Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 23 - Undercurrents and Respect

Gilgamesh's expression was complicated it was a mix between anger, confusion and loss.

Gilgamesh: I swear Mongrel if you're lying!

Avenger: And that's what you want to believe right, Gilgamesh.

Avenger "smiled" wickedly. His form morphing into someone else, someone Gilgamesh knew too well.

It was a black haired woman with one of the most beautiful looks and body, that will drive countless men crazy, she was wearing an ancient robe that accentuated her body.

But instead of being impressed, Gilgamesh's expression became increasingly wrathful and he was close to skewering the "woman" instantly.

Gilgamesh: Are you mocking me!

Avenger: What makes you say that Gilgamesh, don't you agree that Goddess Ishtar was one of the most beautiful goddesses ever.

For others Avenger's attitude would seem suicidal, especially when you purposely take the appearance of the goddess Gilgamesh hates with a passion but for Avenger he had nothing to fear for he holds Gilgamesh on a lease as long as he wants "that"

Gilgamesh: So if this "partnership" is going to work, tell me what needs to be done.

Avenger pouted.

Avenger: Hmph! you're no fun!

Now Gilgamesh was contemplating whether take out Ea and blast this monster to the end of the earth or not.

Avenger: Unfortunately even though your existence came as a pleasant surprise and a big help....I'm in no condition to absorb the Leylines and begin my manifestation until my recovery.

Gilgamesh raised a brow, even if Avenger was a weak servant his existence was above humanity, what caused him to need "Recovery"

Gilgamesh: And what would cause, you a "God" to need recovery, Sadly I do not remember attempting to purge you.

Avenger's beautiful face became mared with anger.

Avenger: It was that spawn of Kiritsugu! He used that Accursed sword to nearly destroy me! If not I wouldn't have lost my recent vessel and need to resort to other ways to ensure my coming!

Hearing Avenger's rant caused Gilgamesh's eyes to widen, No wonder the previous lesser Grail was still alive but to think Shiro nearly killed Avenger caused Gilgamesh to gain a small smile, Sadly he didn't get destroyed but he might congratulate and thank him in their next meeting.

When Avenger stopped her rant, Gilgamesh already lost his smile and Avenger didn't see it.

Avenger: I'll torture his soul when I manifest but first thing first....I need you to move the Greater Grail to a secure place where I can recover aside from that nothing, you can do what you want after a few years I recover and we can start the plan, I get my wish and you get yours.

Gilgamesh only nodded as Avenger's body started breaking down and disappearing.

Avenger: See, King Gilgamesh we really are alike both us want the destruction of humans...well you because of disappointment.....

As Avenger vanished, Gilgamesh couldn't help but think of the Red haired boy that earned his respect made things more worthwhile and maybe...maybe...slightly change his view of the current Era of humanity.

Gilgamesh shook his head and sighed, unfortunately what Avenger offered him was enticing enough for him to help him.

Gilgamesh: Now...only time will tell....


The family brought Sakura back to the Tohsakas, Aoi and Rin thanked them profusely and told them they were in their debt.

But overall he was happy, especially when Eva told him on the way here that he gained a lot in that encounter and his Reality Marble changed much.

Sakura was comforted by everyone, even Fou.

Oh! Fou had made himself known to the group a few months ago, Kiritsugu was already somewhat numb to Shiro's suprises, Irisviel ignored the fact that he was a Non-documented Phantasmal beast(That are out of reach for modern Magi) and tried to Pet him but was ignored along with Illya much to their sadness.

Julian was shocked and shouted at Shiro, for bringing such a thing out that might bring him a Sealing Designation or worse the greed of Magi that would want to steal Fou from him, but Shiro waved it off and told him that Fou only reveals himself to trustworthy people, much to Julian's anger at being called nice (Tsundere)

The girl's all wanted to pet him but were all ignored by Fou, since if Fou wasn't gone then he was always found near Shiro, so it came at great shock when Fou didn't have any objection of being with Sakura, much to her joy of being able to cuddle the ball of cuteness and the tears of despair for every woman.

Julian himself took a dislike to Fou because he even refused to go towards his little sister Erika, causing the poor girl to cry and it took Julian comforting her all day to make her happy, One of the things that made Shiro and Julian friends, they both had sisters with Brother Complex.

-Afterword, School-

At break time, The group of friends were gathered eating lunch while Shiro narrated what happened yesterday.

Luvia: So let me revise, Rin and her mother were attacked by the Church's representative, their supposed "Allie" and Sakura got kidnapped, she got saved and Shero was the one to kill and beat the priest who was a retired Executor of the Church.

Julian: What in God's name.....HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!!?

Shiro: Glad you care Julian. (Smile)

Julian: Who cares!? dumbass!

Illya: Awww Julian-kun is acting all Tsun Tsun.

Sakura: Thank you for caring Julian Senpai. (Smile)

Julian just huffed and turned his head to hide his blush. Luvia decided to save the poor boy.

Luvia: Did you Consult the Church, Kirei Kotomine is even if retired a renowned Executor.

Rin: We did, but it's because he retired that the Church accepted no claims, can't tarnish their own reputation by having one of their renowned Executors colluding with a High Rank Demon, that's why they claim he was corrupted "After" he left. (Sigh)

Luvia: Well let's be glad this place lost one of its most dangerous wild cards.

Rin seemed shocked.

Luvia: Watch yourself! Tohsaka! I only worry about my junior.

Sakura: Uhm.....I'm a Tohsaka too....

Sakura timidly raised her hand.....but was ignored.

Rin: It will be suprisingly to see a Hyena, care right!

Illya promptly took out popcorn out of nowhere.

Illya: Want some. (Smile)

Sakura: ???? (Where did that come from)

While this was happening a certain boy of the Matous made his appearance.

Shinji: Oh what's going on it seems fun.

Luvia: What are doing here Matou!

Illya: Oh Seaweed hair makes his appearance.

Shiro: None of your business!

Julian: Are you purposely ruining our day.

Shinji: Hmph! Act high and mighty all you want but remember aside from Rin all of you are outsiders, show some respect.

Shinji left but not before sending Sakura a glare who was hiding behind Shiro, prompting the group to glare even more, especially Rin, who became aware not long ago of how Shinji bullied her sister. After that Sakura always had someone accompanying her in the group.

Luvia: The nerve of that boy! always flaunting his dead family name without any actual ability.

Shiro: After my guardian took his grandfather out you think I would expect his behaviour to improve.

Julian: What did you expect, now he and his father are like dogs out of their leashes. (Scorn)

The rest of the day continued normally.


Shiro was at the Park again and to his surprise he saw Gilgamesh at his usual spot on the bench and promptly went to take his seat.

Gilgamesh: Normally someone would be offended with the events of yesterday?

Gilgamesh didn't turn his head.

Shiro: Do i look normal to you.

Now Gilgamesh turned his head to Shiro and seeing his amused Smile caused him to smile as well.

Gilgamesh: Haha.....No you don't.

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