Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 11 - Family

Home is a place where you return to when you need a break.

Taiga Fujimura

Kiritsugu was Making his way through the halls of the castle he once traversed with his wife and daughter, the very same walls that he will soon dye with blood if Acht did not hand over his daughter.

Up on the staircase stood proudly a white haired old man with white beard who looked at Kiritsugu with a scowl.

This was the current head of the Einzberns. The artificial intelligence Golem.

Jubstacheit von Einzbern

Acht: Kiritsugu you dare to show your face here after betraying this very house!

Kiritsugu eyes were emotionless but there was bȧrėly controlled anger there.

Kiritsugu: (If you only told me what you Greedy fools did in the third war none of this would have happened!) Where is Illya.

Acht: She is Einzbern property since her "Father" lost the wager she will make a perfect vessel for the next Grail War.

Kiritsugu only brought out his Thompson Contender.

Acht: Afterall her father did trade her for another child, Oh the poor child was so heartbroken. (Scowl)

Kiritsugu anger was now fully visible and he also took out his Submachine gun.


Doors opened on both sides of the hall and homuculuses wielding different weapons come out and surround Kiritsugu who calmly throws three flashbangs.


The white smokescreen and hail of bullets, The Magus killer makes small work of the many "Fake humans"

Shiro was currently running towards the Garden and hiding from Homunculus who were running towards the entrance hall giving him time to sneak past them easily with some help from Eva tracking the location down.

After arriving Shiro was about to enter the room but stops when he hears the cries of a girl coming from the garden.

Going there instead Shiro finds a white haired girl with red eyes crying, moving closer he put his hands on her shoulder and asks.

Shiro: Hi...Uhm....are you Illya?

Illyasviel Von Einzbern quickly jumps away and points at Shiro.

Illya: Who are you! and how do you know my name?

Shiro: Ah! Uhm...Dad, I mean Kiritsugu came here to get you.

Illya's expression first becomes suprised then overjoyed.

Illya: Really! I knew daddy didn't abandon me!

Suddenly Eva's voice sounds in Shiro again.

Eva: (Shiro, quickly grab the girl and run!)

Shiro complied and quickly grabbed Illya's arm and ran.

Illya: Hey why did you call papa da----!! Whaaaa!!!!

Shiro: (Eva what is it!?)

Eva: (There is an entity watching you and is malicious, whatever you do, don't stop!)

Shiro kept running putting all the 4 month harsh training in running as fast as possible with his sister, who was confused but happy to see her "Papa" once again.

Shiro while running looked behind and what he saw terrified him! Shadows were converging towards him even though it was daytime! but most of all he felt someone was looking back at him! from the shadows.

Shiro rushed himself to the limit and finally they reached the hall where Kiritsugu was, Shiro in his fear ignored the dead bodies of the Homunculus while Illya ignored it by seeing Kiritsugu.

Illya: Daddy! (Tackle)

Acht on the other hand scowled even more seeing the young Einzbern hugging the "traitor" But before anyone could speak they were cut off by the only red head who was panting in exhaustion.

Shiro: Dad!!....Hah!....Behind us!

Kiritsugu quickly saw that Shadows and black mud was oozing out of the door his kids came from, he quickly pulled Shiro behind him and stepped back with his Guns aimed, even Acht was shocked by what he was seeing.

Kiritsugu: How!??...We killed you at the end! You should have returned to the Throne!

The mud and shadows were things he could never forget, the instigator of the tragedies and one that Kiritsugu hates with a vengeance.

The Persian God of Evil, Servant Avenger of the Third War

Angra Mainyu

From the shadows and mud came out a figure that Kiritsugu knew too well.

Illya: Mama....

Kiritsugu: Illya! stay back that's not your mother!

Avenger: Oooh? Kiritsugu you're still alive, I thought with the disappearance of my curse within you could have died early and I would meet you in Dozakh (Hell)

Kiritsugu: How! Are! you! ALIVE!

Avenger: Kiritsugu....I'm the God of Evil, the one who holds All the world's Evils you actually thought it was easy to KILL ME!

Angra Mainyu at first was amused but in the end anger took over.

In front of him was the man who denied him his wish of the destruction of humanity whose servant nearly killed him with that Blasted Holy Sword! He was honestly shocked seeing Kiritsugu healed from his curse but no matter he will suffer here today but for some reason his instincts were telling him to get rid of the Red headed boy who seemed the most dangerous, but how he was just a pathetic human boy!

Kiritsugu: Shiro! Illya! I want you two to run while I hold them back, don't stop! and keep running!

Illya: NO!

As all of this was going on Shiro was brainstorming but unbeknownst to him his "teachers" were also watching the situation and were tense, Merlin was thinking of a way to bypass his prison, he was not going to stand and watch his student get killed so early no matter how nonchalant he was to being a spectator.

Scathach on the other hand had a much better chance to getting to Shiro but it was a gamble and might have unexpected results but she knew the situation was far above her student's current level and was about to attempt her Gamble.

Eva herself narrowed her eyes at the "object" that releasing the aura on the Reality Marble.

Eva: So...he has gained your acknowledgment.


It was amazing.

It had seen humanity at it's zenith in the hands of his sole wielder.

It had also seen the ugliness of Humans as well.

That had continued to grow, how it had become one of the reasons Heroes were no longer born in the current Era.

But now in front of him in the face of an enemy that was an accumulation of Humanity's Evil.

The Child whose life the scabbard had decided to save.

Where humans and even heroes ran at such circumstances, the child stood to think of ways to save himself and also his family.

Foolish bravery in front of others but what the Scabbard saw was a rough Diamond in a Disappointing Era of Darkness.

And Perhaps if sculpted right This child might become a beacon of Light in this Era.

And Prove this Era of humanity is salvageable.

And Perhaps, just "Maybe" It has found his second wielder.

And so it called out to its fellow Noble Phantasm.

To save a Young Hero.

-Normal POV-

Kiritsugu was about to argue with Illya when he felt a aura behind him that was steadily rising, which was the exact opposite of Avenger.

Everyone including Avenger turned towards Shiro.

Shiro noticing something escapes his brainstorming and is shocked at seeing the Golden aura surrounding his body and steadily rising both in power and intensity that even wind started blowing around him.

Kiritsugu was shocked feeling another familiar aura but from his son!

Illya eyes were shining.

But Irisviel (Avenger) expression was turning ugly, he remembers that aura, the same aura from that Accursed Holy Sword that nearly Killed him!

Shiro felt someone's emotions telling him what to do.

Eva: (There is no need to be afraid Shiro, let them help you)

Hearing Eva's soothing voice Shiro let the feelings guide him, he extended his hand and golden particles gathered in front of him to form a beautiful sword encased in an equally beautiful Scabbard, of gold and blue outlines.

Kiritsugu was numb now and couldn't even process what he was seeing, his son suddenly manifested the Sword of his former servant.

Shiro grabbed the hilt that voluntarily came to him while floating like the sword was asking to be drawn and draw he did, it would have been ridiculous to see a 7 year old holding an English long sword comedic even but Shiro did and he held the sword up Above his head with one hand like it had the weight of a feather!

His 27 Physical Magic Circuits activated along with his core that pumped ridiculous amount of Prana in the blade causing the Golden light of the blade to increase in intensity.

Angra Mainyu senses told him he needs to stop him or he might not come out of this alive!

Willing the mud and shadows, they struck with telling speed but when they got near the boy or his family they were either repelled or destroyed, since the overflowing prana of Shiro and Holy Aura of the Sword had made a natural barrier around them that will repel anything related to "Evil".

Avenger expression became fearful when he saw the boy had finished charging the sword!

"Now call out my True name"

Shiro readied himself, his eyes determined.

Scathach who was watching the events was very suprised but Merlin was shocked by the events and slightly shaking seeing what the events he saw implied.

Eva was looking at Shiro with a Nostalgic smile with a bit of Sadness.


"Smite! the Evil before you!"


The sword was swung and the Holy Aura gushed out as it was to consume the God of Evil.

Avenger tried to shield himself with his shadows but even they were torn apart and he engulfed.

Avenger: AAAAHHHHH!!!!

When the light subsided Kiritsugu saw that a large part of the wall beside the staircase which Acht stood on was gone, Acht himself layed where he stood below some rubble possibly dead he couldn't care anymore at the entrance of the hole layed his wifes body.

Shiro was panting with Excalibur in his hand.

"Very good young hero, Very Good!"

After the voice disappeared so did Excalibur and Avalon disperse in golden particles and entered Shiro through his ċhėst.

Kiritsugu: Shiro! Are you alright! (Concerned)

Shiro: Hah...hah...I'm alright dad just exhausted...

Kiritsugu: That's good, Come we need to leave.

Kiritsugu picked up Shiro and was about to dash out.

Shiro: Dad! What about her we can't just leave her!

Kiritsugu was about to argue but when he saw where Shiro was pointing his mind went blank for three umtenth time today.

A woman that had the same appearance with his daughter was stirring on the the ground.

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