Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 19 - King's Test

Sorry WiFi was down and just got back up

First time writing a Fighting scene hope you like it


A King should always be above his peers, that's what makes me a King.


King of Uruk/King of Heroes


Shiro ran in the mansion and quickly started searching for everyone, he first found Aoi and his expression became ugly.

There was broken furniture everywhere and Aoi was sitting on the floor with back faced on the wall.....with a small sword sticking out of her abdomen.

Shiro quickly dashed towards her and Structurally Grasped her body, he sighed in relief seeing that the sword wound wasn't fatal but a flesh wound but started frowning again with his training with Scathach Shiro could deduce that whoever stabbed her wanted to immobilize her but wasn't an amateur seeing the accuracy of the stab.

Shiro quickly pulled the sword out which caused Aoi to jerk.

Shiro: Sorry Miss Tohsaka but this'll only hurt for a bit.

Shiro quickly used Healing Magecraft and stopped seeing she was out of danger, even if he was learning from Irisviel and Eva he wasn't that talented in Healing but he was skilled enough to do a bit more to Aoi than first Aid.

Shiro quickly started searching for Rin and Sakura and in another room with the same condition to the last he saw Rin, also bleeding from some places and bruised but not anything serious like Aoi.

Shiro also started giving Rin treatment as much as he could.

Shiro: Rin! What happened! Who did this!

Rin slowly lost her dazed look and looked at Shiro.

Rin:.....Shiro..! Mom and Sakura!

Shiro: Calm down your injured! your Mom is unconscious but fine, I still can't find Sakura, tell me what happened.

Shiro was shocked but then Anger replaced it, That girl just got Freed from Zouken and now this happened, can't fate just leave her alone!

Shiro got up and pulled his phone out and dialed a number.

Kiritsugu: Hello?

Shiro: Dad! Tohsaka mansion just got attacked, Rin and her mother are still injured please get mom here to help them, Sakura got taken to the Church and I'm headed there!

Kiritsugu: Wh-What! Shiro!...wait-Shiro!

Shiro didn't answer and cut the call.

Rin: Shiro! What are you doing!

Shiro: Stay here! and rest!

Rin: Wait!...Ugh that IDIOT!

Arriving at the Church, he kicked open the door but found no one Shiro started searching the many rooms in the Church but when he was about to enter another room.

???: You don't have to search anymore.

The room was big but dim even with the light coming through the window allowing the shadows in the room to Grow and from them Gil walked out.

He wasn't wearing his normal attire but instead a golden armor that seemed to strangely fit him making his Charisma flare and look like he was a King.

Shiro: Gil?

Gil: We meet again, Shiro. (Smirk)

Shiro narrowed his eyes at him.

Shiro: I guess you're behind this, mind telling me why, you kidnapped my junior?

Gilgamesh wasn't offended instead his smirk got even wider.

Gil crossed his arms.

Gilgamesh: I am Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk and King of Heroes.

Shiro could feel the Arrogance and Pride rolling off of him, even though outwardly Shiro's expression didn't change inwardly he was shocked, he knew Gil couldn't be normal but to think he was Gilgamesh his dad told him he was the Archer of the Last war but how was he alive and manifested still? questions later he needed to save someone first.

Seeing that Shiro's face didn't change, Gilgamesh gave a rare nod of respect.

Gilgamesh: Shiro, when I arrived in the current Era, I was devastatingly disappointed, Yes no place could compare to my City of Uruk, of brick and bronze but even calling this Era a shadow of the brilliance of the Humans of Old would be an insult.

Shiro only continued listening.

Gilgamesh: It was so disappointing that I had harbored no thoughts of claiming this Era as my garden and even thought it would be alright for the current world to be destroyed....but then you came.....someone young but brilliant to the degree he would have had a great future in my court in Uruk and you should be proud for even the limited time we spent together, you've earned my respect.

Truly gaining Gilgamesh's respect was hard especially.....after "he" died.

10 Golden portals appeared behind Gilgamesh.

Suddenly weapons appeared in the Portals and Shiro's senses screamed.


Shiro sidestepped and bȧrėly dodged a high speed sword.

Gilgamesh: I as the King of Heroes shall test your tenacity to your dream, amuse me like you always have Shiro.

Even the Great Heroes of old were known to be miraculous in their early youths and it was time for Shiro to prove himself, if he was worthy to be one of them.

The Portals moved or appeared in different positions shooting all kinds of weapons at Shiro who was always able to dodge on a hair's breath only because of his training and use of his current mastery of Reinforcement But the reflexes and moves he was using were beyond his current body and he didn't know how long he would be able to hold up.

Shiro was frustrated because he could feel that Gilgamesh wasn't serious and that really annoyed him, guess some of Scathach warrior spirit rubbed off of him. Unknown to him Gilgamesh got even more curious, yes he wasn't serious far from it but the speed and maneuvers he was manipulating his treasury with was already beyond the abillity of any modern day Magic user (In terms of age, Natural physique) and he didn't suffer a single wound!

Gilgamesh decided to raise the difficulty a bit, more portals appeared with not-so noticeable increase in speed, Shiro wanted to Curse since small shallow cuts were now appearing but thanks to the Minor healing of Avalon they weren't much trouble.

Gilgamesh noticed the healing and got even more curious.


Scathach: The first way is to bridge the gap in strenght is through proficiency in techniques like Even if i face an oppenent with less physical strenght, I can still win by technique with my spear alone. Second way is gamble attacks where you purposely expose yourself to an attack allowing your enemy to give an opening which you can exploit but you can only escape unharmed if you have strong reaction speed and third---

-Flashback End-

Shiro thought of the Image of a Sword being drawn from its sheath...his mental trigger to activate his Circuits and finally his Aria.

Shiro: (Suprise the enemy!.......TRACE ON!)

Shiro felt the remaining majority of his Physical Magic Circuits activate.

while dodging he quickly followed the steps of his unique Magecraft.

Judging the concept of creation

Hypothesizing the basic structure

Duplicating the composition material

Imitating the skill of its making

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth

Reproducing the accumulated years

Excelling every manufacturing process

By virtue of his status as a Sword Incarnate, Shiro made a near perfect replica of his first seen Noble Phantasm of his teacher.

Gae Bolg Alternative

One of the two Spears of the Ruler of the Land of Shadows

Wielded by Scathach after she gave Gae Bolg to her student, Cu Chulainn, Ireland's Child of Light.

Gilgamesh was suprised after Shiro activated his Circuits, he could see they were different, but how he didn't know just that the slight amount of Prana that leaked of him, he had a staggering amount of Prana possible for someone of the current age

But the spear nearly shocked Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh: (That spear is a Noble phantasm! how did he replicate it!)

Shiro throwed the spear at Gilgamesh who quickly send two Noble phantasms of slightly lower quality than the spear to intercept it and suprisingly, the spear along with the two Phantasm exploded/broke on impact, the Phantasms sended back to the [Gate of Babylon] to be repaired, while the spear got dispersed in Prana.

Suddenly from within the smoke....


Shiro appeared moving towards Gilgamesh at speeds he wasn't capable of before in a way that was all to familiar to the king.

Prana Burst!

A fairly new thing he was taught by Merlin, utilized by King Arthur many times and being perfected by Scathach for now Shiro couldn't use it effectively in fights to make instantaneous movements or incorporate techniques in it, at best he could bȧrėly move in straight lines.

But that's what he needed, to close the distance between them so he could hit Gilgamesh with the second spear of Gae Bolg Alternative.

Gilgamesh was shocked seeing a human utilize a Skill of a Saber Class Servant, King Arturia no less!

He moved six portals that launched a Phantasms at Shiro's side but moved at the same speed as before not able to hit Shiro because of his own speed.

Gilgamesh opened a portal right in front of himself, as a Noble phantasm was launched, Shiro tilted his head bȧrėly dodging it and only receiving a cut on his cheek.....but then Something happened that shocked both parties.

Because of Prana Burst. Shiro couldn't stop his momentum and......entered the Golden portal.

Gilgamesh just blankly stared.

Never in his life that such a scenario happened, it was truly something he didn't have any knowledge of, which caused him to smirk.

Gilgamesh: (Let's see how he responds to suprises)

All portals except for one disappeared.

Truly for the King of Heroes, Shiro has not only been constantly showing his brilliance but he has been amusing and entertaining him much more than Kirei has ever been able to do.

Gilgamesh: (Will you surpass this King's expectations again Shiro)

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