Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 15 - The Girl with Purple Hair and the Boy with Golden

After Shiro got back home with Illya, he didn't tell his parents about the priest, everyone was happy and had went through a lot if he could help it, Shiro wanted to preserve the peace.

His studies at school along with Illya were going very easy, so he could put all his attention on his training with Scathach and Merlin and always had time to spend with his sister and friends, Fou was also always with Shiro if he didn't run of God knows where.

A month had already passed with no problem and Shiro was at the Park but this time without Illya or his friends, Shiro could since day one feel the Curse of Avenger near the park polluting it with its corruption for normal people the Park would seem somewhat gloomy when no one was playing in it but for Magus and other Magicals they would feel the remnants of an old and Dark curse lingering.

But compared to the past the lingering corruption has considerably lessened thanks to Shiro purifying parts of it whenever he visited. As Shiro was done for the day purifying another part of the Corruption he caught sight of a blonde man with Red eyes sitting on a bench looking over the park.

It didn't take a hint for Shiro to find out this man was not normal, he has already been around such people for sometime to identify them.

Eva: (How about going there, he might be interesting)

Shiro accepted Eva's suggestion and made his way towards the man and heard him mutter.

???: What a waste of resources. (Mutter)

Shiro saw where the blonde was looking and saw the memorial made in memory of the people that died in the fire.

Shiro: I guess you're right, it is a waste but not the park.

???: I didn't know I asked for your opinion.

The man didn't turn his head and asked Shiro in a commanding voice, the sheer charisma was enough for almost anyone to do whatever the blonde wanted and answer him but Shiro remained unfazed due to Eva or just himself is unknown.

Shiro: Then "you" shouldn't have asked me.

It was enough to convey that Shiro knew that the muttering wasn't accidental like the man wanted it to sound but instead like a question or opinion he was asking.

The young man seemingly amused turned towards the boy and asked.

Shiro remained Unfazed.

Shiro: The reason the memorial is a waste is because even if the city government wanted to do something to allow the people to remember the ones lost in the fire, a smaller and simpler one would have done nicely instead the current one is not only a waste but is also a cold reminder of a tragedy that hit the people when they didn't expect it and would have a negative impact on their psyche.

Gil was suprised but his expression concentrated as he knew Shiro wasn't done talking.

Shiro: The Park on the other hand is important not because of finances but for the continued good psychology of the populous, since positive people are more preferable than depressed ones. No?

Gil looked at Shiro his suprise fully shown, he was right Depressed and broken people were not useful for a kingdom and positive ones were easier to work with.

Gil: What's your name boy?

Shiro: Shiro.

Gil frowned and seemed displeased.

Gil: You didn't give your full name.

Shiro: Did you?

Gil's displeasure was replaced with a smirk.

Gil: Fair enough, you seem different from the common filth, Come! sit with me Shiro of Fuyuki!

Shiro shrugged and sat with Gil, they talked about a many things, all which Shiro gave honest and intellectual answers that inwardly suprised even him and his seemingly strong composure, he asked Eva about this but she only whispered she didn't do anything.

Unknown to him Eva was giving him an amused Smile.

Gil was suprised that such a young boy of this seemingly disappointment of an Era was like this, to not even be affected by his high Charisma seemingly unfazed by it seeing his composure and mannerisms Gil concluded that the boy was a true gem----No a diamond among all this trash and he couldn't help but give him a nod of respect which would be honestly shocking for someone else if they saw it.

Shiro: Well, it seems my time for today has ended Gil, if possible let us meet once again and may fortune shine upon you.

Gil: Hmph! I own all the world's fortune but....Truly for some time, I have not been this satisfied having a talk with someone, If Fate allows it let us meet again and may your enemies fall in front of your blade Shiro.

As Shiro got up from the bench and left, Gil tried using his own type of Precognition and was suprised to see he couldn't see the boy's future which caused him to smirk as he stared at the fading Silhouette.

Gil: (Shiro...perhaps this Era isn't as irredeemable as I thought)


Shiro was thinking about his talk with Gil yesterday, one of the weirdest meeting he has of yet.

Shiro was leaving School while thinking about that until he heard something around the corner of the school building.

Boy1: See! I told you she's creepy!

Boy2: Yeah! come on let's pull her ugly hair then she might react!

Boy3: Hey let me do it!

The boys were all older than Shiro and were bullying a "Purple" haired girl that looked to be a year younger than Shiro's age but strangely the girl's eyes were lifeless.

Shiro: (What's with me meeting so many tragic people....No! she needs help) Hey! stop that!

The boys look at Shiro.

Boy2: Let's beat him up too!

Boy3: You shouldn't have interrupted us!

-15 Seconds later-

Boy1: Ow...


Boy3: Stay away! please! Stay Away!

All three boys were sprawled on the ground with only the third one less bruised but more scared.

Shiro: (Well that was disappointing) Get lost! and don't make me catch you bullying anyone else!

The boys quickly ran away from the "Demon" who looked towards the girl with a gentle and concerned expression.

Shiro: Hey you arent hurt much right?

The girl only looked at Shiro blankly but her eyes regained some emotion.

???????: Why.....did..you....help...?

Shiro: I'm not going to let anyone suffer in my watch, I'm Shiro Emiya what's your name?

The girl's eyes regained more life.

Sakura: I'm Sakura....but don't you think I'm weird and creepy with my purple hair?

Shiro had a small blush as he scratched the back of his head.

Shiro: I Don't think it's weird, rather I think your hair is beautiful.....S--Sakura.

The girl blushed but smiled at Shiro, who unknowingly offered her to come to his house for a bit.

Shinji: Sakura! what's taking so long you dumb bitc---!!? E--Emiya!

Shiro's eyes dangerously narrowed at Shinji and he asked Shinji in a "Soothing" tone.

Shiro: Shinji, I hope you and your family won't mind if I take Sakura to my home today.

Shinji was shaking slightly.

Shinji: Of course! S--Sa--Sakura be polite okay?

Shiro visibly scowled the more he knew of the boy, the more Shiro's disdain grew.

Sakura was suprised seeing her "brother" so obedient and the feeling of security she got from the Red head just grew.

Shiro took Sakura to his home and needless to say his parents started instantly teasing him much to his and Sakura embarrassment, Illya instantly announced that "She won't hand over her Onii-Chan" and Taiga who was also there said she approves of Sakura as Shiro's "older sister"

Shiro and Sakura's faces were so red that steam was coming out of them but Sakura was inwardly happy, it was a long time since she felt warmth, especially familial warmth and truthfully she was a little jealous of Shiro and Illya.

When Sakura was leaving with Sella (Leysritt was serving Illya) Shiro was told to accompany her. After an hour of driving they arrived in front of the Matou Estate.

Sakura: It's fine Sella San I can go from here. (Polite)

Sella: At least let me accompany you two at the main gate.

After walking for a bit Sella stopped in front of the gate of the estate but her eyes on the kids like a hawk.

Sakura: Thank you for the hospitality Senpai.

Shiro: It's no problem Sakura.....and you can call me Shiro.

Sakura: Okay Shiro Senpai (Smile)

Shiro sighed, he couldn't beat that look, Curse you Irisviel for telling Sakura one of his weaknesses to smiles and puppy dog eyes.

??????: Oh is this your friend Sakura?

When they were about to reach the house gate, an hunched old man just appeared from the side and when Shiro layed eyes on him.


He nearly puked, the old man was terrifying in all aspects mainly appearance, Shiro felt disgusted when he looked at them with those sunken eyes and crooked smile.

When he turned towards Sakura he saw that she was shivering. Disgusting would be a compliment to the old man.

Zouken: Why Sakura aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, haha shy aren't you....well how about you invite him in since you will have to do your training.

Sakura started shivering even more when the word "Training" was discussed.

Shiro didn't think, he pulled Sakura behind him and was about to call out to Sella when he saw that she on the ground with some bug attached to her neck instead of being scared he glared at Zouken Matou.

Zouken: Feisty one aren't you? (Amused)

Zouken was monitoring Shiro and his family since long ago since he had insect familiars all over Fuyuki spying wasn't hard but everytime his insects got close to Shiro, they would grow agitated, Zouken felt from them like they were starved people looking at Shiro like a All you can eat Buffet even though his Sister was a Homunculus and had more Prana for the worms to want but they just ignored her in favor of Shiro.

Zouken now knew why, he could feel it his gut was telling him the boy was a truckload of mysteries and potential never before seen and he wanted to use his worms to see what made him tick.

When Sakura was behind Shiro, she instinctually grabbed his back, she could feel the worms inside her ordering her in response to her "Grandfather" to go to him but she trully didn't want to!

But because of the contact Shiro's Structural Analysis activated and scanned Sakura's body.

Shiro's body stiffened along with Sakura who felt the Prana course through her body, he slowly turned around and watched Sakura in horror as she didn't have the courage to look at him but was suprised when Shiro held her shoulders and looked at her with Pity, Remorse and........Kindness.

Shiro was NOT going to let Sakura return so he turned towards Zouken once more his eyes radiating anger!

Shiro: You!....YOU! MONSTER!!

Shiro was ready to summon Excalibur, which was ready to Grant him it's full power once more for the chance to end Zouken.

When suddenly a arm wrapped around his neck gently along with Sakura, he looked who it was along with Sakura and Shiro visibly relaxed in her gentle embrace not noticing her Cold blank eyes as they stared at Zouken.

Sakura too stopped shivering and the worms in her body also stopped like they weren't there and she curiously thought, who was this pretty lady that just "Magically" Appeared.

Zouken on the other hand was anything but comforted, he felt like a rabbit in front of a Dragon. That woman just appeared through air killed everyone of his worms inside Sakura by just wrapping her arm around her-------No! she didn't kill them, it felt more like they got "Obliterated"

Eva: In all my life, I rarely get angered to the point that I do things irrationally, You can be proud and take this as an achievement after I send you on your way.

Zouken shivered he didn't think for a moment Eva was Arrogant and just looking at those golden eyes of her that radiated so much power, she had the capacity to kill him like a bug!

Eva looked down at Shiro and Sakura with a tender look as she ċȧrėssed their cheeks.

Eva: Sleep little ones, for when you awake everything shall be over.

Her words like magic put the two to sleep as they floated behind her and she fixed her golden eyes on Zouken once again.

Eva: Zolgen Makiri, Justeaze told me about you but seeing you now Zolgen---No you aren't him any longer....to honor Justeaze and her old friend I shall End you.

Eva extended her hand at Zouken and clenched it.

Zouken froze, if someone could look directly inside a human and gaze at it's soul they would see.....


How Zouken soul or rather what was left of Zolgen's soul Shatter and disperse, as his body also broke down and disappeared.

Eva took the kids as well as Sella in the car.

She looked and ċȧrėssed both of the kids cheeks.

Eva:...You suffered a lot under that monster little girl, no more so now rest. (mutter)

Eva kissed Sakura on the forehead, but again like a spell was cast all the injuries and damages the worms did to her "disappeared"

Eva herself started fading back into Shiro's Reality Marble.

Eva: (I can't be so rash again.....it's not yet the time, the world must not know I still live not yet atleast....)

(A/N: Not Gaia or Alaya)

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