Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 29 - Eleasia.

It is after we live through Tragedy to gain Great power but at what cost?


#7 Of Burial Agency, Titled Executor

Agent Bow

17th Roa


(A/N: Hope you like the big Chapter)

Ciel: Shiro can you see if Amano had other accomplices or minions.

Shiro: Give me a second.

Shiro put his hand on the ledge of the roof before imagining his mental trigger of himself unsheathing a sword to once again activate his "Physical" Magic Circuits.

But unlike before Shiro's eyes turned a Mystic blue color which could only mean one thing.

Mystic eyes.

After some time with the incident with Gilgamesh something happened, like a loose lock was now completely unlocked in Shiro's brain which caused his Structural Analysis to take a huge leap but it was after Eva conjured a mirror and showed him his eyes that Shiro understood that it wasn't Structural Analysis but he had gained Mystic Eyes.

The Mystic Eyes of Revealation.

His eyes worked similar to Structural Analysis but now Shiro found out that ever since he was able to Structurally Grasp objects and weapons when he concentrated that was actually his eyes momentarily activating and when they fully activated Shiro had practically mastered Grasping, Now he was able to Grasp any weapon, Swords were the easiest to Grasp and save their information and History(Blue Prints) in his Reality Marble next were other bladed weapons.

Other weapons instead of Bladed weapons like shields or bows caused more Prana but were the same, able to be Traced and their information as well as History able to be saved in his Reality Marble, Eva said his Reality Marble or Soulscape was a mix between an Armory where he stores his weapons and a Library were he stores their history and Information, with training he was able to see the History and Information of other Inanimate objects aside from weapons but wasn't able to store their information perhaps in the future?

Humans he could scan as well but he had no luck in getting their information and History much less storing it, Eva explained that Humans were very complicated and had souls which were of Higher plane of Existence so he would need much more time being able to scan Humans but she encouraged that being able to completely Scan Bodies was great progress.

After Scanning the Ledge, Shiro became the part he scanned as time stopped and the world became slightly blue like seeing it through a filter, Shiro started accessing the history of his scanned area and it felt like the World's time was rewinding, seeing if there was anything useful that would help him by looking at his surroundings, after some time Shiro's real body opens it's eyes, the eyes were back to their original color.

Shiro: Nope didn't see much aside from the ones we killed, Lloyd rarely ever visited and it seems most meetings and transactions were done at the base we destroyed, I'm 90% sure we got this job done.

Ciel nodded before she frowned a bit.

Ciel: Those eyes are really envious, they are perhaps the greatest in terms of Investigations and Tracking.

Shiro gave his partner a Wry look.

Ciel snorted in good nature.

Ciel: Please i haven't lost my humanity to do that...yet.

Ciel jumped down the hole they came up with back towards the Bar. Shiro gave a complicated look before jumping down as well.

Shiro: Oh Joy. (jump)

After jumping down and landing on his feet Shiro saw Ciel sitting at the counter completing ignoring the dead body of Lloyd.

Shiro: What should we do about him?

Ciel took a page of the Bible she was holding before it transformed into a black key which she threw at the dead body without even looking.

Ciel: Cremation Rite

And like that Lloyd as well as the chair he was sitting on caught fire and disappeared in seconds, not even ashes remained.

In his eyes the man who betrayed his own kind was akin to a filthy Cockroach.

Shiro: Guess that works (Shrugs)

Shiro made his way towards the chair beside Ciel at the Counter and sat down.

Shiro: Well I'm tired after calling two all nighters.

Ciel looked at Shiro and bluntly said.

Ciel: You are the one who wanted to find these two before they kidnapped someone else.

Shiro sheepishly smiled, his core was still the same caring boy that wanted to be a Hero even if he was constantly tempered by Scathach, Merlin and Kiritsugu to become a great warrior and Magic user. He had to thank Merlin it was because of him that his Magic Sensitivity increased and he was able to even track Complicated Bounded Fields with Scent alone, another reason he was able to locate Territorial Fields albeit with considerable effort, But Urgh these Vampiric fields had the smell of Blood and rotting flesh.

Shiro: Jasper can you get me my Items?

Jasper: Sure!

Shiro: Thanks Jasper.

Jasper: No problem Shiro.

Jasper had been a great help to Shiro ever since he got him and it would right to say that the two weren't only great partners but Shiro treated Jasper more like a fun loving little brother.

Shiro was able to feed Jasper his New Tracing Sequence as well as connect him to his Reality Marble and Circuits, Jasper was shocked seeing Eva.

Yes, Jasper is currently the only one after Shiro to know about Eva (and Shiro's teachers) and to say that the poor band was terrified was an understatement since he was a product of Second True Magic he was able to see a bit of Eva's power if she was relaxed or allowing it and the poor band went pale, how Shiro never knows but Eva stopped Teasing him and revealed what kind of person she was and Jasper instantly took a liking of her and promised he won't disclose her existence to anyone not even Zelretch.

While inside his Reality Marble Jasper was connected to the entire Place, this gave Jasper the role of being Shiro's partner in helping him in Magecraft in between combat, Shiro would let Jasper know which Weapon he wanted and Jasper would quickly search and Materialize it Via Tracing, But Shiro had made some minor changes to the normal sequence to best be compatible with his Reality Marble.

Judging the concept of creation

Hypothesizing the basic structure

Acquiring the composition material

Sympathizing with the History

Reproducing the accumulated years

Excelling every manufacturing process

So after the minor changes Shiro no longer made the Weapons in his Reality Marble and summoned them into the Real World but instead his Reality Marble seems to make the weapons to act as a vessel for the true weapon's soul or sentience making them look like degraded version of their true self not like Empty Fakes, he was able to increase the strenght by chanting the first verse of his Reality Marble's Aria and had a really big suprise by deploying his Reality but Shiro saved that as his Ultimate Trump card.

Jasper also had the function of saving three Noble Phantasm for Split second Deployment, Currently Shiro saved Harpe, Kanshou and Bakuya and Gae Dearg, Dainsleif wasn't saved so instead it took a second to locate it and Materialize it.

But Jasper's main function was his unlimited Mana, Jasper had a route made in him connecting him to the Mana Plane where he is able to draw infinite amounts of Mana and is able to convert it also to become usable Prana for Shiro since the only limiting was the output.

Shiro's biggest problem was that even though he had a large reserve of Od that he could turn to Prana to use his Magecraft, if he ever ran dry it would take "considerable" amount of time to regenerate his Prana even with his new Circuits abillity to make Prana without the presence of Mana in the atmosphere if any of his training spots like the Land of Shadows or Avalon didn't have dense amounts of Mana he would be hard pressed to wait for his reserves to regenerate for it would be like filling large barrel with a straw.

Jasper's presense caused the straw to transform into a decent sized pipe (The amount of Mana Jasper is able to output to Shiro's Circuits without harming him, even Jasper has an output but using his full amount can damage Shiro so he controls it)

But in other functions like Healing Jasper isn't able to help and if Jasper is able to augment any of Shiro's Magecraft than it is only if Shiro himself has an amount of mastery over and performance will also depend on the amount of Mastery he has.

Ciel's eyes lit up inside those boxes were the thing that drastically improved their relationship.

Shiro drew a Rune in the air.

Shiro: Sowilo (Rune of Fire)

Unlike Ansuz which was used as an explosion of Fire to engulf someone or something, Sowilo was used to spread fire or heat, less Lethal but bigger area of damage which Shiro used a watered down weak version to........heat the Food box.

If a certain "Red" woman saw Shiro using Runes not the mention Original Primeval Runes like this she might strangle him.

Shiro: Here's your Curry Eleasia.

Ciel fidgeted before sighing in resignation and taking the box.

She had swore that anyone calling her by her old name won't have a pleasant fate but not only did her partner call her that shamelessly but continued to do so, when she confronted him he said something that literally petrified her.


Ciel: What?

Shiro: I said did you love your parents?

Ciel was outraged.

Ciel: Of course I loved them! I still do!

One of Ciel's reason to continue hunt Roa wasn't only to end her cursed immortality but also to take a revenge for her family and friends, Ciel was so enraged she was close to stabbing a black key in Shiro before he spoke again.

Shiro: Then why are so ashamed of the name they gave you.

Ciel was frozen in her place looking at Shiro Blankly.

Shiro: It is the fault of "Blind" and delusional people that see Eleasia as the 17th Roa but if you look closely it is instead a name a couple gave their baby girl, a name that brought joy in their life.

Shiro walked past Ciel.

Shiro: Honor them Eleasia by not pushing away the first thing they gave you when you opened your eyes for the first time.

Ciel still stood frozen only silently listening.

Shiro: And I'm only gonna call you Ciel when we're on missions, get used to it.

As Shiro's voice faded, he saw or didn't see the two tears that fell from Ciel---Eleasia's eyes is unknown.


-Flashback End-

She still remembers that time like it made a permanent mark in her memory, but unknown to Shiro she only allows him to call her that.

When she takes a bite out of the Curry.

Eleasia: Mhmmmm!! (Silent Squeal)

It wouldn't be an understatement to say that Eleasia see's Shiro's cooking as a work of God even though she's not religious, all other curry she ever tasted paled in comparison.

She wonders if Curry de Mursche who was her first target Dead Apostle ate this, he might swear allegiance to Shiro, he was as fanatical in Curry as much as she is and is still wandering in the world in search of the greatest Curry.

Eleasia: (Thank you for guiding me on this Glorious path, Curry Senpai and I've witnessed and feasted upon the Apex, I've found our God!)

Shiro was looking at the crying Eleasia strangely but he only shrugged, after his first kill he went to hunt the second target but before he could land the finishing blow, Eleasia killed him and he demanded that he tell her why she took his kill.

At that time she was the cold and ruthless Titled Executor "Bow" but with a stroke of Fate they found that the next two of their targets were in the same place, so Shiro offered a Partnership which She accepted and to fix their relationship and get her to talk to him he decided to use his greatest power, His Cooking.

But he didn't expect it to work that well and he only made some curry! But it worked and after some persuasion that he wasn't some Blessed Saint with Godly cooking skills they both got to talking with eachother and found Qualities of eachother they both liked, eventually four months passed Eleasia's task was only to hunt down three Dead Apostles but she decided to help Shiro hunt the other four and made a great partnership eventually they even revealed their tragedies.

When Shiro revealed his experience with the fire, Eleasia looked at Shiro with respect, admiring the fact that even after all that he picked himself up for a Noble cause, she didn't call his dream childish but wholeheartedly believed that he could achieve, it seeing what she knew of him in their time together.

Shiro also admired her for living and felt disgusted with Roa, saying that calling him a snake was too much respect and that he was better to be called "Leech" he told Eleasia he will help her to stop Roa once and for all and told her ways to dissipate a Soul to end him, this caused Eleasia to tear up in happiness and give him a Literal Bone crushing hug, thankfully his Reinforcement almost reached the level of his Fibres (Luvia's father Lawrence is able to reinforce his body upto his Fibres that make up Organs)

Eleasia: Shiro?

Eleasia's voice broke Shiro from his musing.

Shiro: Yes?

Eleasia: What now? what are your plans?

Shiro: Hmmmm(Crosses arms) well my ȧssignment was done long ago, I had a four month time limit to hunt at least 4 Dead Apostle Magi but I actually hunted 7 with you so I guess I'll search the area to see if there is anymore trace of Kaito left, if there isn't I might go back to Fuyuki.

Eleasia: I'm still gonna ask but what Teacher gives their student the task to Hunt Dead Apostles not to mention Magi ones that can set up Territorial Fields!

Shiro only laughed sheepishly while scratching his head.

Shiro: Haha as you know they give me harder tasks to help me grow and you don't know but my teachers, let's say want me to be one the best.

Eleasia: Glad you realize I don't know that much. (Blank stare)

Shiro suddenly realized that even though he and Eleasia had shared their life experiences with eachother he knew marginally more about Eleasia's secrets and her department The Burial Agency more than she knows of him.

Shiro: Sorry.....how about this as a apology of not sharing as much with you as you did with me, you can ask me three questions if I'm able to answer I will.

Eleasia seemed like she was thinking about it.

Eleasia: Okay....I know about your eyes so.....tell about your weapons, that Vampire looked like he was confident about something before your Scythe cut his arm.

Shiro: Oh those were Noble Phantasms.

Shiro said it like he was discussing the weather, But Eleasia looked at him Dumbfounded.

Eleasia: What! But how! I don't know how you got so many but Noble phantasms shouldn't be able to affect Dead Apostles since their Existence "Denies Human History" but Noble phantasms validate Human History?

Shiro: That was just a minor barrier, get through it and Phantasms work, A few of My weapons were specially enchanted by my Guardian with a attribute of "Imposition" so when my "sword" struck Kaito the Attributes did its magic and the Phantasm ignored The Dead Apostle's apparent "Denial" and hurt him and since Harpe is a "sword" that was made to kill Monsters along with its abillity to make Immortals, mortal by inflicting unhealable wounds unless by Natural Order Healing...

Eleasia's eyes widened.

Eleasia: Harpe became a natural Counter for Vampires, since they were technically identified as monsters Harpe is able to damage them grievously even by normal strikes add that with the Unhealable wounds since their Existence is an enemy of Gaia and Alaya, healing isn't possible!

Shiro smiled,

Shiro: Harpe instantly became one of my favorite weapons with dealing with Vampires since it can be called a modern day nemesis for them, add that with the already arrogance of Magi which only increased after becoming a Dead Apostle....

Eleasia gave a devious (beautiful) smile.

Eleasia: You technically cut off all their advantages and they became nothing but empowered humans to you and if you struck a wound before they became cautious, you practically sealed their fate.

Shiro nodded sagely.

Shiro: Next Question?

Eleasia stopped eating and leaned on the counter using her hand as a support for her face as she looked at Shiro rather in a Daze, the look along with posture caused Shiro to go in his own momentary daze before snapping himself out of it.

Eleasia was really captivating if she didn't have her usual Cold and ruthless persona on missions, she was kind and gentle like an upper classman and her body was also in great shape-----Bad thoughts Shiro!

Eleasia: You always talk about your teachers and specifically your Guardian, tell me about them?

Shiro thought for a bit.

Shiro: Well.....I can't tell their identities but I'll give you their personalities, first in short form.

Eleasia was listening.

Shiro: (I Don't care about Merlin but please....let Shishou be absent from the Land of Shadows at this time please!)

Scathach was strangely absent from her Castle and land at different times but Shiro didn't pry.

Shiro: My Magecraft teacher is really unreliable, The first time we met, he did something to me by giving me a orb it helped me but I thought I was going to die! He also seems to like Pranks and is a "Little" interested in females.

Eleasia didn't move but looked at Shiro blankly.

Shiro: My Melee weapon's teacher might be a bit "too" into training, she trains me great but perhaps in ways I am sure would make Veteran Warriors cry, I once asked if she was trying to kill me, she said yes since only in Life or Death Situations can I Draw out my Body's potential.

Eleasia: (Why do these people sound even more crazy than the other Titled Executors at the Agency and his second teacher kind of reminds me of Nabareck *Shiver*) Okay....what about your Guardian.

Shiro gained a happy look that Eleasia rarely saw.

Shiro: Yeah my teachers can be extreme, but they mean well, My Magecraft teacher thinks he can't understand humans but at times I realized he acted with more Humanity than anyone I know even his pranks and antics were ones to cheer me up and I gotta admit his teachings were topnotch even with his attitude, My other teacher is strict but I know she saw something in me for her to put such effort in training me and I don't wanna let her down so she can throw anything at me I'll just become better soon, I will become a warrior she can be proud of and even beat her (I also want to fulfill her new promise of defeating her and one day maybe...hehehe).

After his inner laugh of possibly defeating Scathach and being able to successfully court her to become his wife Shiro snapped out of his day dreams, Yes he was attracted to Scathach, he was dense as brick wall still but it has lowered and Scathach was the first woman he wanted to make his, he didn't let his intentions be known except for Eva who after teasing him told him the best way to win her heart.

Shiro: Eva was the name of my Guardian, but I'll be honest it's best to call her my "Mother" I even sometimes accidently called her mom, she was there for me when the fire happened, she helped me when I had nightmares always comforting me and soothing me, she is a teacher also to me even though she only still gives tips and occasional lessons but for me she was always equivalent to my mom, I bȧrėly hide anything from her, she even played with me and encouraged me pursue my dream with my head held high and that she will be there to ȧssist me.

Eleasia watched as Shiro described "Eva" for her Eva sounded just like a angel that came to help Shiro when he was at his lowest and eventually became something like a mother to him, protecting him, guiding him but most importantly being there for him.

Shiro: She took a broken Boy and pieced him back together to become what he is today, Eva was the one that made Shiro Emiya of Today.

Shiro didn't see it but he could feel Eva smile gently in his Reality Marble, he wasn't ashamed or embarrassed to admit the truth now and found he actually felt lighter than ever.

Eleasia: She seems like a wondrous person.

Eleasia smiled gently at Shiro who smiled back.

Shiro: You'll love her and let me tell you she's very strong.

Eleasia was thinking of her last Question, one that would be very important for her.

Eleasia: Last Question.......

Shiro listened to Eleasia's last question.

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