
Chapter 71 - 70 I Like You

Gray, Bekka and the Team all returned back inside the confides of Gray's penthouse, with several members of the junior Justice League eyeing the alien with suspicious expressions. Conner on the other hand, who had met a group of New Gods from New Genesis before interacted with Bekka surprisingly well.

"Infinity Man? With Vykin, Dreamer and Bear? Last time I saw them they were leaving for some planet they thought had taken some technology from New Genesis. It has been quite a while since I last saw any of them....".

Bekka revealed a happy, yet strained smile as she spoke about her friends from back home. Almost no-one noticed the change in her expression but Gray, who was sitting in the kitchen while cutting up an apple did.

It was the same face many Heroes from his memories showed in the face of great internal conflict. Caster in particular, when she wasn't feeling threatened by the beautiful Goddess, showed empathy towards her plight.

Gray put down his knife and looked at Kara standing beside him in the kitchen, her and Cassie were making some sort of mixed cuisine dish, the former cutting up vegetables at lightning speed as she avoided Gray's eyes. Even though the girl was standing almost directly beside him, she hadn't interacted with the Pseudo-Servant ever since her talk with Diana. It seemed as though she was restraining herself from saying something.....

The twenty year old moved behind the Kryptonian and leaned forward slightly to put his head directly beside Kara's. He looked down at the pile of ȧssorted vegetables on the right and meats on the left as he noted Kara's lack of response. He could see her clench her toes a little as he smiled.

"You need a hand Kara?".

The last daughter of Krypton shook her head as she continued to cut her food as Cassie watched the pair from the side. The Amazonian gave a subtle look to her alien friend, and Kara gave a non-verbal response in return.

Kara turned her head to look towards Gray whose face was only a few inches apart from one another and spoke, a small smile marred her lips as Gray looked down at her hands cutting the carrots on the board in front of her.

"Not with cooking, although I could think of a couple things you could help me with though".

The suggestive tone with which the girl spoke caused all eyes in the room to turn towards Kara and Gray standing side-by-side with each other. The former standing up against the island bench and the latter standing almost directly behind her.

Cassie, who was the closest towards Kara and trying to blend into the background just a couple feet away from the pair saw Kara lean back into Gray's ċhėst, just like a certain Goddess did not even an hour ago.

Said Goddess raised an eyebrow at the ȧssertiveness of the Kryptonian, and certain cogs turned in the mind of the potential Master of White.

Gray, who felt Kara lean into him, didn't move or ask for Kara to move away from him, placing his hand on her knife wielding hand causing her to stop. Her sky blue eyes widening slightly at feeling from the older male, but was by any means not unwelcoming to her.

Gray spoke to the younger girl, with a tone neither her, or any other member of the Team had ever heard before. It was unlike the calm and mȧturė tone he used with Diana, this one was more..... playful?

"You have to hold it properly. A kitchen knife may not be the most dangerous weapon in the world but in the right hands....".

A flash of sliver appeared in the eyes of everyone in the room before the tuna in front of Kara had fallen apart and separated into groups. The bones and scales on one side, and the organs and meats on the other. Gray's hand was wrapped around Kara's, and she was the one who performed the process.

The younger girl couldn't help but smile at the sight of Gray's hand being wrapped around hers, although an envious cough from Zatanna, snapped all the people present from their trance. Bekka turned and looked at the magician, noting the varying expressions on her face.

"If you don't mind, could we eat shortly? Wally's stomach keeps growling".

The speedster gave an incredulous look towards towards the daughter of Giovanni Zatara, but felt a sharp blow to her side coming from Artemis, who gave him a "look".

"Sorry about that. I must be my hyper-metabolism". Said Wally while cradling his side. The exhales coming from every corner of the room where silenced when Caster appeared who was standing in the clothes from her Saint Graph.

She looked at Gray with a bored expression as she gracefully sat down at the table. Caster didn't normally wear the clothes that she was summoned with but after her training session with the Team, she opted to wear it more often.

Getting her favorite clothes shredded was both a good way for her to go above the limits of the Team, and to cause Gray an annoyance on a Divine scale.

Everyone gathered around the island table with multiple chairs and seats placed around the massive bench, with Gray and Kara sitting down beside each other in a corner of the table. They were talking to only each other, and the others would be lying if they said they weren't listening while having their own conversations.

Even the newcomer to the table, Bekka couldn't help but listen as she spoke with Conner and M'gann.

".... Although the relationship between Diana and I is complicated, we are a thing. I don't want to lose that".

Kara nodded albeit a little bit quicker than she would've liked to admit. Her face reddened slightly as the warm summer breeze came through the open window. Causing everyone to get flushed faces, with the exception of Caster who just melted in the presence of the heat.

"I know. I don't want to get between you and Diana. But....".

"But what Kara?".

She turned a little bit redder but restrained it before speaking, her words cut through the conversation at the table like a hot knife through buŧŧer.

"I like you Gray. I really like you".

The Pseudo-Servant went wide eyed and a multitude of responses went through his head, but didn't rely on any of them to form his answer.

He couldn't rely on them to make choices for him for his entire life. The Pseudo-Servant, no, the man who was both more than Human and more than Servant smiled before nodding.

"I like you too Kara. But I can't not like Diana either".

Kara gave a Gray a smile that was in between acceptance and rejection. Not caring that her response caused everyone at the table to look at the pair with wide eyes and dropped mouths. She reached out and grasped Gray's hand within hers, not caring about the gasps coming from all across the room.

"I guess I'll have to learn to share".

The look of shock was greater on Gray's face than anyone else present. Due to the distance, neither noted that a pair of brown eyes looked at Gray with a savage expression on his face. A red mark in the shape of two tusks and a trunk could be seen on his right hand.

The brown eyed figure spoke, his words causing a massive change in the mana surrounding New York City.

"Rider, with the power of my Command Seals I order you.... Kill that man!".

The sound of lightning striking on a perfectly good evening echoed throughout the City that never sleeps.

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