
Chapter 8 - 8 Propositions

Gray stood tall in the bar area of the hotel. Blue colored flames covering his body like a cloak, despite no heat being generated from these unique colored flames, they gave off a deathly aura, not dissimilar to the former leader of the League of Shadows.

The current leaders father.

Talia al Ghul raised an eyebrow seductively and eyed the strange blue flames that Gray was giving off. It was completely contrary to the abilities he showed last night, and she ceased her advancement carefully.

'It seems Gray has more secrets than I originally thought....'.

The current leader of the League of Shadows originally saw his abilities as a speedster and saw a potential within him, noting that his skill was extraordinary only being amplified by his status as a metahuman.

She gave a disarming smile and gestured for all the black clothed members to vanish, leaving just her and Gray the only two people on the entire hotel floor.

Gray raised his right hand and the blue flames congealed on his appendage, becoming a large blue and white broadsword, tinged with red smudges here and there. The scent of iron and blood filled her nose as the sword appeared.

"What does the League of Shadows want with me?", questioned Gray.

He knew many names from the DC universe, but the names of said people did not always match their physical description. Barbara Gordon didn't look the same as her film iteration, and looked closer to the comics than anything else.

Same was said with Talia al Ghul now that he thought about it.

Luckily Assassin forced an install otherwise he might've been attacked before he could even speak.

The daughter of Ra's al Ghul sat comfortably on a chair, crossing her legs and smirking at how it caught Gray's eyes. The beautiful woman gestured to the seat next to hers and Gray eyed the chair warily before letting the blue flames dissipate, not releasing the massive broadsword and holding in his right hand as reassurance.

Talia saw this but wasn't bothered by it. She would be the exact same way if she was surrounded by numerous ȧssassin's, all with the potential to take her life.

"I understand that last night someone by the name of "Rider" took money from a group of bank robbers. He had black hair and eyes with a green streak through his hair. It wasn't that hard to find someone with the same description. Especially since I own this hotel".

Gray cursed his luck but showed no outward changes to the ȧssassin's words.

"In addition, I was expecting someone with skill equal to a member of the Justice League. Not someone roughly my own age..... but I can't say I'm disappointed".

She smile would've caused most men to go weak at the knees.

Only the Batman was the only one to ever resist her charms. But was surprised when the deathly aura around Gray increased, making her smile grow even larger.

"When I heard that your didn't kill at the docks I was a little bit surprised. But seeing this side of you.... I understand that you were only hiding your abilities".

The massive dark blue and white broadsword in Gray's hands looked familiar but still foreign to Talia. She might've seen a drawing or picture of it in her childhood but couldn't place were she had seen the ancient looking sword.

"I don't intend on stealing from the League of Assassins. And I do not kill. Not anymore anyway.....".

Assassin opposed Gray's views on how he dealt with his enemies but made no comment about his words to the beautiful ȧssassin in front of him. Only sending a unique question over to his Class Card owner.

Gray frowned internally but looked at Talia and asked anyway.

"Do you have any relation to the Hassan-i Sabbāh? I know someone who always wanted to ask you that".

Seeing the confused look on Talia's face, followed by a look of realization, her smile froze for a moment, before growing even further and she changed her crossed legs and rested her right leg on her left.

"I see. I need no further questions on your background. But I do have a question about a job I would like you to handle. Do not worry about money or the like. You may decide the amount, as well as the currency".

Gray wanted to ask Assassin if he knew of any relationship between the League of Shadows and the Hassan-i Sabbāh. But threw the thought to the back of his mind at his new found reasoning.

'This is a parallel world! How could someone from the Throne of Heroes have a connection to a group of ȧssassins from the DC universe! It's impossible!'.

He didn't reply to Talia's question, which she took as a further confirmation in his interest in the proposition.

"There is something that I want to obtain in New York City. A location. It is currently occupied by one of the crime families in New York, and have several hundred men under their employment. I just need you to "take care" of them. Regardless of whether you knock them out or take their lives it does not matter to me".

"And why would I want to "take care" of this as you put it? Other than your payment, what can I expect from you?".

Talia was silent for a moment pointing at herself.

"Did you want me? I did have someone in mind with the potential to be my husband but it seems that he already has someone in his heart. If you want, I can give you a night you won't ever forget.....".

She leaned over the table and pushed up her bust once more. The gap in the center of her dresses ċhėst area caused Achilles voice to gulp in Gray's head.

Gray, under the influence of Assassin, looked straight into Talia's green eyes, pretending not to notice her actions.

She pouted, if only playfully as a result.

"I want two things. Firstly, any money I find in this crime families base".

Talia nodded, almost expecting this response.

Gray didn't want to seem like a greedy person in front of such a beautiful woman, but his need for funds outweighed any decency he "might've" had. Assassin played some part but only a minor one.

"Secondly, I want a favor. Something I can keep in my back pocket if the occasion arises".

The current head of the League of Shadows narrowed her eyes at Gray's second request and an eerie silence filled the bars room. The pressure exerted from the two collided and Gray's raven black eyes gained a dark blue tint to them. As if the flames were condensed within the windows to his soul.

She crossed her legs once more.

"Fine. But if the request puts the League of Shadows in danger I will refuse".

Gray nodded, expecting this response from Talia.

She circled the blood red liquid in her cup and licked her lips, wiping any trace of wine off her lips.

She watched as the deathly aura from Gray's body vanished, only to be replaced by a overpoweringly strong aura. The pressure was unlike the one he created the other night, nor was it like the deathly pressure he exerted just a moment ago.

Talia watched on as the giant broadsword vanished and was replaced by a large black gun.

It looked like a flintlock, but the design seemed modern and the material looked otherworldly.

She looked up at Gray's face, and the current expression was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

He raised the the gun and pointed it at her and spoke.

"I just want you to know. That if you betray me.....".

Gray's figure seemed to vanish and he reappeared at the exit of the bar.

".... Not even a God could save you from my Longinus".

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