
Chapter 72 - 71 Before The Battle

The moment lightning struck in the beautiful New York evening Gray turned around and stood up with a speed that exceeded anyone else in the rooms. Caster shifted into her Spirit Form before materializing beside Gray. An unpleasant expression marred her brows.

"Rider! What's going on? Why is their a massive pool of energy appearing above New York?".

A familiar sounding voice immediately came from Robin's phone, and the holographic image of Batman sitting in the Watchtower came up. Several members of the Justice League, as well as all the present members of the Team looked towards Gray who materialized Achilles' armor before turning towards the center of New York.

"Enemy Servant".

All those present with the exclusion of Bekka, Gray and Caster shared a look of disturbance before Batman spoke once more.

"Is it the same one that did this to Batman?".

Gray shook his head in denial before another bolt of lightning rained down from the now cloudy skies above. The once cloudless summer day had now become a dark and stormy sight for the denizens of the city, and the temperature dropped rapidly without the suns bright rays.

Caster seemed to be a little bit more acclimated to such an environment, however the absence of the sun disturbed the Goddess, whose two favorite things were Winter and Spring. Spring cannot happen without the sun and the wilting of life would occur without the sun.

Dozens of lightning bolts rained down from the heavens above, and Gray felt a hand wrap around his own once more before turning towards Kara. A reassuring smile marred her face and she nodded before kissing Gray's cheek.

"Go. We'll go help the innocents. You need to find the Servant behind this".

Gray seemed surprised by how stern and mȧturė Kara's tone was before nodding and looking towards the rest of the Team.

"The Servant is most likely a Rider Class Servant. From the Servants we last met, only the Thunderous Emperor has the capabilities to execute such a large scale bombardment of lightning.... If Tesla was summoned, we'd have more to worry about then just a single city".

Batman nodded through the holographic projector before turning to Archer with a frown.

"You're the criminal consultant right? Prove your worth".

"Your wish is my command.... Master".

Gray and the others could see the enemy of Sherlock Holmes vanishing into his Spirit Form and the golden robed figure of Dr Fate following the Servants movements even when in the Watchtower.

It seems after Batman almost immediately figured out his identity, he put Moriarty's movements under surveillance. Not an unwise decision that's for sure....

The Master of the Caster Servant of White turned towards Bekka and gave the woman a strange look. Kara felt a little bit weird seeing Gray look at the New God like that, before she shrugged her shoulders and nodded.

"I'll help. But only if you help me with something in return".

"Name it".

Gray instantly responded causing Bekka to smile and place her arms underneath her larger bust. Other than Caster whom the New God did not seem to care about, she had the biggest bust in the room. Even Cassie, while mȧturė for her age did not seem to reach the same level as her.

Her pretty blue eyes starred into Gray's before darting towards Kara for a moment and smiling.

"I want a date".

"Anything but that!".

Kara responded with a speed that was quicker than Gray's and the two beautiful girls stared at each other, invisible sparks flying across the room.

Gray noted the increasing frequency of said lightning strikes before noting the shadow of a large figure coming from Central Park. A massive ball of lightning could bee seen gathering above the skyline, drawing almost everyone's attention.

He made a decision then and their, causing Kara to go wide eyed and the rest of the Team to look at Gray with varied expressions.

"I accept".

The look of surprise on Bekka's face was only rivaled by the amount of hurt on Kara's. She looked as though she wanted to respond but Gray continued his words causing the Kryptonian to look at Bekka with a weird expression.

"Although going on a date with a man you just met isn't really becoming of the daughter of High Father, the Ruler of the New Gods and King of New Genesis? Especially when she just left her wedding".

Batgirl and Robin were the only ones in the room whose faces did not change at this newfound information. Conner and M'gann, who spent the most time with the New God went wide eyed at the information they just obtained, while Artemis and Wally whistled in syncrasy as they watched Bekka's expression turn from surprise to horror.

She dropped the sword in her hands causing the indestructible metal sword to clang onto the ground, the hand with which her Command Seals were hidden could now be seen by everyone in the room.

The boy wonder sent Gray a raised eyebrow but the twenty year old ignored the look that Dick gave him.

"H-How did you know that?! Did he send you!?".

Gray also ignored this question as he proceeded to head towards his balcony, [Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē: Spear-tip of the Star Traversing Skies] in his left hand and [Troias Tragōidia: Tempestuous Immortal Chariot] waiting for him just slightly beyond the ledge of his balcony. A green lightning bounced off the divine steeds like sparks off a blowtorch.

All the members of the Team followed Gray outside before flying off to various parts of the city. The faint sounds of screaming and shouting along with explosions and booms could be heard in the distance.

Only Bekka and Gray remained within his penthouse, the former just standing in his kitchen alone, her body shaking causing Gray's eyes to become slightly sympathetic.

He didn't turn around and face her, but spoke anyway.

"I understand that you are scarred. You just ran away from your home, to a foreign planet whose only benefit is that you look exactly the major species of".

He mounted the chariot but never once looked at Bekka's figure. Even if she left and ran the opposite direction Gray would've kept on speaking.

"But their's a reason you have that sword Bekka. You're a warrior whether you like it or not. I'm shouldn't criticize another's actions or moralities, especially since we've never met before but I will tell you one thing.....".

With a single pull on the reins the divine steeds raced off with the speed of a bolt of lightning. Gray's final words just bȧrėly reaching the ears of the Princess of New Genesis.

"That one doesn't need a reason to save someone right in front of them. Only dėsɨrė to act....".

The echoing sound of thunder and lightning resounded throughout the empty apartment.

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