Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 14 - Meeting the "Tohsakas" (22)

Shiro and Illya were registered to study in Homurahara School, which had a junior school to College level system.

Shiro and Illya were currently in front of a class, the plus side was that Rin was also in the class and even waved at them, as the female teacher introduced both of them.

Teacher: Now Class, Today we are going to have two new students with us, would you two mind introducing yourselves.

Illya gave a noble aura and bowed her head a little.

Illya: Hello I am Illyasviel Von Einzbern, It is a pŀėȧsurė to meet you all.

Illya's introduction and appearance already caused the class to have speculations that she was some sort of princess mainly because her demeanor suggested gentleness, but the kind higher standing people would give lower standing people in favor of arrogance.

Unknown to them even the teacher had the same question.

Next Shiro did his introduction.

If there was a result of his training under a Warrior Queen and a Magus who trained the Greatest king of Britain, it was now when he interacted with others aside from his family and Friends.

Shiro: Hello my name is Shiro Emiya, I hope we get along in the coming years.

When Shiro stood there he had an aura of Steadiness and power that was molded because of Scathach and Merlin. Who were themselves suprised seeing this, for these individuals were ones that were eligible for the title of "King" but Shiro himself was oblivious and only thought his behaviour was slightly different compared to his family, it couldn't be farther from the truth.

When Shiro introduced himself his demeanor was found to be suprisingly gentle but his voice carried a strange authority and slight edge, the edge experienced people would recognize, was from a warrior.

The Teacher couldn't help but sweat, she expected two "Normal" students, what's with the sudden Nobility!

A lot of students held their hand up.

Female student1: Illya-Chan are you a princess?

Teacher: (Thats what I want to know!?)

Illya: Ah! no no...!

As the teacher was breathing a sigh of relief.

Fate showed it's cruelty.

Illya: I originate from an Ancient Noble Family from Germany, The Einzberns were a Noble family of talented Alchemists and researchers with much renown in Europe. (Polite)

The teacher could feel strenght slowly leaving her legs.

Male student1: Emiya-San are you part of some Nobility as well?

Teacher: (Thank goodness)

Fate has come to fuċk up yet again.

Shiro: The Emiya Clan is a ancient warrior Clan that originated from ancient Japan since the times of Sengo Muramase and Minamoto Musashi, we are known to be talented warriors and fighters.

It was really suprising hearing from Kiritsugu before the Emiya's took on Magecraft they were known as a warrior family that originated from Japan and traveled to multiple parts of Asia and Europe and even after taking on Magecraft fighting was in their blood as Kiritsugu own style of fighting and usage of guns was proof enough of his heritage.

The teacher had to place both her hands on the table to support herself from falling.

What kind of joke is this principal!

The Heiress of a Ancient Noble house of Alchemists and an Heir of an ancient Warrior Clan of Japan aren't "Normal" Students!

The Class was also suprised but grew excited at the prospect of having two heirs as classmates and they already had the Heir of the Matou and Tohsaka in their class.

That would also explain, that Shiro and Illya had come to school not on foot but via a customized BMW M3 car and escorted by a beautiful maid (Sella)

With the "disappearance" of Acht body, according to the laws of the Mage Association, Irisviel became the new head Einzbern with possession of all fortunes, properties and Homuculuses in the Clan, so Money was NOT a concern not that Kiritsugu had not amassed quite a bit of fortune in his time as the Magus Killer.

(Irisviel wanted to be the one to drive the kids but with Kiritsugu Beggi---Persuasion she relented and the kids were saved from a Traum---Late! being Late)

Illya: Teacher aren't you going to tell us our seating arrangements (Smile)

When the teacher saw the pair turn towards her she felt like instead of a request, the little girl was politely telling her to do her job right.

She really wanted to cry.

Teacher: .....The seat beside Tohsaka San is empty you can sit there, as for Shiro the window seat next to yours can be his.

The pair nodded and went to their arrangements.

She WAS going to demand a Raise!


The day was unique for the siblings, they were asked many questions which they politely answered, Shiro took a liking to a glasses boy that asked him the question called Issei Ryuudou who was a monk in training, Illya also took a liking to the girl that asked her a question called Ayako Mitsuzuri along with Rin.

Instead of going to play in the park like yesterday, Rin invited Everyone to her house, Shiro and Illya agreed to come after school but Issei and Ayako couldn't come so apologized.

The studies were for a better word, Boring. Since Illya had stats that were all higher than normal humans her age, Mentally and Physically and Shiro just had High IQ with higher physical power by his training the studies were a piece of cake, Illya slammed her head on the table and would have passed out if not for Rin and Ayako curbing some of her boredom.


Sella was waiting outside next to the car expecting the arrival of her lady and young master.

Honestly she had not liked Shiro at first and even showed her displeasure but seeing his polite and caring side even for a child and his innate likelyness (Especially to woman) After a long time (Two days tops) She succumbed and decided to accept Shiro.

After the trio got in the car (Shiro, Illya and Rin) She was told to drop them off at the Tohsaka state, seeing no problem in it and no objects from their parents, Sella drove them to Rin's house and told them when she will pick them up before driving away.

Rin's mother Aoi Tohsaka greeted them, she felt and looked much better than yesterday, If Irisviel was a fun mother than Aoi felt more like a gentle one.

When Aoi complimented Shiro of how good mannered and kind he was and that she would have liked if she had a son like him. Shiro instinctually thought of his mother but the image that came to his mind wasn't that of his real mother or even Irisviel but instead Eva.

Shiro's suprise only lasted for a second from how the other kids played and interacted with their mother and especially seeing Illya and Irisviel interact, he thought it was normal he saw Eva as his Mother for he acted the exact same way to her, it's not like he doesn't love Irisviel as his mom but Eva seemed to have rooted that position already.

After playing for a bit the trio started discussing Theurmaturgy, Illya and Rin were seriously discussing it but Shiro was confused but still he was partaking in the discussions and by his teachings from Merlin was giving very good points and advices.

Eventually time came for the siblings to leave but Rin was happy seeing that she had two new friends she could not only play with but also discuss Magecraft (Not individual Research) when they were about to leave a man walked in.

Shiro was shocked, he has seen the "Empty" look on his father and his Teacher Scathach even Merlin has somewhat of a void but this.....this man's "emptiness" just seemed wrong! and he was getting dangerous vibes from him.

Illya: Rin, who's this?

Rin: Kirei Kotomine, ignore him he's just a fake priest from the local church.

Illya: ???

Kirei: Now Rin, this is the treatment I get for taking care of you for almost a year.

Unlike his words his tone was emotionless like he didn't mean his words it gave a creepy look to him, Illya herself was frowning a little.

Kirei looked at the siblings and they understood he wanted them to introduce themselves.

Illya: I'm Illya. (Neutral)

Shiro: I'm Shiro (Neutral)

Rin was suprised by their tone and that they didn't tell their surnames but before anyone could speak a fifth voice spoke.

Aoi: Kirei. May I ask what business you have here.

Kirei: Madam Tohsaka I am here to give you these papers.

Aoi: I see....well you can put them there, then you're allowed to leave.

Kirei bowed a bit and made his way inside to put the papers but not before sending a glance towards Shiro, which unnerved the boy.

Shiro quickly grabbed Illya's hand at the sound of a car's horn and ran outside.

Kirei after his business was concluded also left the estate not before seeing a Car driving away.

He found it strange how the little girl looked like the fourth Holy Grail War Lesser Grail, by a bit of chat with Rin he found that the siblings were living with their parents which ended any suspicion of them being related to Kiritsugu Emiya and Irisviel von Einzbern.

Irisviel couldn't survive the war, the burden of housing 6 Heroic Spirits was something not even a Dead Apostle with their superior body and regeneration could handle much less a Homunculus no matter how well made by the Einzbern especially when her body was devoured by the Black Mud at the War's end.

Kiritsugu was a broken man at the end of the war, the last he saw of his oppenent was him trying to save people from the fire he started by denying the Holy Grail, He had no reason to stay in Fuyuki.

But that Boy, the red head, in all his years as an Executor of the Church he felt a feeling similar to Kiritsugu but different from the boy, if he felt Kiritsugu Emiya could give him his life's meaning as a fellow "Empty" Man.

The boy felt like a sword, odd as it may be, his presense was saying it and only with his senses as a seasoned warrior of the Church could Kotomine sense it.

A sword that was taking shape but far from being completed or for a better word not completely "Forged" and he felt the boy was able to cut him down along with his "emptiness" in due time.

Kotomine smirked unknowingly.

Kirei: (God. Your mercy knows no bounds, to think you would send another person to solve my Emptiness. Fuyuki truly is interesting place where my answers lie)

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