Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 12 - Hill or a Throne

Kiritsugu ran to the woman while getting ready his Thompson Contender if even the earlier blast couldn't Kill Avenger perhaps an Origin bullet through its skull will, still holding Shiro and Illya behind him he slowly took aim.

The woman finally slowly opened her eyes and when her scarlet gaze went towards the three.


Kerry felt the weight of his gun overwhelm his hand and he dropped it.

The way she said his name wasn't Condescending or mocking like previously, instead he could feel a long lost gentleness from it.

Illya: Momma! (Tackle)

Kiritsugu didn't stop his daughter this time as she tackled the woman, who after being suprised gave a gentle smile as she started cooing the little girl.

A smile he thought he won't ever see again.

Kiritsugu: Iri..?

Irisviel Von Einzbern: Yes Kiritsugu? Ah!? wait what's going on? why are we in Castle Einzbern shouldn't I have already given you Avalon an------Ah!

Irisviel couldn't complete her sentence as she was enveloped in a tight hug from Kerry, who was crying in her embrace and after stopping Kiritsugu started Laughing!

More than half a year ago he felt as he was in hell.

But Today he got back whatever that fu*king cup took from him.

Kiritsugu Emiya was clearly feeling pure joy.

After stopping his Laugh he looked at Iri with the sincerest smile he could muster.

Kiritsugu: Iri, we'll talk later for now, Let's leave.

Irisviel: Where to Kiritsugu?

He just gave another smile.

From the hole made in Castle Einzbern, Irisviel who held her Daughter Illya's hand and Kiritsugu who held his son Shiro's hand walked out from the Castle of Nightmares.

-Afterword, Hotel Room-

Irisviel: To think so much happened.....you suffered Kiritsugu. (Concern)

The family of four had arrived at a German hotel for temporary residence and currently only Kiritsugu and Irisviel were in the room with Irisviel sitted on the bed and Kiritsugu beside her on a chair.

Kiritsugu: Not nearly as much as you Iri. (self Mocking)

Irisviel: Kiritsugu it's not---

Kiritsugu: No Iri, even if not entirely, I still had a large part in the current tragedies, just for my fixation on the Grail and my twisted ideals you had to be sacrificed as the lesser Grail, Illya had to be used as a hostage and Shiro had to experience that fire.

Irisviel's expression was sad seeing Kiritsugu but she decided to change the topic into something she herself was curious about.

Irisviel: Kiritsugu who's this Shiro? the boy you brought with you.

Irisviel saw how her husband's expression became from sad to happy.

Kiritsugu told Irisviel with gusto about Shiro from the fire to the current time, she was shocked hearing about his Circuits and other secrets and talents and laughed how Kiritsugu explained how he was "pasted" to the wall upside down because of Shiro's Prana Burst.

Irisviel: I guess you found a reason to keep moving forward from Shiro. (Beautiful smile)

Kiritsugu: I still can't believe all this is real, Iri you being alive, Illya with us again, my curse gone, it's like Shiro was godsend. Iri I owe him much he saved me twice, No he saved he thrice now and I am determined to treat him the best as I could.

Irisviel held Kiritsugu's hands with her own.

Irisviel: I'm here too now Kiritsugu and besides...I wanted a son after Illya glad you gave me one teehee.

Kiritsugu smiled but then the door opened and in came Illya dragging Shiro by the arm along with two of the Einzbern Homunculus maids, Sella and Leysritt.

Kiritsugu still couldn't believe that just behind then there was a horde of Homuculuses gathered with these two at the forefront behind them(Guess Acht had a lot of free time creating them) but Irisviel commanded Sella and Leysritt to come with her since she found these two trustworthy or she wouldn't have send them to watch over the kids.

As Illya was excitedly explaining her adventure with Shiro outside. (Much to Shiro's current embarrassment) Kiritsugu decided to make some things clear.

Kiritsugu: Illya, Shiro is my son so he is your brother from now on okay.

Kiritsugu: technically Shiro is a year younger than you Illya.

Irisviel: isn't it great Illya you got a big brother!

Illya: Yah! Big Bro!

Shiro: ???

Kiritsugu looked at the ignorance he received and shrugged, Shiro did seem more mȧturė than Illya.

Kiritsugu: Well I for one think it would be a waste if we went home directly, so let's enjoy ourselves before returning to Fuyuki.

Everyone agreed and Illya practically jumped up and down.

seeing this Kiritsugu's smiled even more genuinely.

Truly there was some things more important than even yourself.

Shiro told Kiritsugu about Excalibur and how it was located in him alongside Avalon, Kiritsugu even though he swore not to be shocked anymore found it hard. When his son was perhaps the ONLY other person in history aside from his former servant "King" Arthur to actually USE "The Strongest Holy Sword" Excalibur and be in possession of it.

But Shiro had said that he could only right now draw some power of the Sword unlike his earlier display, Kiritsugu suspected that either he needs training to fully grasp it's power, Acknowledgement from the Fae or either the Phantasm itself since it could have allowed Shiro to wield it's full power to destroy the God of Evil and he would have to learn to use it regardless.

But they decided to talk more after they went home from their "Vacation" Seeing Irisviel dote on Shiro just like Illya after such a short time and watching him get squeezed in her hugs(and get embarrassed) seems to give Kiritsugu a sense of Victory everytime.

Scathach seemed very happy with Shiro patting him on the shoulders impressed by his bravery to keep a cool head in such a situation and his sense natural sense of Chivalry of not abandoning his comrades (In this case Family)

Merlin was another story his expression was the most serious he had ever seen, he explained Excalibur significance of what it entailed, how it was a sword of Humanity, that houses it's Hopes and Dreams...How it was a Sword of Heroes.

Merlin: Shiro you being acknowledged by the sword and Scabbard even if not by the Fae have proven one thing. That is you have the capacity to be a guardian, A hero, a protector but know this Shiro this is also a curse, a burden so large that it would crush most men.

Merlin did not want his latest student to make the same mistake "Arthur" did and this time if he could help it he would try to steer him away from that path.

Shiro at first had a confused expression but then he smiled and his eyes became clarified?

Shiro: Merlin...when I was facing Angra Mainyu....just looking at him I think--No I saw the darkest parts of Humans and their Sins and honestly it was terrifying.

Merlin merely kept listening and seeing that Shiro that hadn't lost the smile continued on.

Shiro: But then in all that Darkness, I saw the light in that Sword or rather the "Sword" showed me the light .....you said I have the capacity. But the burden crushed many men right, than I'll become one of the minority that actually carried it.

Merlin's eyes widened he knew what Shiro meant and he wanted to stop him to dissuade him from his path so that he wouldn't destroy himself....(Sigh) unfortunately just like his precious Arturia, Shiro was equally stubborn at times, just like now.

Shiro: Merlin, I want to become a Hero, just like in that light I saw Humanity's Glory, Their rare but beautiful kindness, Their light of Hope and most of all the smiles of the innocent that make this world "Liveable" I want to preserve these precious things Merlin and protect them to make this world better.

Shiro remembered Angra Mainyu or Servant Avenger the one that occupied the Grail making 7 pairs of Master and Servant fight to the death until only one pair remains and for what? a being who would use a loophole in the wish to deliver the extinction of Mankind, Shiro gritted his teeth, people like them disgusted him to no end and everything would be better if they died off and left people free of their bullying Machinations.

Shiro: I want to strike down those "Monsters" Merlin that think they can just do what they want and enforce their twisted goals on anything. I'll kill them Merlin before they can harm anyone especially the Innocents I WON'T ALLOW IT!

Merlin in that instant saw something in his Clairvoyance, a small scene of the future by looking into the fire of Shiro's eyes.

Stood on a hill was a red haired man in red and black attire, that looked like knight attire in his hand was a sword, that's features Merlin couldn't discern.

But the surroundings of the hill and the hill itself felt bleak and dark, the reason was because the entire sky was covered in darkness and slowly moving shadows that gave a menacing feel like there was no hope or happiness left in the world.

The man raised his sword and violently swung, the resulting slash split the Darkness of the sky apart like paper allowing light to shine down once again along with the feelings of Hope.

Merlin couldn't help but sigh.

Merlin: (A sight....but why now? is this some sign?...*Sigh* Perhaps denying him or trying to dissuade his dream will not only be cruel to him but perhaps also the world and Mankind as a whole...Okay one more time.....) (A/N Not talking about Gaia or Alaya)

It was on that day that would be recorded even in history.

Merlin, The Archmage of Arthurian Legend decided to train another Hero.


As Shiro left the Garden of Avalon, Merlin remembered the final moments of the vision.

As light shown once more on the field and the world.

The Hill got illuminated and Merlin found that the Hill had swords stabbed into upright with the man at the top.

Every sword was in pristine condition, in fact

The Hill of Swords looked more like

A Throne of Swords.

With the King standing on top of it rather than sitting on it.

Merlin: King...Of...Swords, an oddly fitting name for you my student. (Smile)

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