
Chapter 59 Power

[Madness Enhancement].

It was a Skill that was a characteristic of all Berserker Class Servants. As the name suggests, it gave up a portion of the users sanity in exchange for an increase in parameters all across the board. It may just twist a Servants personality, however the exchange for power most of the time came at a great cost.

Lu Bu, the famed General from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms had some grasp over his Madness Enhancement, unlike the majority of Servants. Vlad III, the King of Romania became nothing more than a bloodthirsty vampire the moment his Madness Enhancement activated. The legend of the Impaler vanished, and Dracula came into being.

A Dead Apostle whose strength rivaled even the likes of Nrvnqsr Chaos, another Dead Apostle Ancestor who is the living mass of chaotic matter, created from the accumulation of 666 creatures.

But Enkidu wasn't a Dead Apostle. He was just a lump of clay, crafted by the Gods to be a deterrent against the keystone in the case that he betrayed the Gods. In the beginning Enkidu was neither name nor woman, just a monster whose happiness came from being free in the wild.


A strange roar came from Gray's mouth as his white garbed robe vanished and strange tattoos covered his body. They were electric yellow, which paralleled heavily with Gilgamesh's red tattoos. A pair of strange looking horns broke through Gray's forehead before separating like branches, only a few inches each in length.

The flora around Gray grew uncontrollably in his presence. The trees that showed no signs of stopping covered the entire block in a single giant entwined tree that pierced the clouds above Metropolis.

Gilgamesh frowned at Gray's figure before looking up at the gigantic tree above them. Her tone was one of confusion, before she looked at Saber with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't recall my friend every possessing an ability like this. At the very least, this cannot be the Enkidu that I am familiar-".


The female King of Heroes turned back to look at Gray, before noting that his body had vanished from its position, and appeared directly in front of her.

Those electric green eyes that appeared only when her best friend was either extremely angry in the presence of Ishtar were looking down on the King of Uruk. Her eyes widened and she tried to leap back but felt a hand hit the side of her face, sending her flying dozens of meters backwards.

"How dare you!".

Gilgamesh regained her posture when she landed and instantly activated her [Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure], dozens of golden portals opening behind her, all aimed at Gray's figure which stared at her before vanishing once more.

Despite being a King and not a warrior, the Caster Servant felt a deathly feeling on the back of her neck and jumped forward once more, noting the loud sound of earth cracking where she once stood.

Gray, in his shirtless figure, still with the strange branch horns on his head stood tall as the od from his body rolled off him like lightning during a storm. The mana from the world supplemented his powers, and it was evident from a glance by the other Servants, that all his Parameters had reached A+ at the very minimum.

"The version of Ryougi Shiki that was born from the 「 」.... The General who became an Emperor after the Revolution.... The King of Lions who gave up the Sword in the Stone....

A twisted Heroic Spirit who gave their humanity in order to rule and world of ice and snow.... The female King of Heroes who I would come to call a friend...

The wife of a King, killing her husband with poison and ruling his domain with an iron fist..... And the General of Repetition, who hates betrayal, but would give up his best friend in order to succeed.... How cute".

The brows of all the Servants in front of Gray furrowed at the words of the Pseudo-Servant, implying that he knows their identity. Archer raised his right arm and pointed it at Gray, and a massive canon appeared on the man's arm, magical power gathering in the barrel of the weapon.

Lancer removed her helmet and let her divinely beautiful face be revealed to the world. At the cost of using Rhongomyniad she physically changed to suit the appearance of such a goddess, yet her emerald green eyes were anything but happy.

Rider crossed his arms and harrumphed through his weirdly shaped tusk mask at the mention of his humanity been through away in pursuit of power.

Assassin merely smiled at Gray, not caring for her legend been revealed to the other Heroic Spirits she was standing beside.

Berserker just stood still behind Saber. A good General knows when to act, and when to bide his time and wait....

Caster just frowned, pulling back on the bow of Enki once more, as far back as her C Ranked Strength would allow. The words of Gray, had both caused her distress as well as angered the King of Heroes.

Gray's gaze turned towards the members of the Justice League, much to the ire of Caster, who released her bow and shot the tracer arrow towards Gray.

Before the tracer could even hit said target, beautifully crafted chains rose up from out of the earth and pierced the tracer where it stood, signifying to the six bolts and the Star of Destruction in the atmosphere above to hit directly above the massive tree in the center of Metropolis.

The Chains of Heaven ignored the incoming tsunami that could wipe out most of the eastern seaboard and looked towards the various Heroes underneath the tree he had created.

"Do you know the difference between you and us?".

The Green Lanterns, Hawks and the Flash all shared a look, but Martian Manhunter, Batman and Wonder Woman all looked straight at Gray's electric yellow eyes. They were completely unlike Rider's flirty golden-amber eyes, as well as Lancer's bloodthirsty crimson red ones.

All these ones contained was power. Pure, unrivaled power.

Superman might've been the only one who could exceed a Servant in terms of Strength and Endurance, yet even the Man of Steel couldn't overpower a pair of eyes that saw the death of even inanimate objects.

Lines of death, we the ultimate weak points on every living being. Theoretically, one could kill anything if they cut upon a line of death, and almost every form of regeneration would do nothing to heal or repair said wound.

Gray was no exception. But he did have one advantage.

"That unlike us, you have absolutely nothing to lose".

Gray squatted down for a moment before leaping upwards with an A+++ Ranked Strength. The massive tree created a gap for the Pseudo-Servant to move through towards the sky, as the figures of the Servants vanished and appeared on a rooftop nearby. All their gazes were eagerly turned towards the sky, and the bright golden falling spear which was coming down through the stratosphere at a dramatic rate.

Enki was normally and Anti-World Noble Phantasm capable of flooding the world with enough water to kill every living being on land, thus it would be more accurate to call it an Anti-Continent Noble Phantasm.

The wind whistled in Gray's ear as his body floated in the sky above the gigantic tree. His head raised upwards to look up at the spear above him, before he raised his arms once more and opened his mouth to sing.

"That which spreads life,".

The planet once more cried out in response to Gray's call. Normally, this couldn't be done in such a rapid succession, yet with his Berserker Class, Enkidu could show his true power that was restrained when he took on human form.

"Fighting mankind's first fears, spinning stories around a dying fire"

With his Berserker Class status, both his true power and his existence that could right be said to be a Noble Phantasm used by a God. Enkidu's true power, became closer and closer towards the Divine, despite being a weapon to kill the Divine.

Scientists from all over the world in this exact moment, experienced an outburst of power coming from everywhere on the Earth. It was completely unlike the burst of power Ado Edem created over the North Atlantic Ocean.

This energy caused massive growth in flora and fauna all over the Earth. The waves of power coming off the planet gathered in one spot, causing every living being born and raised on Earth to stare in the direction of Metropolis.

"The land, together with the sea, and those, in turn, to the sky".

Gray raised his arms above his head, and the members of the Justice League, watched as the Earth around them shifted and the Lanterns carried Batman and Wonder Woman away, in the opposite direction of the Servants watching on the other side of the city.

Diana noticed a small seed sprout out from beneath the ground. The beauty behind the seed enraptured the daughter of Zeus but her eyes widened as it exploded upwards, becoming more like a spear pointed at the heavens rather than a flower ready to bloom.

The massive tree was nothing in comparison to the small spear shaped flower, and the flora twisted and turned and electric yellow energy bounced off it as it quickly raised towards the sky.

A hidden figure looked on with a strange mixture of awe and respect in their eyes. A strange black sword was wielded in their hands.

All eyes turned towards Gray, whose eyes glowed with an untold power.

The words he spoke resounded not just on Earth, but everywhere, in every time, every space, in every frequency. There was nowhere that this declaration could not reach.

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