
Chapter 7 - 7 New Friends?

Gray obviously had absolutely no idea of the meeting the Justice League had about him, although he did not think that Batman wouldn't mention him at his next meeting with the other members of the Justice League.

An unknown speedster with remarkable strength and a extremely high prowess with the spear.

It instantly made the other members a little wary hearing about a thief with a combat prowess that might be equal to their own.

And that was Gray's "known" abilities. They couldn't count of those being his only skills.

"..... I love having money", said Gray with a serene smile on his face.

The current Gray was presently lying down on sun lounge, sipping an alcoholic beverage from glass, enjoying the bright sun shining down on Gotham City.

It wasn't very often that the sun broke through the thick clouds above Gotham City. It washed away the sense of unease over the city and many normal citizens seemed a little bit brighter as they felt the sun's rays on their faces.

Gray included.

After "rescuing" the money from the hands of the criminals from the docks, Gray had checked into a hotel, quite the expensive one, and spent the night in a proper bed for the first time in over a week. To go from being pretty much homeless to a king-sized bed in just a few days really made Gray see the value in taking money from criminals.

He saw the potential in it, despite making enemies out of pretty much every enemy of the Justice League.

It put a dent in the criminals activities in Gotham, and filled his pockets as a result.

It was a win-win situation.

For Gray at least.

He took another sip of his drink and sighed happily.

"Later tonight a shipment of money will leave Gotham for another country. I'll have to arrive at the private airport and intercept it. Apparently it belongs to the Falcone Family.....".

Gray didn't underestimate the crime families of Gotham despite the fact they didn't possess any criminals the same level of strength as Batman, nor did they have any metahumans to ȧssist with their crimes.

What they did have was an exorbitant amount of money. They could create open contracts for mercenaries to work for them and kill their political enemies in order to expand and create even more money. It was a cruel cycle, and even with Batman taking out several of the Families Heads a new one just rose up to take their place.

'I wonder how much money will be on this shipment tonight. If there is enough I might be able to leave Gotham in a few days....'.

He left the outdoor pool area near the top floor and went inside to the open bar. Despite only being noon, the hotel Gray was currently staying out catered to the very rich. Having a bar open at all times was a given for this level of luxuriousness.

"Something strong please".

The barkeep nodded and pulled off several bottles from the shelf.

After being integrated with Achilles for such a long time, he found that his innate constitution had changed slightly, and his height, weight, appetite and alcohol consumption limit had increased by quite the large amount.

He went from being just 5'10 to just over 6'0. His weight also decreased by several kilos despite the increase in height and his need for food rose with it. Needing more calories depending on how long he uses his Noble Phantasm for.

Taking another sip of his mixed alcoholic beverage, a sensual voice resounded in Gray's ear. Sending both shivers, and a dangerous feeling creeping up his spine.

"Don't you think it's a little early for that?".

He suppressed his instincts and his "want" to back away from the voice, and turned around. And expressionless look on his face.

"..... Is there a law against me drinking this early?".

The woman in front of Gray was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Barbara Gordon could match he level of beauty, but was like comparing a still developing rose to a completely mȧturė one. The latter was by far more ripe.

Smooth, unblemished tanned skin. Sinfully mȧturė body with ample curves in all the right places. An angelic face, completely contrasting her devilish body. Luscious red lips, which she licked as Gray observed her coming closer towards him.

She waved her arms disarmingly and leaned over the bar counter beside Gray. Pushing up her large bust by putting her arms beneath them.

Placing a single finger on the edge of her lip she spoke.

"I usually find that people that drink this early are about to do something either extremely stupid or extremely dangerous. Am I right?".

Every action was aimed at drawing Gray's attention. The other men and women hanging around the poolside area all gazed at the beautiful woman's behind. Her skintight black dress emphasized all of her ȧssets. And she knew exactly wanted she wanted to do with them.

Every Heroic Spirit in Gray's soul gave him some sort of warning that almost made him want to leap back and manifest themselves.

Even Assassin, who normally even refused to be called out, wanted to be set free and installed. It seemed that he possessed the greatest connection to this woman that any of the other Servants in his possession.


The beautiful tanned woman smiled at Gray's response and nodded at the barkeep who passed her an unknown drink the same color as blood.

She raised the glass to Gray who, despite Assassins, incessant warnings not to, clinked his own glass against the beautiful tanned woman's.

He gazed straight into her gorgeous green eyes and the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"The name's Gray. May I know the name of my new friend?".

The Servant that walked the boundary between life and death tried its best to force Gray to resist the charm of this devilishly angelic woman. A loud ancient bell resounded throughout Gray's mind, snapping him out of the trance the woman had put him under and he leaped back several feat, a demonic blue flames covering most of his body.

The beautiful tanned woman smiled with a power that could cause the downfall of a nation. All the other people lounging around the pool area vanished and several dozen armed black clothed men took their places.

She stepped forward and her beautiful long legs crept through the slit in her dress.

"My name is Talia al Ghul. And I am here to offer you something Gray.... or should I say Rider?".

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