
Chapter 73 - 72 Rhongomyniad

Overhead in the skies above the city that never sleeps a green trail of lightning cut through the dark storm clouds that gathered overhead causing many passerby's to scream and shout out Gray's alter ego, as the sound of camera's and typing echoed throughout the streets.

The Team, who were leaping over buildings as they separated into three teams as Robin relayed the information he received from Batman who was standing in the Watchtower.

The boy wonder spoke,

"Artemis, Kid Flash, Aqualad and I will head to the Brooklyn Bridge".

The other three superheroes nodded as Robin continued to speak.

"Superboy, Miss Martian, Batgirl and Zatanna will head towards the Statue of Liberty. Readings indicate that a large power source can be seen from orbit. Be careful, we don't know the full capabilities of our enemy".

The Atalantean, Martian, human and magician all nodded before flying away in another direction. Cassie, Kara and Mareena all headed towards Central Park, in the direction that Gray was headed.

"Wonder Girl, Supergirl and Aquagirl. You three will head towards Central Park. It is the largest power source in the city, so expect a heavy resistance".

The three girls nodded before flying away from the rest of the Team, heading towards the massive plot of greenery in the center of the city. The other two groups headed towards their locations and Kara looked up at the green streak in the sky above her. Gray's figure constantly darted in and out of her field of vision, as something was blocking her x-ray vision from peaking through the storm clouds.

The last daughter of Krypton looked towards Cassie and Mareena before pointing up towards the storm clouds.

"I think they've somehow lined the clouds with lead particles! I can't see through it!".

A flash of bright pink light went off in the sky above New York, and a plummeting figure could be seen hurtling down from the black sea of thunder above. Even with Kara's vision she couldn't see who the person was.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Mareena, who was holding onto Cassie as the latter flew, give her a small smile.

"Don't worry about him. He'll be fine. And, as much as you hate to admit it, he has Caster backing him up".

Kara seemed slightly irked at the mention of the purple haired Goddess but smiled at her friend. She through the worries about Gray to the back of her mind as she, Wondergirl and Aquagirl landed in historic landmark, frowning as the familiar face in front of them dismounted and introduced them self.

A beautiful white steed covered in armor that was not crafted by mortal hands. It's presence caused ripples in the ambient mana around them, just like Gray did when he installed Berserker while using Madness Enhancement.

The person, or Servant rather, wore an equally pure and pristine white armor, with a large flowing mane coming out the back of it's headpiece. A flowing blue dress could be seen out the bottom of the heavy armor, and not even the reflection of light of the iris could be seen by the girls, let alone with Kara's x-ray vision.

They extended their right arm and clasped and invisible object. A large air current gathered around the object and caused gale force winds to billow out.

Due to the girls non-human origin, none blinked, let alone moved in the face of such a wind. The sound of a chuckle could be heard from behind the helmet.

"I'm glad that the women of this era are as strong as you three. It gives me some semblance of hope in the human race..... although you three aren't human.... are you?".

Her voice carried a strange power to it despite its British origins. It sounded similar to Archer's accented voice, but much more collected, and much more royal and powerful. It's femininity could not be disguised.

Kara, Cassie and Mareena adopted less than passive postures which caused this Servant to chuckle even further.

"Do not feel threatened by me young ones. I myself hold no ill will towards those who are not human. I myself became more than human before my death. It would be hypocritical of the King of Lions to disrespect those who serve the people..... I would be denying myself in a way".

The three girls showed confused expressions but made more aggressive postures as this Servant waved its invisible weapon towards them. Cassie and Mareena looked at Kara but the Kryptonian shook her head as she narrowed her eyes.

"I can't see through it! A sword, a spear, a bow? I can't tell!".

The King of Lions mounted her stead and aimed the Lance That Shines To The End Of The World at the three superheroes. A smile could be seen from behind her mask.

"I hope that you three don't disappoint me!".

With a speed that rivaled Gray's divine steeds, the figure of this mysterious woman vanished and appeared in front of Kara, before thrusting the lance towards her, hitting nothing but air as the masked figure gazed upwards towards the sky.

Lancer smirked behind the mask.

"Your not the only one you can do that!".

With a vigorous and powerful neigh, Dun Stallion leaped up into the sky, kicking off nothing but the air beneath it, as Kara's eyes widened as she crossed her arms to block a blow from the powerful Servant, only to be sent flying back several hundred meters, colliding with a nearby building as Cassie and Mareena's eyes widened.


The Amazonian felt a brush of wind pass over her before turning around and crossing her arms like Kara did before, feeling an immense weight bear down on her as she was pushed back dozens of meters. Two deep trenches could be seen from where Cassie was pushed back.

Lancer tilted her head slightly before nodding and smacking Wondergirl away with the buŧŧ of her spear.

"Those bracelets.... they are not forged by mortal hands.... Maybe this will be more interesting that I thought....".

The white armored Servant raised its invisible weapon to block two water forged swords attacking her from overhead, raising an eyebrow at the degree of Mystery behind that magecraft.

"My Master said you are an Atalantean. You are not human yet you can practice magecraft.... just like the Mage of Flowers".

With a loud shout, Mareena felt the stead beneath Lancer grab her by the leg and throw her towards Wondergirl. Kara had managed to fly back after being propelled so far, a faint bloodstain marred her arm which healed quickly under the yellow sun.

This factor was obviously noted by her two friends, and they eyed the Servant in front of them with a renewed vigor.

Lancer just smiled underneath her mask before pointing her weapon to the sky. The wind unraveled and a bright, pure white lance revealed itself to the three girls.

It was gorgeously crafted. To Cassie and Mareena, who used weapons of some form, the image of this pure white lance was akin to seeing a weapon crafted by the Gods. The twirling spiral that formed the base of the lance may have looked decorative and ridiculous, but something inside them said that the power that this pillar restricted was undoubtedly immense.

The mana in the air started to shake, and soon the entire city felt the power behind the Lance.

From two other points in the city, two other Servants of Black looked towards Central Park with wide eyes.

The two words that came from Lancer's mouth shook the entire island of Manhattan to its very foundations.

"Rhongomyniad.... Releasing restraints".

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