Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 31 - Chaos vs Demon Killer

In the End it was the Killer that killed the Beast King.



(A/N: Another Big Chapter for the Fight, I'm relatively new to Fight scenes so tell me what you thought about the Chapter. That's it Enjoy)

-Past, After leaving Eleasia-

Shiro was riding his bike while looking around with his Mystic Eyes, he found that there was no more remains of Kaito or his forces left but instead of heading towards the air port he was moving his bike towards an abandoned area.

Eva: (Shiro)

Shiro: (I know)

Shiro didn't have to turn his head to see the strange Crow that was following him for some time but the thing that gave it away was that the Crow had red eyes, A quick scan with his eyes told Shiro that the Crow wasn't normal but was a familiar made of some black sludge that was sharing sight and sense with its master.

But by the looks of it, A Powerful Dead Apostle was on his tail probably an Ancestor, so instead of panicking Shiro formulated a plan and led the bird and it's master towards an abandoned building where Shiro can set up his own tools and make his own playing field like his father said having knowledge of an enemy as well control of the place of Conflict will grant him an advantage.

Stopping at a abandoned Construction Building where he saw no living thing in sight, Shiro took off his helmet and jumped from his bike but before he entered the abandoned building Shiro traced a Dagger and threw it at the bird, which got cut in half before transforming in a black goo that moved away.

Inside Shiro got to the fifth floor, seeing aside from pillars there wasn't much in the floor not even Walls aside from the walls of the building or other miscellaneous items to hamper him Shiro nodded to himself before muttering.

Shiro: Trace On.

Feeling the flow of Prana, Shiro traced four black keys which he inscribed a special unique rune on them which he calls "Trace Rune" throwing them at the four corners of the Floor, Shiro drew a Rune of Light on the Black Keys which obstructed light from the region making the Keys invisible only by sight not sense but it would do.

Shiro: Jasper Trace weapons that are Anti-Demon to Anti-Monster and make copies of the stronger ones.

Shiro: (Sigh) sorry we don't have time and if I'm right the vampire after us is a Dead Apostle Ancestor if who we call even arrives on time if they are someone weak then they will just pointlessly die we're on our own.

After setting the swords in numerous Locations Shiro got behind a pillar.

Shiro: Jasper Trace Har---No trace Durandal.

In Shiro's arm materialized the sword of Roland, Knight of Charlesmagne the sword was at first Durindina the spear of Hector before becoming Durandal and housing the three Miracles God bestowed in the Blade.

Jasper: Shiro isn't Harpe better for fighting Vampires?

Shiro: We might face a Ancestor Jasper, being overconfident and revealing one of our trump cards will either result in our death or worse the other Dead Apostles find out about our abillity start hunting us instead.

Shiro told Jasper.

Waiting for a while Shiro heard Footsteps approach he discretely activated his Mystic Eyes of Revealation and scanned his oppenent before he got to look at him.

Shiro was shocked seeing the Former Man's body structure, He didn't even have a body his current form was entirely made of some Black Goo like the Grail Mud but not malicious or radiating evil instead it radiated twisted Life of about 666 creatures put together to form that monster that took the form of a Human Dead Apostle, Hell even his Trench coat was made of the Black sludge.

Nrvnqsr Chaos

Formerly known as Fabro Rowan, Alchemist from Wandering Sea, by infusing his body with 666 beasts he fundamentally changed himself to the point that aside from his hands and head underneath his Trench Coat is pure darkness, he slowly losing his mind because of the fusion and highly dangerous since he has high number of Familiars for all purposes even Phantasmal species, that he is known as #10 of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors.

Shiro: (Curse my stupid Luck)

Shiro decided that hiding was meaningless so he left the pillar and confronted Chaos from a fair distance.

Chaos had thin black cracks over his skin like his skin was breaking and had Grey hair, he stared at Shiro unimpressed.

Shiro had also doned his face mask, not needing to use the hood.

Chaos:...So you are the rumored "Demon Killer".

Shiro looked around.

Shiro: Depends, I do not see anyone else here.

Chaos: It doesn't matter who or what you are you will be useful after you become one with my Chaos.

Shiro only looked at him blankly.

Shiro: Okay.....1 that was stupid, You sounded like you copied some cheesy Villain's dialogue.

Jasper: (Hahahaha)

Chaos's Eyebrow twitched.

Shiro: And 2.


Just like the voice of Jasper sounded in Shiro's mind the invisible Black keys that had the "Trace Rune" on them lit up and established an invisible connection with eachother as the entire Floor was enveloped in a Bounded Field.

Shiro: Even if you are stronger than normal Dead Apostles even as an Ancestor you were a Magus, An Alchemist and after becoming an Ancestor or even a Vampire your arrogance increased just like the ones I've faced.....

Shiro: That will cause your Death.....

Suddenly the air stilled, Chaos already felt somethings hidden in the room when he entered even though he couldn't see them, but he never expected them to be.....


Flying Swords!!?

Shiro: Just like them.

Before Chaos was able to do anything his beasts were shredded by the swords some swords that had the Runes Ansuz or Sowilo inscribed on them burned their targets, The Anti Demon and Monster attribute making quick work as the hidden blades shredded the monsters before they were able to move.

TRACE DIMENSION Successfully connected to Reality Marble

Shiro moved his arm upward as he poured Prana in his connection with Trace Dimension and his Reality Marble, More Swords materialized above him and around him in floating position, he swung his arms as the Blades also went Flying.

Chaos started moving around while releasing more beasts trying to overwhelm Shiro since even after killing his Beast they will return to him and will only need sometime to regenerate before entering the fight again but Shiro not only had Swords, Reinforcing his body he joined the fight.

Eva had already told Shiro that unless he killed all of the 666 beasts of Chaos at once or before they return to his body he won't die unfortunately he had few weapons that affected the Soul directly or he could Harm Chaos that way but Eva told him when he once again used his Mystic Eyes on him that his Chaos was twisted and parts of it scattered in its bodily Black Sludge that Eva called the Soil of Genesis, so if he did actually harm him he will only become aware to defend himself to future attacks.

Worse since his Body was made of this Soil of Genesis, Harpe's abillity to give unhealable wounds or to impose Mortality will only partially work so in time wounds made by Harpe or other similar weapons like Gae Buidhe will heal just not immediately in combat.

Thankfully he had Avalon and even without the Fae Blessing it was offering as much help as it could for now his shoulder wound closed and his bleeding stopped, the pain of using his left arm as well as his waist was also lessened.

Shiro: (Goddamnit! Do I have to use my Reality Marble, I can't take a Gamble but how else am I gonna filled him with enough attac---!!! That's it!!!)

Shiro wanted to beat himself, he coincidentally had the perfect thing to beat Chaos. He just had to get near him.

Shiro watched as a group of beast from both his sides were about to attack him, he quickly drew two different runes in the air at his sides.

Shiro: Ansuz! Sowilo!

By Combining both Runes they gained eachother's properties with the Explosiveness of the Concentrated Heat of Ansuz and the Spreading Aspect of Sowilo.

The Two fire Runes affect combined as they transformed into two streams of concentrated Fire that spread to his sides and hit both groups effectively killing 90% of the beasts with the rest injured.

Suddenly Chaos lunged at Shiro with his greatest speed, the darkness in his Shoulders and ċhėst squirmed, his right Shoulder Manifested a Demon faced beast along attached to it was a sharp clawed arm his left Shoulder Manifested a strong Muscular black arm and his ċhėst revealed the Maw of some beast with sharp teeth.

Chaos's expression expressed greed and fanaticism, the boy was more than he though no wonder the Dead Apostles he faced died, his small detour to finding the White Princess was a right gamble if he was allowed to absorb the boy.

Noble Phantasms that are able to affect him!

Strong Magic Circuits (What he believes)

Unknown Mystic Eyes!

Mastery over Real Primordial/Primeval Runes!

Anyone of those things is able to drive any Magus or Dead Apostle crazy and he WANTS it!

Chaos: LET ME EAT YOU!!!

He quickly swiped his Manifested Claw at Shiro fully believing he has got him since he surpassed Shiro's speed as well as he was within Range to quickly get him without Shiro being able to run or maneuver.

But he once again Underestimated the Boy.......Trained by The Magus killer, The Queen of the Land of Shadows and the Magus of Flowers.

Shiro: (O Holy Sword, Give me the Power to Surpass Wind)

Shiro used one of the Miracles held within Durandal as he was covered in a thin layer of Golden Aura.

Shiro: (Jasper!)

Jasper: (Already on it!)

In a split second Harpe was traced since it wasn't removed from its saved slot it only needed a split second to be Traced.

He swung both weapons so fast that his hands became Blurs and successfully cut off both the Claw and Large Black hand, Then Shiro pierced Durandal in the Large mouth in Chaos ċhėst in a swift motion and fast motion pushing Chaos a couple of steps back as he staggered.

Since Shiro let go of Durandal the Golden Aura of the Miracle that increased his speed was starting to fade but before it did he materialized the hardest thing he could Trace in Time.

A one shot Pistol like Kiritsugu's Thompson Contender.

Unlike swords, Guns were the hardest thing for Shiro to make he felt like his entire being reject them which also caused him to have Horrendous talent in terms of Firearms, one example is aim, if he wasn't close to his Target then even getting one shot in would be a miracle, Kiritsugu's eyes twitched seeing Shiro's display.

Eva explained that Swords represented Honor, Chivalry, Valor and Heroics since they were a well known weapons for Heroes especially Famous ones like King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table or even the Dragon Slaying Hero Siegfried but Guns were the closest Antithesis to swords, they were dishonorable and looked down upon as they broke multiple laws of Chivalry and Heroics and one of the main reasons why for a long time there haven't been any New Heroic Spirits ascending to the Throne of Heroes and since his Origin is Sword, explained the results.

Jasper quickly materialized a bullet which Shiro loaded and pointed the gun at Chaos.

Who finished Regenerating the Large Black Arm he just cut with Durandal unlike the Claw which was still squirming at it's cut region trying to regenerate.


The Bullet flew the moment the Golden aura disappeared and Chaos was only able to see it not being able to stop it as it came inside his body.

He stopped only for a split second before rushing once more and hitting Shiro with his Large Black Arm.

Shiro reinforced his body to his current Limit (Nearly to his Fibres) and brought his left arm up to defend himself.


Shiro nearly cursed as the force swung him towards the other side of the room, The wall cracking a bit behind him as he felt his already fractured Left arm as well as 3 ribs break along with his shoulder wound once again opening and started bleeding.

Shiro: Gha!!!

Shiro felt air leave his lungs as Harpe dispersed into Motes of Prana, it was only because of Reinforcement as well as Avalon that he was alive.

Nrvnqsr Chaos watched before releasing Soil of Genesis(Black Sludge) towards the Ground as he was willing it to go towards the incapitated Shiro to devour him so that he could take his knowledge as well as improve his body by absorbing his body but before the soil of Genesis traveled a few inches.....

Chaos felt his body freeze along with the Black Sludge as he felt a prickly sensation at his ċhėst.


Chaos looked at his oppenent who lifted his head and looked back his mouth leaking some blood at the side of his lips but was unnerving was that he was looking at him with a mocking Grin.

Shiro:....You know some great people died not by a blade or in battle....but because of their enemy's wit or special tactics....take the Great Conqueror Iskandar for Example he didn't die in battle but because of having his food poisoned.......I told you your arrogance will be your Death.....

Chaos couldn't understand but even taking a single step was hard for him as the sensation in his ċhėst was becoming uncomfortable.

Chaos: That bullet....! it was one of the Magus killer's special bullets but it shouldn't have worked on me.

Shiro snorted.

Shiro: Didn't your mother ever tell you not to take strange things.....Haaah...Yes the base of that bullet was of my Father's secret ammo but if I used that on you, you could just put any of your beasts in your body possibly the weakest one to take the hit, it would be good if the beast permanently dies but....who said I was the same as my Dad.

Chaos didn't like where the conversation was going.

Shiro: My Origin and one of my Elements are both "Sword" making me a Incarnation, I make swords of Different kind, all types with my Magecraft with the Right Blue Prints, one day I had the Crazy idea of what would happen if I put my Origin of Sword in the Bullet like my dad did with his, you know stuffing multiples swords inside a bullet that get released in accordance with the Prana given.

Chaos felt thunder sound in his mind by the Implications as the discomfort grew.

Shiro: But it was a failed experiment, one I had no talent in Firearms plus the Bullet released the swords mid flight or when a certain amounts of Prana was given.....you might be thinking why I'm telling you this but when someone has a Reality Marble like yours which is internal like a dimension to store your beasts.....well it's perfect cage when you fill it with ever increasing Anti-Monster and Anti-Demon swords......

Nrvnqsr Chaos's already pale skin got even whiter as he understood what was happening and like an Alarm bell his Body was suddenly Wrecked with Pain that he fell on one Knee, black blood slowly flowing out of his eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Shiro:.....You're practically already dead..... (Cold Tone)

Inside of him, in his Reality Marble, Lair of the Beast King, The special bullet was absorbing his Prana like a hungry beast as it was releasing swords saved inside of it unceasingly as the amount kept growing when the pain hit it was when everyone of the 666 beasts were stabbed at least with one sword which was increasing at an Alarming Rate!

If some beast was successful in destroying one sword, another 5 where ready to stab it in its place and all having Anti-Monster and Anti-Demon Attributes! Even Chaos's trump cards like the Scorpion Beasts and Phantasmal Beast which he didn't get to release were being relentlessly stabbed!

Chaos's entire face was practically covered in Black blood he was leaking, he wailed his body in unimaginable pain but he still looked at Shiro with Undisguised Wrath, his only thought to kill him as he knew he chances of survival were slim, as he won't have a chance to accomplish his goal of Absorbing the White Princess and becoming the Greatest Dead Apostle or even understanding the Chaos in his body so he might as well bring Shiro down with him.

Nrvnqsr Chaos's body squirmed as all of his beasts converged and combined with himself to form his greatest Trump card, The 999th Beast, A Whitish beast with Black red veins several feet taller than him with extreme speed and Strength.

But when he fully transformed his form was bloody with Black Blood as different swords protruded out in different locations, limiting his Speed immensely mainly because of the pain and somewhat limiting his strenght but he still took large quaking steps towards Shiro.

Chaos: (I only....need one hit...AND I'LL KILL HIM!)

Shiro didn't move from his seated position looking on indifferently at the approaching Behemoth as he slowly held his right hand out and snapped his fingers.



Suddenly the Rune that was inscribed on the bullet within Chaos glowed before transforming into Concentrated Flames that quickly spread and absorbed the other swords like fuel empowering them with their Prana.

The Behemoth was suddenly Engulfed in Flames starting from his ċhėst before quickly spreading towards his entire body as it wailed and considerably slowed down but the Maniacal look that it had didn't lessen.

Chaos: (Just...a...little Closer...)

When he was only a few meters before Shiro, Chaos's legs crumbled but he tried to drag himself and when his hand was only a meter away from Shiro....

He stilled...

The flames were put out as the blackened Charred form of the #10 Dead Apostle Ancestor became visible before crumbling into Ash in front of Shiro.

Shiro:.....Good Riddance....

Jasper: Phew! Shiro that was close! I thought we were about to Die! Well....maybe not even though Scathach isn't present and Merlin "might" be able to do something but Eva would definitely save you!

Shiro: (Haha.....I know Jasper but...thanks Eva for letting me fight.....it was an Eye opener for me)

Eva suddenly Materialized in front of Shiro, Her expression a mixture of Worry and a Frown, well mostly Worry.

Eva: Even though I said I wanted you to be depended on yourself and face these challenges to improve yourself, How! am I not to be worried if you end up in your current state, You took on a Being that's existence became akin to Mystery.

The Top 10 of 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors were in a league of their own even if the Ranking was on the threat to humanity not from Power it was agreed upon that the top 10 were all beings that either lived for so long or advanced their power to the point that their Existence became akin to Mystery only harming them with even greater Mystery, So normal Magecraft's mystery was useless, Shiro was lucky that his Traces along with his other abillities like Primeval Runes had high enough Mystery to harm Chaos.

Shiro tried to get up but fell back down since his stamina was really low along with his injuries that even though Avalon was desperately trying to heal were still visible, Mutiple bruises, A deep bite wound on his Right Shoulder and a broke left arm along with 5 or more broken Ribs.

Along with the fact that he was slightly mentally fatigued and wanted a rest if not for Chaos battling him put him in a less than savory position, where he was dead tired and close to losing consciousness, thankfully he will live.

Jasper: Don't worry Shiro! I already called Ciel! she'll be here shortly.

Jasper floated to Shiro and explained.

Shiro: Huh?.....I was pretty sure she already left...hey Jasper wake me up later......okay.....

Before Shiro went Unconscious he swiped his arm and all the swords that already didn't disappear, Dissipated into blue motes of Prana and the Trace Dimension, bounded Field's swords also dissipated he reached out and drew some runes around him erecting a Bounded Field that made People stay away as well as stop sound from traveling.

Shiro then fell unconscious.

Eva looked at him before sighing.

Eva: I guess this is for the best.....Jasper thank you for calling Ciel, I wouldn't want to move him either to his own Reality Marble or even transport him to Merlin for healing while unconscious like this, let's leave healing to Avalon and possibly Ciel and her "Friend"

Jasper: Leave it to me Eva! I'll protect Shiro while the others arrive!

Eva nodded and was about to return when she stopped.

Eva: Oh someone arrived.

Jasper: Ciel sure is fast.

Eva shook her head.

Eva: No not Ciel....someone else and stronger than Chaos even.

Jasper: WHAT!!!

Jasper instantly tensed, Shiro just got out of a fight that nearly Killed him and he won because he had the last Experimental bullet with him that happened to be the perfect counter for Chaos without unleashing his Reality Marble but if someone stronger is here than that's bad, especially since Shiro isn't even in any shape to release his Reality Marble.

Eva: Don't be scared Jasper, I believe the one arriving here isn't a threat even with the increased power and if by off chance they try to harm Shiro, I'll kill them Okay?

Eva said this very casually as it was no big deal and others would take this as Arrogance but Jasper visibly relaxed, he took a glance at Eva's power and could say that Shiro was in Safe hands unless some freakishly strong person comes to hurt him like a Divine Spirit, TYPE or even Primate Murder.

Jasper nodded to Eva before wrapping itself around Shiro's wrist once again.

Eva also started Fading as she disappeared.

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