Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 18 - Attack!

Shiro knew that something wasn't right when Luvia and Julian arrived at Homurahara and No he wasn't talking about the teacher who looked like she was suffering from depression.

If Rin's suprise and glare at the Edelfelt and his sister's amused expression was any indication than Shiro was sure those two weren't normal.

But seriously when has anything normal happen to him currently.

At break Luvia and Julian came to the group to introduce themselves, Ayako didn't have any problem, Issei felt his sixth sense react but ignored it, he has been good friends with the trio and didn't have any problems with them even though they have the same reaction.

Instead it was the Tohsakas(Sakura took the surname again) Illya and Shiro that had a reaction especially Shiro who used his sense of smell (Nose) to track Prana.

(All Magi are able to detect Prana by one of their five senses, Shiro has a high sensitivity by using his sense of smell)

When only the Magi were alone.

Rin: What are you doing here, Edelfelt.

Luvia: My, my Rin I didn't think I would have to report all my activities, Hoho.

The Boy named Julian decided to interject and make his stance clear.

Julian: Miss Tohsaka we have no hostile intentions and have already made arrangements to meet your mother to negotiate for our stay. Currently I am the only one of my family along with my servants that are currently present. (Indifferent)

Luvia: Hmph! I have the same arrangements, since you people weren't present last night.

Rin: Oooh but that still doesn't satisfy me and didn't your family swore they won't come back to Fuyuki again after the Third War. (Smirk)

Luvia snorted.

Luvia: It was my ancestor who said that but it would take more than a defeat from a Extravagant family like yours to keep us away Hohoho.

Rin: What did you just call me! You Hyena!

Literal sparks were flying from both girls as they glared at eachother, Illya was watching all this with a smile Shiro scooted away but decided to follow Julian who was leaving unimpressed.

Sakura: Shouldn't we stop Onee-san and Luvia-san, Illya-san. (Worried)

Illya: Oh, Sakura why don't we talk about Onii-chan you would like that right. (Evil smile)

Sakura froze but was completely ensnared as she blissfully ignored her Big sister's fight in favor of praising her Senpai.

Illya wished she had some popcorn, this was good entertainment.

(A/N Zelretch would be proud)


It had already been more than 2 years since Zouken's death and meeting Luvia and Julian. Luvia and Rin were like fire and water always bickering when together that everyone made a silent agreement to leave whenever they were together, Illya just watches it all like a unique type of entertainment.

Julian didn't want to have anything to do with the group but because Shiro didn't ever leave him alone (In his language annoy him especially eating with him when he is alone) he didn't have such luck and was always dragged into the group's antics.

It was somewhat refreshing to see these two without their "masks" on, Julian acted indifferent and cold But had a bad Temper and was blunt even though it might come of as rude but Shiro liked it he though Julian was honest like that while Luvia acted graceful she also had a short fuse and was kind of like Rin with only a few personality differences.

He could sympathize why Illya always found Luvia and Rin's fights entertaining even for him breaking Julian's mask gave him a sense of accomplishment.

It was very surreal to think that Five heirs of prestigious houses, Emiya, Einzbern, Edelfelt, Tohsaka and Ainsworth would be gathered in one place. Which baffled even Kiritsugu thinking why so many high class people in the Moonlit World were gathered in Fuyuki but if it didn't endanger his family he didn't no longer care.

In the time Shiro also found out why Rin and Luvia's families had such a strained relationship, turns out in the third Holy Grail War, the Tohsaka master prevailed over the Edelfelt sisters in the end and something happened which caused the older sister to run away and swear never to return to Japan or even Fuyuki, The Edelfelt blamed the Tohsakas and the reason Luvia was here was to prove that the Edelfelt weren't afraid.

Currently Shiro was practicing, a self made Magecraft he accidentally made while performing [Projection] or rather known as [Gradiation Air] another basic spell that allows a Magus to recreate hollow constructs of Objects that disappear after a few minutes, he added extra commands and steps to the Spell making his own specialized and higher version of Projection, thanks to his unique status as an Sword Incarnate.

[Tracing] by combining both Projection and Structural Analysis it gives Shiro the abillity to make Near perfect replicas of Objects that stay in longer periods by even copying their history, experiences and abillities, at best Merlin theorized that he could copy things that are one rank down at the maximum when he actually succeeded in copying Scathach's spear known as Gae Bolg Alternative.

Kiritsugu visibly winced and even Merlin and Scathach told Shiro that his Tracing isn't just a Higher form of Gradeation Air but a lesser form of the First True Magic, Denial of Nothingness able to make virtually "anything" out of Nothingness and Shiro might be the person closest to obtaining the First Magic in the World by virtue of his Tracing alone.

But currently his most accomplished results have been Tracing weapons especially Swords that cost least amount of Prana.

Shiro: Phew...guess that's enough for today.

Shiro wiped his sweat off his brows as he dissipated the traced version of Gae Bolg Alternative for the 40th time today.

Shiro left his house and made his way to the Tohsaka mansion, Illya and Irisviel were out shopping with Sella and Leysritt and Kiritsugu was visiting Raiga-oji san and coincidentally Rin had invited Shiro to her house mainly to discuss a project they have been doing after She found out Shiro could replicate Gems and Alter regular stones to different jewels but Shiro needed to know the molecular structure as well as more practice to make better jewels.

The predator look Rin had still sends chills down Shiro's spine but he didn't have a problem working with Rin, She was a genius Magus proficient in Jewel and Curse Magecraft, An Average one, one that has affinity to all elements to boot plus she was very devoted and if their project worked Rin said that they could earn a lot of money and if they were successful and if they were lucky, leverage and couple of favors from the Mage Association.

Towards the Destroyed Entrance of the Tohsaka mansion.

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