Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 24 - Fated Meeting with a.........Troll

Sorry for being Late.


Sometimes we just have to leave things up to Fate.

Okita Souji


Clock Tower, one of the three branches of the Mage Association, in this place lived one of the strongest but also bizarre allies of humanity.

Kishur Zelretch Schweinorg

The Old man of Jewels, Only partitioner of Second Magic, The Kaleidoscope, 4th Rank of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Slayer of the King Of Vampires, Type-Moon, Brunestueid of the Crimson Moon but his most famous title......Troll King.

It was a natural occurrence in Clocktower, if something strange happens, Blame Zelretch.

Zelretch was currently sitting in his office, even though he had a smile on his face there was a seriousness in his eyes.

The door opened and in came a Black haired Magus.

Zelretch: Ah! Waver you're here, tell me how's life. (Smile)

Waver's Eyebrow twitched.

Waver: The truth or the lie Sir.

Zelretch: Depends

Waver: I'm already regretting helping the Archibalds.

Zelretch: Well...it's too late for regrets young Waver but I must say your compilation of "Kayneth El-Melloi book of Arcane Secrets" Was impressive work, if only you didn't give that house credit for some of your own research then you could have gained significant renown in the tower.

Waver:(Sigh) I know I really trapped myself because of Guilt.

Zelretch: Well who knows perhaps something good might come to you in the future (Amused Smile)

Waver quirked an Eyebrow, one of the qualities of Zelretch was that he spoke in mysterious ways courtesy of his Magic, hiding something within the lines, which got Waver thinking about what could happen in the future.

Waver became serious.

Waver: You called for me Sir.

Zelretch: Waver, do you still remember Fuyuki.

Waver's eyes widened, how could he not remember the city where he met his King in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the place he was forced to flee as his King rided to his death, how he was almost denied his wish of conquest if not for his last Retainer Waver continuing his dream in the Clocktower.


Zelretch: I know, the topic of the War is a sore point for you but I need you to come with me to Fuyuki.

Now Waver was confused.

Waver: Sir may i ask why? From the reports the last war ended only a few years ago, it's not like the War will start anytime soon especially since the last Victor, the Magus killer, Kiritsugu Emiya destroyed the Grail using his Saber Servant's Noble Phantasm.

Zelretch got up, fixing his coat while taking his cane from his side.

Zelretch: That is where you are mistaken Waver, the lesser Grail was destroyed not the Greater Grail and I do not think someone as analytical and smart as Kiritsugu Emiya would destroy the Grail for no reason, A psychopath isn't able to garner as much fear from Magi and Dead Apostles alike no?

Now that got Waver thinking, Kiritsugu Emiya was a nightmare to any Magi that got their bounty taken from him but also he was equivalent to the Boogeyman for Dead Apostles if they weren't of the 27 Ancestors.

Heck! the only reason the Magi of Clocktower aren't afraid of him is because they are safe there if they went out they would be only on constant alert.

Zelretch nodded like he could read Waver's thoughts.

Zelretch: One of the War's makers was a student of mine, Nagato Tohsaka, talented young lad as well as kind, but two weeks ago i felt something from Fuyuki that didn't seem "Right" I did my own investigations and the results or more accurately possibilities I've seen are...

Zelretch face darkens.

Zelretch: Not Satisfactory.

Now Waver was having very bad Premonitions, Zelretch was rarely this serious, this meant that whatever was happening in Fuyuki was big, very big.

Waver: When do we leave Sir?

Waver also got up from his seat and was serious.

Zelretch: Now. I booked a flight, I would have preferred using my Magic but I don't want some people to notice I'm gone from the Clocktower, but after the fight with Crimson Moon I'm weakened and people have much easier time detecting my unique Magic.

Waver only nodded as they made their way to the door.

Zelretch opened the door.

Zelretch: Kentucky Fried Chicken (Serious)

Waver fell down.

Waver: (Damn the Root, The troll's back!)


Waver and Zelretch arrived in Fuyuki via airport and were moving towards the Cave in Mount Enzou.

Waver: Sir may i ask what are we going to do when we reached the Greater Grail.

Zelretch: We are going to dismantle it and destroy the Heaven's Feel system.

Waver: Sir! With all due respect but even with your status as a Magician of the Second True Magic this would get you a lot of objections and possible punishments from the Association! The Grail system is currently one of the closest things allowing access to the Root even with the consistent failures of the 4 Wars and the Association has measures to take care of you if you cross boundaries even with your privileges!

The Root was the End goal of many Magi and closing a possible way to reach it would incur all their wrath, not to mention the Mage Association!

Zelretch: It was my student's creation along with his colleagues, don't forget I also helped in making the system, so I have every right to destroy it as the only living creator of the System even more than the Founding Families.

Zelretch was serious but then he gained a somewhat sad look.

Zelretch: It is sad Waver, the System was made by three prodigal Magi, My student Nagato wanted to reach the Root to quench his thirst for knowledge, Justeaze to find a unique purpose with herself and Zolgen Makiri to create a Utopia without Suffering, I'm somewhat glad they aren't alive anymore to see their creation be degraded into something they all despised.

That moment Waver didn't see a all powerful Magician but a teacher, lamenting for his students and taking it upon himself to destroy their creation to atleast honor the distinguished creators before their creation truly becomes something they wouldn't want.

Suddenly Zelretch bumps into a boy, causing him to fall on his buŧŧ.

Zelretch: Haha sorry boy wasn't paying attention.

Zelretch stretched a hand as he hoisted the boy up before he was suprised.

Zelretch: (That's a lot of Prana for a Magus)

Shiro: No problem sir, I was also not paying attention.

Zelretch: Haha You are rather well mannered, say can you point me to Ryuudou Temple.

Shiro: Why do you want to go to Issei's home?

Zelretch: No need to be cautious boy.

Shiro: My "mom" told me to not talk to strangers especially ones with "Secrets"

Zelretch smiled in a mysterious way as he looked at Shiro.

Zelretch: Your mother seems like quite the individual, anyone I know?

Shiro shook his head.

Shiro: Don't think so, well if you take these directions you'll eventually see Mount Enzou, the temple is on top, Goodbye.

Zelretch: Before you go take this a small token of appreciation.

Zelretch took out a small case and gave it to Shiro, who looked like he was about to refuse when his expression changed and he thanked Zelretch before he walked away.

Zelretch: interesting boy won't you say Waver.

Zelretch finally looked at Waver, who was unusually quiet, seeing him.....,shivering and Sweating profusely.

Waver: Sir...what...what the...hell were those stares..!!

Zelretch: I see you noticed them as well.

When Zelretch started talking to Shiro, he felt three pairs of eyes lock onto him and Waver, two of them were judging if they were a threat or not but the last one seemed oddly.....familiar

Zelretch: It seems like the Magus killer's son is special.

Waver followed Zelretch gaze and saw in the distance, Shiro as he neared a Customized BMW as a black haired Middle aged man and white haired woman were looking at him, not seeming to notice them, but that didn't stop Waver's shock.

Waver: The Magus killer had a son! and how is the lesser Grail vessel alive!?

Zelretch: Hmmmmmm all I see is a happy family, come along Waver let's quickly make way.

Even though Zelretch knew the way to Mount Enzou, he still asked Shiro, Why because the boy seemed very interesting not just because of that amount of Prana he houses but because he couldn't see through him and that was something since he was one of the strongest people on the Planet.


Arriving at the Cave, Waver was told to wait outside while Zelretch would go in and dismantle the Grail, when Zelretch came out his face was slightly darkened. This couldn't be good.

Zelretch: Well, that's a bad possibility now coming true...The grails gone.

Waver:...Excuse me....

Zelretch: I knew the Einzberns did something in the third war but I didn't pay attention.....to think they summoned a God of Evil of some mythology is beyond me.

Waver's legs felt weak, The thing that was inhabiting the Grail wasn't a High Rank Demon but.....A FREAKING GOD OF EVIL, that meant that the priest that died here didn't just work with a Demon but a Literal God!

Waver: Sir we have to quickly inform the Association and Church! this is already beyond anything a Normal Executor or Enforcer can handle!

Zelretch: Quiet Waver. I know this isn't a favorable situation but situations like these happened before and let me tell you as soon as news spreads, both of the organization will only come to see the benefits of salvaging the situation from the destruction, The possibilities that I can see with my Magic are too far apart also and do you think I would be easy to find the Grail and dismantle it now.

Waver: What do you mean Sir!

Zelretch: The bounded fields and seals put on the Cave were there not only to stop Magi from entering but mostly to stop Spiritual entities to entering, Mount Enzou can be said to be a spiritual deterrent.

Waver thought about it and visibly paled.

Waver: Sir...you don't mean...?

Zelretch: The fields were torn apart and forcefully destroyed, meaning it wasn't one of the founding families or Magi to break it but a Spiritual entity and judging by the fact that it broke in and took the Grail would mean it's strong and my ȧssumptions atleast........at the strenght of the top 10 Dead Apostle Ancestors.

Even Zelretch wasn't sure if he had the strenght to fight and win or atleast win by minimizing damage that coupled with the fact that he had such low amounts of information wasn't good.

Waver was shaking but also brainstorming to try and find a solution.

Zelretch: Don't think too much young Waver...do you remember the boy we met.

Waver stopped thinking and nodded.

Zelretch: Similarly to the Grail I can't seem to look through the boy but unlike the Grail and the entity that inhabits it that feels like an Eclipse, the boy feels like a Rising Sun, the inspection on us was proof of his speciality and I believe this scenario is orchestrated by Fate and the Boy will have to face the Trial eventually.

Waver: He's just a boy Sir.

Zelretch: Maybe, but what i see is greatness that's why I gave him that small gift, Come along Waver let's get going, Kentucky Fried Chicken won't eat itself.

Waver sighed but followed Zelretch, he even though was known as a troll, prankster and straight up lunatic his wisdom couldn't be questioned.

He just hopes Zelretch gamble works and the boy is able to stop the calamity that was coming.

For even he someone not so special could survive a battle Royale where so many capable masters and Servants Died and reached the last three position.

Why couldn't a "Special" Boy stop what was to come.


Eva was looking at Zelretch with a amused Smile.

Eva: (Well will meet soon Zelretch, Fufu very soon)

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