Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 28 - Bringer Of Ruin

When Magi and Dead Apostles hear that the Magus Killer was coming they would treat it like a Death himself coming to claim someone but when Evil Magi or Dead Apostles hear his Spawn, The Demon Killer was coming they would feel like THE Demon was coming for them.

Wordings from a Recently Retired Enforcer.


Kaito's expression was grim the way this guy spoke though normal caused a chill to run down his spine.

Lloyd: Please save me!! this guy is trying to kill me!

Kaito watched Lloyd shocked at his betrayal, now he nows that even if he has his benefits he was going to kill him.

Demon Killer: Oh no he won't.

Lloyd was overjoyed.


Two black blur arrived at the speed of a bullet one embedded itself in Lloyd's shadow pinning him on his chair and the next one embedding itself on his ċhėst crushing it and his heart in the process.

????: Not before I do.

Demon Killer: You helped this blood sucker here by kidnapping Innocents and having them turned into mindless monsters but also getting him Tons of resources to use, You're as guilty as him for betraying your kind.

Kaito quickly looked at the second intruder and he instantly recognized her causing his expression to turn even more grim.

Cold Expression

Blue hair and eyes

Female Executor battle attire.

It was Ciel, #7 of the Titled Executors and Agent Bow.

Unlike the normal Executors the Burial Agency Train, which only hunt young Dead Apostles or stronger ones in groups, The current 8 Titled Executors ONLY hunt Strong and Old Dead Apostles preferably Ancestors even.

Kaito: So I have a Myth and an Elite Executor coming for me, I must say I am honored to get such such attention just for being more than a century old.

Ciel: Save it Vampire, your activities and abillities are reason enough to come for you sooner.

Ciel took out a Bible as she swung the Pages, Three pages swung out and transformed into black keys Ciel held between her fingers.

Kaito's potential was high both as a Magus and as a Dead Apostle, only by being a little over 100 years old with his research as a Magus gave him a High position in the Normal Dead Apostles herechary and with the current full moon his strenght is close to a Candidate's.

Kaito: Oh?...but I'm sorry to disappoint.


The bottles on the counters broke, as well as several floor boards and pieces of the walls as from within them the different liquids whipped up as alive and moving at high speeds around the duo.

Kaito had hid different Liquids in his Bar not only on the counter so that if he was cornered he would have an advantage in a fight, since his manipulation of Liquids wasn't only great at Close to Mid Range combat but showed his true worth when his enemies were with him in closed spaces allowing him to control the battlefield and attack from different directions.

Kaito's Magecraft consisted of manipulating different Liquids but Kaito who was the Heir to his Clan took it a step further by utilizing the Liquids as a medium he was able to do other things such as transferring genes and abillities of other Phantasmal species into normal beasts to give them higher strenghts not on the level of Phantasmals but stronger nonetheless, he did the same to his Undead and Ghouls to increase their quality.

Liquids like Mercury, Water, his own specialized Refined blood etc suddenly all blurred and whipped towards the Duo like sharpened sword whips and cutting off all escape routes.

But the Duo wasn't fazed.

Demon Killer:.....Trace On...(taps floor)

The voice of his second partner that currently only he could hear sounded.

Random selection of Reality Marble Initiated

Optimal Prana Absorbed

Initiating Operation.

Suddenly swords burst forth from the ground near him and his Partner, the Liquid whips either got cut from the sharp edges or destroyed after making contact acting as a perfect barrier.

Kaito was suprised seeing his attack fail but he had a back up.

Kaito: Go!

10 similar hounds to the ones they killed at the base appeared and quickly lunged at them from all directions but this time Ciel moved.

She shot her Black keys like bullets forward and hit 4 of the ten which in turn turned them into stone.

Then she summoned more black keys and throwed them as another four familiars burned to Ashes.

Ciel: Cremation Rite.

The last two were near her partner but she wasn't worried, The Demon Killer held his hand out and the voice once again sounded.

Predetermined Phantasm Selected.

Appropriate Prana Consumed.

Amount of Degradation: One Rank Down


All this happened in a split second as a from the Killer's sleeve became visible a Red Band with a Red jewel attached to it in the middle.

From his hand a flash of Prana was visible as it quickly transformed into sword----No a scythe.

Immortal Slaying Scythe Harpe

The Weapon given to the great Greek Hero Perseus by the God Hermes, A Monster slaying Holy sword that took the appearance of a Scythe not only is it a great tool for killing Monsters but it is actually an Anti-Medusa Noble Phantasm.

He swung the Scythe along with his Mana Burst making it look like a Blue blur instead.


The hounds fell on his sides as their heads seperated from their bodies like a hot knife just cut through cheese and green blood flew out.

Kaito saw all this and used all the srrenght in his Vampiric body to quickly rush towards the Demon Killer while willing the Liquids to attack Ciel to give him enough time to kill the man in front of him. Since he would be less dangerous than a Titled Executor right? and After killing him he can escape from Ciel.

Kaito's hand and arms were getting quickly covered by a sheet of black Crystallized Blood and his fingers became sharp claws as he swung his left hand at the Boy who responded by swinging Harpe at his hand.

Kaito sneered, he recognized that the boy in front of him was using a Noble Phantasm, how he is able to use it or even get it wasn't his concern, if he was able to stay he wouldn't mind taking it from his dead body as he satisfies his inner Magus by dissecting the boy's body and studying it but alas he could only leave him here dead.

As the two attacks were about to clash, Kaito heard the sound and sensation of flesh being ripped.

Kaito jumped back feeling the pain as he held his nearly seperated hand in disbelief as black blood was flowing out.

Kaito: (Ugh! How did he do that! I'm a being that "Denies Human History" something that "Validates Human History" Shouldn't be able to harm me!)

Demon Killer: I see that you dodged, so you've trained as well but I must say controlling your body's fluids to stop the bleeding and clot injury is really ingenious in close combat.

Kaito was shocked.

Kaito: (How was able to find out I was manipulating my body's fluids to stop my bleeding!?...wait? why aren't i...)

Kaito looked at his arm in increasing horror forgetting even the pain, his arms had stopped bleeding because of him halting any more of his blood leaking but the real concern was....

Why hasn't his arm healed yet!

Demon Killer: Don't bother it won't heal unless it's in accordance with the Natural laws.

The Demon Killer was looking at Kaito nonchalantly while rotating the Scythe. Kaito was instead shocked dead Apostles heal by regressing their body's time before they were injured or to atleast lessen injuries, the stronger the Apostle the more regression they gain, so how hasn't he healed and why was that weapon able to affect him!

Ciel: We wasted enough time, it's time to finish this.

Ciel threw another batch of enchanted Black keys towards Kaito.

Ciel: Mummification Rite.

Kaito was able to deflect most of the keys but one of them hit his left hand and to his horror he saw that this enchantment was releasing all moisture from its increasing area of effect, which would potentially cripple him left with no choice he raised his right hand in a chopping motion.

Kaito: Ahhhggg!!!!!

Completing cutting off his left arm off black blood sprayed out but he endured the pain and stopped the bleeding, he manipulated his remaining Liquids and his sprayed blood to tear a hole on the ceiling.

Simultaneously a big blob of Liquid formed at Kaito's feet that sprang him upwards like a spring towards the roof.

The Duo quickly took chase and arrived at the roof to see Kaito Jumping from the building to another and maneuvering around.

Ciel looked towards her partner instead of giving chase.

Ciel: Shiro try not to make it flashy.

The Killer revealed to be Shiro took his hood off but kept his face mask on revealing his vibrant red hair that was having a few spots of white and his Golden Brown eyes.

Shiro: I got just the thing, Jasper can you get me my bow.

Shiro talked to his other partner, The red band on his wrist which replied in the usual cheery boy tone.

Jasper: On it! Shiro!

Summoning Tool: Tempest

(Tempest Image on my Instagram: instagram.com/p/B28N6LjnwrY/?igshid=14zgfrwu7qr33)

On Shiro's hand came his trusty bow gifted to him not long ago, a beautifully crafted winged white bow made by mystical materials and blessed by the Fae.

A gift from Merlin and inscribed on it where letters of what he wanted for Shiro.

"Who so wields this Bow shall be free to reach all he dėsɨrės"

Merlin sincerely wanted his newest student sho like Arthur he started to see as a Foster son to accomplish his dream, to be happy and But Most of all to be Free to live.

Shiro still remembers Merlin's shocked face as he hugged him, but was glad to be hugged back.

Scathach was also very proud of her student and she gave him two things, The pendent of Shadows, A beautiful black gem on a necklace that swirls occasionally with Crimson radiance A good luck charm as well as imbued with an effect to calm his mind during combat and a Magical Sword, he calls Nethersbane: Runed Sword of the Night.

(Nethersbane: instagram.com/p/B28Qj1XHMFq/?igshid=12mruyf1v42xk)

Kiritsugu gave Shiro his Trench Coat and had it modified to hold a hood and face mask also to fit him, Scathach in turn Enchanted it with Runes.

(Trench Coat: instagram.com/p/B28PUzVn4Sc/?igshid=1xazh6p1hbmmj)

And Eva gave him some of his best gifts.

Shiro: (Trace Dainsleif)

Locating "Dainsleif" in Reality Marble.

Match Found.

Initializing Tracing.

Even though it only took more than a second to Trace rather than one of Shiro's much faster split second Traces of his Predetermined Phantasms (Ones he already selected due to occasion) in a fight a second is all that is needed to turn the tide.

Holding a bloody looking Demonic sword that only brought it's wielders ruin, Shiro would use it differently.

Alternation Protocol Initiated.

The Blade was spewing bloodlust and according to its legend it shall not return towards it Sheath without killing anyone.

Exactly what Shiro will give it.

The Sword twisted and turned becoming slender and more aerodynamic, Shiro ċȯċked it on his bow and pulled the string, The Fae letters on Tempest glowed blue as ready to do its wielder's bidding, Dainsleif was also releasing a horrid red aura like an expectant child about to get some sweets.

Shiro took aim and Reinforced his eyes, as his eyes suddenly had a mystical blue tone to them when he was certain in getting Kaito, he loosened his fingers and spoke.

Shiro: I Bring thou this Ruin, Dainsleif!

Dainsleif now in the shape of a Crimson black arrow shot forward like a Red streak towards Kaito who was Frantically trying to dodge the arrow but Dainsleif was stubbornly following him everywhere when suddenly it had enough and zoomed towards Kaito, more specifically his ċhėst.


The red beam (Arrow) tore a large gapping hole on Kaito's ċhėst, Dainsleif dissipated into blue motes of Prana seemingly satisfied for the life it took.

Scathach was right the effect would be like Gae Bolg but more instead more ruthless since Gae Bolg will only aim for the heart but Dainsleif instead aims to kill, which is mostly in the most Ruining way.

The Duo didn't move they could see Kaito's body fall on a distant roof, no one has seen the events and since he was dead his body would start breaking down like all Vampires into black motes.

Shiro unsummones his bow and sends it back in his Reality Marble, then he pulls down his face mask revealing the handsome face of a 14---No 15 year old, even though he was 13!

Shiro: Well...That makes 7. (Smirk)

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