Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 2 - The Boy "Forged" in Fire

Ones that crawl out of Hell are usually the ones that become it's worst enemy.

King of Swords, Shirou Emiya

-Fuyuki City 1994-

It was hell that day.

Flames danced and devoured everything in their path.

But these were no ordinary flames these were cursed flames spawned by a Demon that resided in a omnipotent artifact called The Holy Grail.

As the flames not only destroyed infrastructure but also people, both Physically and Emotionally, even the tiniest bit of hope and relief were destroyed by the flames.

A small boy was traversing through the flames his body was already riddled with third degree burns and his eyes already appeared dead. At first he tried to help the people in the fire but he only laid witness as family and friends who tried to help eachother were instead also killed by the Curse in the flames.

And yet he always survived where others died.....Why?




The pleas....




and then the curses...

were all ignored as the child only had a single thought.

"I want to live"

But the thought of falling down and accepting his fate was just too tempting his body was going weary and even walking was proving hard....but then he heard it.

"This is not the end for you my child, let me help you cross this hurdle"

Suddenly the boy felt a strange warmth inside him compared to the Hellish blaze all around him for this warmth was gentle and soothing like cuddling up in bed amidst horrid weather.

The warmth traveled to his skin and surprisingly the boy could no longer feel the intense heat.

"No needs to be surprised I did say I will help you now the rest is upto you there will be someone up ahead to help you so don't give up just yet"

Acknowledging the voice the boy started walking once more with renewed vigor, the flames tried to once again crush the boy's hope but were surprised to see that no matter what they did the boy was hardly fazed like he could no longer feel the scalding heat or curse.

Finally after sometime the boy makes it out of the Hell hole and allows his body to fall down on his back as he gazes at the sky.

He survived yet again where others died.

"I told you it's not your fault"

There it was again that soothing motherly voice.

"You can....hear my thoughts?" said the boy

"No not really I'm just good at reading people and you my boy are like an open book"

The boy smiled before it disappeared

"Thank you for...helping me but it still doesn't help when.....others died but I survived" the child raised his arm towards the sky

The voice sighed "(Sigh) Child even if you were older you couldn't have done anything not with these "Flames" Don't stunt yourself in guilt you do not deserve...instead use it to live better and be better"

The boy felt the words resonate with him and would have cried but instead the tiredness catched up to him and he slowly started drifting off to sleep But before his hand could fully drop another bigger hand held on it which caused the boy to momentarily awaken.

"Thank God theres one alive"

A middle aged man with unkempt black hair wearing a black suit and black trench coat was holding the boy's hand.

The boy was about to close his eyes again when a bright golden light appeared and was transferred in his ċhėst, the warmth was just like before but this time the warmth was traveling throughout his body and fixing his injuries as more color came back on his face.

The middle aged man was crying but he had a genuinely happy smile on his face, like he was the one instead who was saved.

"Thank you...Thank you..! for letting me save you"

"Can I smile like that too some day"

"Why not perhaps sooner than expected, perhaps even tomorrow or the minute after but for now rest and let the bad thoughts pass"

"Wait....! don't leave...."

"Fufu don't worry my child I'll be right here beside you"

Relaxing the Red haired boy finally let sleep takeover him.

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