The beautiful buxom blonde shrugged and crossed her arms under her impressive bust. She gestured to Saber and the rest of the Servants she stood behind showing a slight disgust when her eyes met with Rider's.

"This is the winning team. Why would I not take my chances with the side I know will win?".

"Because.... from your myth only one man was worthy of standing by your side.... Not so much of a man, a certain doll who obtained a human heart....".

The self proclaimed first hero that walked the Earth frowned before all traces of Gray's Divinity vanished. The demeanor around Gray shifted drastically and the ambient mana in the air grew thicker at a dramatic rate.

Despite the air smelling like smoke and the faint cinders from the battle before covered the destroyed park, the world around them grew clearer, and all the people present, the members of the League and the Servants felt a sudden change in the world around them.

Gray's body flashed with a bright white light before his figure shifted, and his clothes changed into a long white robe, revealing only his bȧrė feet and hands as his hair changed to a bright green color and his eyes an electric yellow. His lips were pulled into a smile as he installed the Berserker Class Card, the sight of an old friend brought sanity to the formerly wild Servant.

"T-That's not possible! I saw you die!".

A serious look appeared in her eyes.

"Don't fall for it. He may look like your friend, but the person in control is not. The powers may be a Servants, but he is not from the Throne of Heroes".

A conflicted look appeared in the eyes of the Hero King of Uruk, but she just frowned and glared at Gray's figure, as well as the growing flora beneath his feet. Although the speed behind such a growth was nowhere near the level of a metahumans, one must know that it was only Gray's presence that brought about such a thing.

Just him being there caused a rapid onset of growth. As a being that was born from the Earth, as well as representing the future of humanity Berserker could utilize the Counter Force against his enemies. Even though Gilgamesh was the bridge between humanity and the gods, Enkidu was one who represented the Earth and Humanity.

He was the chains that restrained even the heavens. The one that restrained the gods above.

If his best friend became the first Hero in death, than Enkidu who died before him may also be considered the first Hero.

Gray smiled and placed his hand on the ground. The ambient mana in the world gathered in the earth beneath his feet, causing the twin tailed buxom blonde to frown before floating up into the air and shouting,

"Mongrel! You dare to use my friends powers before me!? I'll show you the true power of a Servant!".

Hundreds, if not thousands of golden portals appeared behind the Servant floating in the air, all with the tips of countless weapons poking through from behind the golden light. Her eyes narrowed at Gray's figure, and her eyes widened as a familiar looking sword flew up from out of the ground.

They were completely unlike the light construct weapons created by the Green Lantern rings. They used the owners will and imagination to ȧssist them in their battles. They couldn't create permanent constructs like the weapons that Gray had seemingly pulled out of the ground.

Swords, blades, sabers, daggers, axes, spears, knives, lances. A myriad of weapons, all of which could've belonged in any museum due to their age appeared in the sky, and a complete copy of said weapon rose up from out of the ground to match it.

The amount of mana it would've taken to create so many copies were immense. The Age of Gods never ended and many mysteries never declined. Magecraft and magic while not mainstream, were not as frowned upon as his previous world, so to create this many weapons would've taken a certain Faker many years to create individually, even within this strange world.

Red eyes looked down at electric yellow eyes and a twitch appeared on the face of the King of Heroes. Gray's perpetual smile was just like that of her old friend. Even when he was angry he smiled. When he was sad he smiled. And he died with a smile on his face....

A part of her couldn't help but show a slight happiness at the presence of her oldest friend.

Gilgamesh turned around and looked at her fellow Servants, gesturing for them to back up. None did so, but several shadowy figures wearing strange masks and donning completely black robes appeared in the front. Hands behind their back and ready to take any blow for their come the need.

Gilgamesh rolled her eyes at Rider's Noble Phantasm but didn't say anything to the Tsar of Russia before turning back to look at Gray. His white garbed figure annoyed her to no end and the first volley of weapons shot forward from her treasury.

Gray, in response shot forward his own wave of weapons, the speed behind each weapon was enough to break through solid concrete as if it was shot forward by a rail gun. Even members of the League would be heavily injured even they were even scrapped by these blades, some might even caused wounds that can't be healed or a poison that can't ever be cured to spread throughout their body.

A pair of completely normal humans watched on with awe as the weapons collided with each other before exploding with a vibrant display of colors. If it wasn't for the deafening sound of explosions occurring, as well as the huge gusts of wind sent their way, they might've enjoyed watching the clash between Heroes.


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