Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 3 - Beginning of a "New" Life


() is thinking or telepathy talks

[] is when a character who mostly talks telepathically thinks to themselves

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-Fuyuki Civil Hospital-

In one of rooms of the hospital the boy from before laid, dressed in hospital gown and had red hair, when he slowly woke up and lifted his body his golden amber eyes were also revealed, the boy looked to be 7 years old.

Looking around but not finding anyone especially his helper the boy could only sadly think.

"Was the Pretty voice my imagination"



The boy visibly jumped in his bed with the sudden scare.

"Hahaha! Sorry but you had that Lost puppy look that I had to do that"

Actually the boy's eyes had the look of a dead person so she had decided to jumpscare and tease him to get rid of the dead look and it looks like it worked for the boy's expression was now more expressive. His expression which was in tears like he just witnessed something scary (A/N *Cough* Well he did) changed into an angry pout with his arms crossed (A/N Cute).

"Awww Okay I'm sorry little man are you happy now"

The boy still had the pout but like he remembered something he said.

"Ah thanks again for your help"

"Now now Thank yous and apologies are in the past now let's talk about something else now shall we, Oh! and you can just talk to me mentally no need to say things out loud Okay?"

"Okay so Miss what's your name"

"Well my friend's used to call me by my nickname Eva you can call me that too"

"That's a pretty name my name's.....??!"

Eva: What's wrong? (Gentle concern)

"I..I.....I can't remember my name...or....or anything" At the end the boy's voice was breaking"

Eva was silent before speaking.

Eva: Come on Tomatoe-Chan you can't be negative all the time you know.

Suddenly the depressing atmosphere broke and the boy could feel his eye visibly twitch.

Tomatoe!!! and what's with that Chan suffix!

He was about to argue but was cut off.

Eva: We'll talk later and I'll answer more of your questions. Your other helper is here possibly with a doctor.

Hearing this the boy grew silent but mentally nodded as he waited, finally the door opened and the same middle aged from yesterday entered with him was a briefcase but there was no doctor perhaps he was waiting outside the room.

But the most concerning part of the man was his posture and eyes, Both were like a dead man's even just what happened in his life for him to become like this.

-Kiritsugu POV-

When he made eye contact with me it was good to see that even though he was clearly mentally affected by the disaster there was still a bit of light in his eyes like other kids his age. Perhaps he done a bit more better job at saving atleast this one person then he thought.

Now on to proper business.

Kiritsugu: How are you feeling?


Kiritsugu: That's good.

I made my way with a chair towards the bed and sat down in front of it.

Kiritsugu: Well I'll get straight to the point you have two choices either you can go with the other kids to an orphanage where someone will eventually adopt you.

No change in expression huh

Kiritsugu: Or you can come with me.

Eva: (You should accept)

Boy: (Huh? Why?)

Eva: (Well for one I do not trust a shady orphanage and...)

The boy could most certainly say that Eva was smiling.

Eva: (You want to help him don't you)

The boy was surprised that Eva knew since, he really wanted the middle aged man to be less depressed and perhaps smile a bit more genuinely.

The boy pointed at the man and said.

Boy: I want to go with you.

The boy was visibly happy to see that the man's smile became more genuine.

Man: Alright then I'll get the doctor to give you a final check up then we can get the discharge papers, Oh! one more thing do you remember your name I know your case of amnesia that's why I'm asking.

The Boy who already discussed this with Eva shook his head.

Man: Well that will be a problem Hmmmmmm..... How about Shiro, Shiro Emiya.

The boy thought of the name and he really liked it not that he shown it just nodded.

Kiritsugu: Great, my name is Kiritsugu, Kiritsugu Emiya and...I'm a Magus. (Smile)

Shiro:...(Eyes slightly widen)

Eva: (Well that was subtle)

-Emiya Estate-

After being discharged Kiritsugu brought his "son" to his house and let's just say that Shiro's eyes widened looking at the large traditional Japanese house.

Kiritsugu: Like it (amused)

Shiro: (Nods) It's big.

Kiritsugu: Well then let's get you settled in on.

Kiritsugu grabbed his briefcase from the car and led Shirou into his new "Home" But when Shiro entered the house he found that it was as dead as Kiritsugu but instead of being depressed his resolve to help Kiritsugu out of his depression increased whereas inside Shiro a woman visibly smiled.

Eva: [Fufu what would I expect]

And so the new life of the boy now known as Shiro started....yet again.

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