
Chapter 60 Servants

"It has been roughly twenty-four hours since the battle in Metropolis between the Justice League and this strange "Berserker" figure. The arrival of a new Hero, whose name has not been released by either himself, or the Justice League arrived in the middle of the battle and took care of the rampaging villain"

"The rampaging villain was soon stopped by the combined efforts of the Justice League as well as this new superhero. His prowess with the spear, combined with his metahuman strength, speed and endurance made him a formidable foe for this "Berserker". His changing appearance may have something to do with the battle, as a strange wall appeared around us as-".

The TV turned dark and the report coming from the famous journalist came to a halt as several figures walked into the room. Gray, who was sitting down on his couch, a half-eaten green apple in his hand tilted his head slightly and sighed at the caped crusader standing right behind him.

The footsteps from a couple dozen other people could be heard from behind Gray, and the twenty year old let out another deep sigh as he placed his apple on the table in front of him, not liking the serious looks on any of the faces of the Justice League.

Or the nervous looks coming from the younger members of the Team.

Batman looked around his penthouse apartment before looking at Dr Fate who was currently inhabiting the body of Giovanni Zatara. The Lord of Order waved his hand before several dozen talismans, seals and shikigami all appeared on the island table in front of Gray, landing on his table with a loud thump.

He sighed once more.

"Isn't their a rule against breaking in entering in this country?".

Batman, taking command of the situation sat in the chair opposite Gray's and took out a small holographic projector from his utility-belt. The image of Martian Manhunter and Superman sitting in the Watchtower medical bay came up, a small rising number was present in the corner, indicating that this was live.

"After the battle in Metropolis, those seven Servants disappeared without a trace. As it stands right now we have no means of tracking them. When you disappeared after destroying that arrow that Gilgamesh created, we went to see Superman in the Watchtower. His condition is stable but-".

"His arm. It's not healing nor can you reattach it".

Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, the Green Lanterns and the Hawks all frowned at Gray's words. The definitive tone indicated that the twenty year old knew something. Something that they didn't.

Diana, who didn't want Batman to have to threaten Gray stepped forward and looked at Gray pleadingly.

"Please Gray. Tell us what we can do to reverse what Saber has done to Superman. The loss of an arm. It can't be hidden from the world like an identity can be".

Gray looked at the saddened expression on Diana's face before shaking his head once more.

"It's not that I won't heal him. It's that I can't".


Gray sighed before placing a hand on the table in front of him. A slight pressure from his hand caused the glass table to fracture, but not shatter. Countless lines bloomed out from the single point that Gray touched, but didn't destroy the glass table.

"Ryougi Shiki, or Saber rather, has the ability to "visualize the concept of longevity given form". They appear in the form of lines, lines of death as you would put it".

Gray gestured to the countless number of lines scattered all over the glass table in front of him. All the League members watched on in interest at the explanation of the Pseudo-Servant, despite their lack of hospitality against the young looking man.

"I don't know everything about these eyes, but let me be clear on one thing. Everything, as far as I am aware, possesses lines of death. Living or dead, animate or inanimate, all things in creation possess lines of death. Once a line of death is cut, it is near impossible to undo the damage done to the target. Unless you can change the conceptual structure of Superman, that wound is permanent.

"That is Ryougi Shiki's power. As long as she has the imagination to visualize events, she can kill even Gods".

The moment Gray's words left his mouth the tension in the room became palpable. A formless pressure pressed down on the members of both the League and the Team, and the memory of those rainbow colored eyes that gleamed with death was still fresh in their minds.

The Flash, or Barry Allen looked at Gray with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. His tone indicated that he of all people were not happy.

And that was saying something.

"And how do you know so much about this Saber character? They called you a Servant, but also a Faker. What are you?".

Gray picked up his apple and took a bite out of the fruit.

"I don't have to tell you anything".

"Why you little-".

The scarlet speedster took a step forward towards Gray, Batman put a hand on his shoulder and looked back at the younger man.

"Take it easy Flash. There is still a lot we don't know about Servants, their characteristics or even the Holy Grail War that J'onn keeps going on about. Gray is our only lead on this. If he doesn't comply, then we can use force".

Batman used the psychic link Miss Martian had created to talk to his friend, trying to placate the speedster. It worked, although the Flash vanished for a second before talking out a whole bunch of food from Gray's fridge, eating it with a speed that even Gray couldn't match.

Rolling his eyes at the actions of Barry Allen, Gray turned back towards Batman, a smile marred the face of the Pseudo-Servant.

"You do want to get rid of the Servants don't you? Or at the very least, get justice for what they did to Superman, correct?".

He looked at both Batman and Hawkgirl in particular, both of them noting how his eyes darted to the red markings on both of their hands, rather than anyone else in the group.

Hawkgirl looked down at the red tattoo noting that it still hadn't come off, even after washing her hands so roughly that it broke the skin.

"Don't do that. It'll ruin those hands of yours".

Shayera Hol raised an eyebrow as Gray took her hand in his own, gaining a slight smile as she looked over at Diana, who frowned when her eyes met the Thanagarian whose hand was entwined with Gray's.

Hawkman frowned but didn't say anything. He and Shayera were having difficulties since the birth of his daughter by another woman. A human woman at that. Their relationship was becoming more strained, as the male started seeing the human woman and Shayera started living at the Wayne Family Manor, as a guest of Alfred rather than Bruce who was standing beside him.

Gray noted the same glimmer on Shayera's tattoo despite her broken skin and smiled at the beautiful redhead before turning towards Batman with a larger smile.

"Do you know what it takes to kill a Servant Batman?".

He frowned at the use of the world "kill", but went along with it for conversation purposes.

"No. I don't".

Gray's smile grew larger and he picked up a piece of chalk sitting in one of his kitchen drawers, putting his finger towards the roof as he spoke,

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